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Everything posted by baansgr

  1. Good job you are not in the UK..you would be imprisoned for 3 years for that comment
  2. Id be more worried about all the pedos crossing the border, unchecked and unvetted young men from different cultures....that's the real elephant in the room
  3. It isn't required but shaves 5 years of the process
  4. Have you paid tax and social security payments on your income earned in Thailand for the past 4 years, that is a requirement for citizenship.ok. not jumping on anyone's back👍
  5. But you don't contribute, how much tax and social security did you pay last year on your salary earned in Thailand?
  6. They actually give men married to Thai women 5 years off the application process
  7. Of course you don't, have you contributed any tax or social security payments to the Thai system?
  8. Thai citizenship is relatively easy for those that qualify. Don't moan if you don't qualify, and if you do you should have applied already
  9. And what does anyone's wealth or lack of it have to do with this thread
  10. It's not really my call not being a US citizen and am always open to dialogue but can see from your post it would be pointless. Straight off the bat you call Trump and his supporters fascists adhering to some mad cult, that just isn't true, and in no way would I say you are a retarded liberal traitor as I respect everyone's opinion to make their views vocal unlike fascists..you know Hitler, Mussolini, Franco..all fascist Dictators closing down free speech with violence. MSM and sly news especially paint him and his followers as fascists but they are all controlled left wing media outlets. Anyway, the next few weeks will see the outcome, good luck to you and every US citizen and hope you get the result you desire
  11. About half the population of US
  12. I knew there was a few bad Americans around but surely not 170 million of them
  13. Oh the joys of eating out, bad service, cold/uncooked food, diahreea, dirty utensils and high prices...now to add an enforced 10% tip, plus VAT and and extra 200 baht just for the privilege...hardley eat out in Thailand for years because of this...few weeks ago on the very rare occasion I did and guess what, Bangkok Belly within a few hours...I would hasten to add, this is not common to only Thailand
  14. Exactly, and in other news, UK reported 57 stabbings yesterday with 3 fatalities and 21 shootings,.117 rapes and attempted rapes
  15. My mates brother said he can stay in Thailand for 5 years for 10,000 baht on a DTV...maybe has to leave once a year...I thought it was 180 days, then another 180 days over the next 4.5 years...what is correct answer please
  16. Changing colour of bike coats 9 baht, no excuse really
  17. Your insurance is non valid. Vehicles can only obtain once vehicle is taxed 👍 if you are over 3 years of non payment, you will need to register the bike
  18. The anniversary of start of Kings funeral which lasted 5 days
  19. I remember Yinn, the foreign man posing as a Thai girl....won POTY contest...I suppose trans was on here befor real life
  20. Not to mention the stove less than 2 foot away with a naked flame burning
  21. But non smokers are so selfish.. take a bar or resto with 2 or 3 tables outside for smokers and 15 inside for non smokers, guess where the non smokers sit...selfish to the core..
  22. Only bars celebrate this
  23. Too cold, too hot..no pleasing some
  24. Proof is in the pudding..just look at UK now, scenes never seen befor in such numbers
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