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Everything posted by baansgr

  1. Well this thread is nothing to do with UK, most Chinese, Russian and Koreans buy in Thailand...In fact it's not really to do with property ownership, it's about nominee companies..as for UK, they should enact legislation for 1 property per UK national and raise interest rates
  2. Who do you think stays in all these condos..a large percentage of the 35 million tourists that's who
  3. Still a majority, you lost, deal with it. Not sore, infact am so happy...do you realise what a hypocrite you are...you are the one that was aggressively and obnoxiously trying to shut up Trump supporters...you lost, we won and what a great victory it was to smash you racist, fascist Nazis.. now toddle off, do you need contact details of a support group to help with your tragic mental instability....bad loser, that's all you are
  4. The majority won, freedom of speech won, you nazi, rasist fascists lost...toodle odd now like a good loser
  5. And how much is the house worth without the land...zero, nada, absolutely nothing
  6. You do know sterling has crashed and mortgage rates have increased the past week...when did we see that last time
  7. We can all see the devastation caused to the economy that no tourism caused....but they never learn.
  8. The winter fuel allowance is a drop in the ocean compared to what I said. £920 monthly housing allowance, £100 a month for 1st child...there are many in Thailand, especially Phuket and Pattaya that are doing this and have been for years.
  9. I've been in Philippines 👍
  10. Exactly, I have lost count of the amount of Eastern Europeans that are claiming child allowance amongst other benefits but the real kicker is, they are renting out their counc il/housing association property and and pocketing the rent..
  11. Probably, there is 1 or 2 that have already contradicted themselves..👍
  12. We can all guess what nationality they are, and it's not indian
  13. Half expected it to be a foreigner, that's the usual par for course
  14. How about the inconsiderate tourists that I have driven very slowly behind them waiting for them to move, get the feck out the way...I am aware of using the born hence why I wait for people to move but these aholes think they are something else...no, go home the lot of them, rude self centered waste of space
  15. Dodgy electrics from the owner
  16. I know but Phuket has more than anywhere else
  17. The high season is upon us already and with it brings the self entitled, boozed up angry European yobs that think they own the place. Yesterday on a simple 5k ride, I had what could of escalated into the same as this. Pedestrians, wandering in middle of the road, blow horn and get a mouthful of hate back at me, another zebra crossing when lights are green for drivers another idiot(drunk) at 2pm starts the mouth of swearing at me...this idiots need to stay at home, you are not welcome here
  18. Phuket would be a better option, full of sex workers there, more than Pattaya in fact
  19. He's deleted all his tweets from years ago..must be getting worried about what he said about Trump..the man is a loon
  20. Some people need to look up fascist and dictator in the dictionary...they would then realise who the real fascists and dictators are...Go Trump👍 great result 👍
  21. Well done Trump, what a fantastic result. At last some normality, rather than the leftist, nazi, fascist, rasist dictatorships that seem to be in control of the West. The future looks bright, you gotta wear shades..Go Trump
  22. Don't think we will here from him for a while, or any of that smug gang of losers
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