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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. There most certainly is a difference! Look up the words "inadvertent" and "Deliberate"; From the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) inadvertent n adjective not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning. deliberate n adjective 1 done consciously and intentionally. fully considered; not impulsive.
  2. For believing the so called oxymoron of Artificial Intelligence is real!
  3. You have missed the point! You made an exaggerated comment and have failed to defended it. It therefore removes all (if any) credibility you may have been trying to make!
  4. I did not know that looking at packets can kill you!
  5. The MAGA-minds work in mysterious dishonest ways!
  6. You can be as alarmist as you want! I don't care! I love it here and will continue to ignore the exaggerations of you and your ilk! Enjoy your new home!
  7. Why is this nonentity in the news?
  8. How many road deaths are there per day involving Thais and how many non Thais die of all causes per day? I think your statement is a gross overstatement of the true situation! I am sure that you will be unable to find a reliable source to back up your statement regarding mortuaries! It may of course have happened to one mortuary after one large incident but I doubt it!
  9. Don't think so; Drug Overdose Death Rates | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (nih.gov)
  10. Given the above why would anyone in their right mind (i.e. not used drugs before) even try the sh!t if they are not going to enjoy it the first time? ???? As for it being a medicine that is one of the best jokes I have read in a long time!
  11. Thanks but there is no need! I love CM. It is my retirement dream, with my long term partner, and we will not be scared away by comments like yours!
  12. Don't worry it is just marketeer's being disingenuous with their use of the English language to dupe people! I am not against what the Apps do. I am totally against the "falsehoods" and misinformation around the marketing and use of the oxymoron "Artificial Intelligence"!
  13. God decides it’s finally time to send Jesus back to Earth. *poof* All of a sudden, Jesus finds himself on the side of a road in the middle of rural America. He sticks out his thumb for a ride and before long a man in a truck stops to give him a lift. Not revealing his true identity, Jesus thanks the man for stopping. Jesus: Wow thank you sir, so many people just ignored me standing there. Man: don’t worry about it! That’s just what good people do. After a few minutes driving the man leans over, Man: Hey, I have this sandwich here, ya want some? Jesus: wow, thank you sir, that’s so kind of you! I’d love some. A few more minutes pass and the man leans over again, Man: Hey I have a few beers in the cooler back there, want one? Amazed by the man’s kindness Jesus replies, Jesus: wow sure! I’d love one. Thank you again. After a few more miles down the road the man looks around suspiciously and says, Man: hey…I uh, have a little joint here. Want to take a few puffs with me? Jesus pauses for a second and replies, Jesus: ya know what, why not! So the man and Jesus drive down the road smoking the fattest joint listening to music and having a good time. Finally, Jesus speaks up, Jesus: okay listen! I can’t keep quiet any longer! You have been so kind, so nice, I want to tell you…I’m Jesus! God sent me down here to help the people and you’ve just been so kind. What can I do to repay you? Anything! The man looks at Jesus with a grin on his face and says, “Good sh!t, aint'it huh?”
  14. Another slice of the same! Two slices of bread got married. The ceremony was going quite well! Until that is someone decided to toast the bride and groom.
  15. A man walks into a bakery, points to some bread and asks; 'Is this Gluten free?' Cashier: No. It costs £4.50
  16. I hope that is bread stick (loaf) in his other hand!
  17. He will make sure it is leaked so he can put it on his T shirts for sale!
  18. You can guarantee that it will be leaked and published! I just wonder what the going rate for the bribe to do so will be?
  19. Why have most posts not been deleted in the past as I have seen little sign of any intelligence (apart from mine of course) on this site either real or artificial. ???? Ps; I do hope this whole thread is just an April Fool thread!
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