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Everything posted by baansgr

  1. I think 60 is classified as OAP in Thailand, I feel privileged I made it and to hold that title
  2. Racist...is against a race...what race is he being racist against..if it helps I am a raging racist and don't like anyone but English
  3. You said Nigel is a liar and a racist I asked you to give me an example of something he said to be a lie or racist and you have refused...more pathetic deflection about alcoholism..I don't drink
  4. So you can't find any...typical lefty LBC lover...talks the talk but can't walk the walk...you have just proved to everyone what a lieing person you are...more votes for Nigel, thankyou very much
  5. Would help if you read.mine and answered my question..how has Farage lied, or said anything racist..come on, either you are still scrolling through Google to find an example or know what you say is BS
  6. So why UK, not part of our empire and they are in France a SAFE country..economic migrants that are too bone idle to do anything about it except come and scrounge off the UK..your politics are right outa the 70s..even John Lennon said in 1971 it wouldn't matter how much aid was given to foreign countries, it won't do any good...and he was right..different cultures have different values and a lot of them are not comparable with that of UK
  7. Stop answering questions with a question and answer my question please...
  8. That ole chestnut, What countries...,.like Vietnam, Albania, venezuela...get a new excuse, the old one has been done to death
  9. Same same, what would you expect from someone that is from the most corrupt country in africa and uses a fake name..really she has no place in British politics
  10. I asked that also...you can just imagine them scrolling through Google etc to try and find one but there isn't one 👍 of course they will come up with something that someone else said years ago which was nothing to with him
  11. With interest rates being so high it makes financial sense to use an agent....unless you are doing 65k a month if you really need that much..extension costs 12k baht...5% of 800k baht equals 40k baht
  12. Why?.. give clear and concise examples, not hearsay
  13. One example of each, lie? racist and inciting riots...LBC is hardly a upstanding station is it. Await your confirmation
  14. Did he get his.money back?
  15. Mostly always foreigners fault...just yesterday saw 2 incidents of foreigners cursing and blinding at Thai drivers for nothing more than going slow while looking for somewhere... entitled pratts
  16. I know the reason, so again, arabs wont even take palestinians...and what is my implication???
  17. Not even the arabs want to take the palestinians, say about it all really
  18. Chinas economy is bad thus effects AUS economy
  19. Probably only because of the high profile case of a black man eating a traffic ticket
  20. Amazing, some big mouthed, selfish idiot cloggy does wheelies and could easily have killed someone and all people say is...well Thais go break the law... Wait till he kills or maims someone you know...won't be saying that then..he is a wannabe Muay Thai spastic and needs teaching a lesson
  21. Really, never seen it in such a built up busy area as this nonce was doing it....he is a potential murderer..by the way, do 2 wrongs make a right
  22. Can't blame this on white privilege though can he ..just look at his aggressive stance like he is the king of bongo bongo land.....need to stamp on this crap here
  23. I don't see any Thais doing this in built up areas...has the man even got a licence..Muay Thai boxing, what a true welt..go home before you hurt someone
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