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baansgr last won the day on April 3 2020

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  1. You gotta admit though, Thailand hasn't really changed in 30 years..ok not Samui etc but generally Thailand is same same and hardly anymore expensive. If you didn't look at the news, you could stay in the last century without any of this woke, jihad, immigration crap...it simply does not exist here.
  2. Ha ha...not quite old boy...there is more to being British than having a passport 👍
  3. A lot of lawyers have made a lot of money off this...
  4. The tax office is going to give 20,000 baht to every foreigner that hasn't wasted their time on this nonsense, those that have wasted their time by declaring their earnings will be fined 20,000 baht 😁 😁 😁
  5. I believe your luggage is check all the way through but still dumb
  6. Name me a police force that is not corrupt?
  7. Who cares, at least you can get a curry or kebab at 1am... remember diversity is our strength
  8. But do I deserve these citizenships, I have never even been to one of the countries...you see how stupid it is defining someone by their passport
  9. How long befor.tbis thread turns into a rent rather than buy topic
  10. British, Namibian and Irish citizenship...what nationality am I...???
  11. I have tri nationality, what does that make me???
  12. Another woke indoctrinated lefty..If it's defined by the passport, what if they have 2 or 3 passports which most of these so called Brits have. They are not, never have been and never will be British...you obviously have no idea about what being British is
  13. No they are not, I was born in Rhodesia...dosnt make.me.Rhodesian
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