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Everything posted by baansgr

  1. Yanks again...don't be mislead by £400..it was $400
  2. But the "f@ck off" said by him is surely enough to realise the kick was deliberate
  3. It won't help, just makes room for a large baht bus/taxi rank so your back down to 1 lane again...waste of tome
  4. Same any where in Thailand, destroy the fauna and floods will surely come. No matter how many drains are fitted, bad planning for the past 25 years. Thailand should of concentrated on it's natural beauty and attracted the millionaires, rather than destroying everything and attracting tin pot cheap Charlies..too late, the damage is done
  5. I doubt you should even be doing inspections, even with a WP that would be a reserved occupation. Let the Mrs handle it
  6. It's not a beach that makes it a beach, it's the whole surrounding area. Bang Saray has been a victim of it's own success. 15 years ago was ideal but now especially due to sea saran company, it's nothing more that a satellite of Pattaya. No infrastructure, a restaurant or bar for every other person, horrendous traffic, condo after condo being built and not even a bank. Sorry, it's been ruined by expats and their issan Thai wives, and not to mention the back stabbing and thieving that goes on with real estate. Far cleaner and friendlier places in Thailand to spend money 👍
  7. Maybe the owner told him not too, and maybe he as a typical foreigner told them to F off...what's to do...see it all too often, guys with a bit of money, young girl/wife and they suddenly become gangster No1..if only they behaved themselves
  8. The wig wam hotel in Phuket and radio ham in Laos...remember many of your posts 👍
  9. With the Thai economy and over 2,000 factories closing in the past year..is it any wonder. The nightlife for foreigners of the bus stop Soi is looking very tired with girls that have been working there for 20 or more years. I like it but it's not what.people really want. Bit like going back in time
  10. Do we need.to be reminded of this wokery in Thailand. 4 million voters are represented by 5 MPs, whereas 3.5 million represented by almost 100...we all know what diverse means, it's anti white, anti male, antí gender....everyone seems.to be voted in on their colour, religion or gender, not because they are the best person for the job but simply for one of the reasons mentioned. We have seen how "good" they are at their jobs, with humza the terrorist sympathiser, sunak another non white and.now it's Wales turn for their non white.member.to get the boot. Stick to pale, stale ole whity...The country would be a far better place
  11. Somewhere between 20-30 million baht..and what's happening about the Swiss lady beater, that's all gone quite
  12. When all your friends, and I mean real friends not just someone random are Thai males and not female....you can safely say you are a local
  13. Thanks to phoney tony...no election in UK is democratic anymore
  14. It's not only Thailand but Egypt, Turkey and.Greec to name just a few, in fact Thailand is far from their 1st choice
  15. I met one 20 years ago who is now married to an English diver from.Phuket and living in UK with 2 daughters. Poor guy thinks he lucked out on a prime and proper girl.....no idea she worked in a bar at 14 years old, sent to Samui by her parents and has seen more "@£# than a secondhand dartboard.
  16. Of course they do, especially if they are white they report white person but if not white they don't mention colour.. MSM.are terrible...the headline that the German cop that got murdered by an Islamist terrorist read " man stabbed at far right protests"..are they crazy?😁
  17. It's 10, 000 plus 10,000 extension only once giving a max 360 days over a 5 year period
  18. Stop sitting on tables for 4 or 6..go the billy no mates table where they are asking you too
  19. Hold on, if you haven't paid tax on your incomom abroad in your own country, it's only fair you pay tax on it here. I don't know anybody that doesn't.pay income tax in their own country if it's required. I wonder how many uneducated have contacted and paid a lawyer for advice, cos that is all this article is about.
  20. Best to keep the old pervy sexpests at home so .normal people can enjoy life
  21. I find the Europeans the worst, especially dutch and noggis..lauding it around town with their fat over inflated sagging guts hanging over their Speedos...always drunk and stinking of stale booze with a fighting attitude....rather have the Ruskies anyday
  22. Only a man with no respect for himself or anyone else is fool enough to do that. Dosnt care if they have kids, the life they have built together and the implications of his actions. That's the trouble here...too many have the mindset they can do what they want with women regardless of their marital status
  23. It's the Russians fault...with literally millions of women here for sale...why try it on with a man's wife...had the same myself 3 months ago but put a stop to it with a few cuffs around his head. Leave people's wives alone!!!
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