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  1. Agree, except that "evil" got in!
  2. Have you just finished colouring in your MAGA Jan 6 school book?
  3. Yes so that the majority of Trump supporters can understand the contents! 😁
  4. 47’s priorities are devoted to fixing shafting the USA for his benefit.
  5. Who cares as they are now here!
  6. You did when you posted about wealth inequality!
  7. The usual scaremongers are out enjoying themselves! They will be telling us we have to wear a Tin yellow star until we get an RD TIN next!
  8. The so called majority in that case should get their finger(s) out and join the so called minority and stop looking for the socialists to tax the wealthy to pay for their idleness!
  9. I totally agree. Think of all the stupidity people are missing when they put certain idiotic posters on ignore!
  10. My humble apologies but I thought the "angry-orange sweat ball" came out of an ex Planet called Uranus!
  11. I will leave all the wild speculations to you! It seems to be your one forte!
  12. What an incredibly erudite response! (I think not!)
  13. Why should the Martians have to suffer? They have never done us any harm!

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