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Everything posted by baansgr

  1. But, but, but they always insist on paying more cos its so cheap...anyone that doesn't is a cheap Charlie
  2. I doubt it but you are required to inform DWP if you are in receipt of state pension
  3. That doesn't answer my question, what was rasist?
  4. It is though if you are claiming State pension...you have to inform DWP of any stay out of UK for longer than 28 days
  5. And 51 % wanted out..and now GBP is flying am.pleased we did
  6. 76 years old so is on old state pension starting 2013..and he says he gets £164 a week...I think you better take that comment back..you have been claiming the yearly increase until last year but left UK in 2005...how stupid can people be...someone on here will dob you in
  7. The answer is in your question, Thai ID, your a foreigner so you don't have
  8. Tourism GDP has been discussed till death many times and it's really 30%
  9. Black culture is better, they invented everything apparently don't you know.
  10. And the monetary cost...who pays for that? The customer through higher airfares. Stupid beech should be nailed for 5 years
  11. That's a minority,.most stay in 5.star resorts and have daily tours to local attractions, floating market, Chinese temple, silver lake, sai keow beach and many other places of interest...the Pattaya you are talking about is a few sois off beach road full of knocking shops...there is a lot to to see and do and far better value for money than whoring everyday. Pattaya is truly a family destination
  12. And other idiots that feed stray dogs...got a real problem, can't walk anywhere because of them
  13. News reports from Europe show this is a daily occurrence
  14. There are still qualifications, especially for the Thai males work and salary but considerably easier than for women
  15. Citizenship will be a lot easier for foreign men with no work history except your Thai boyfriends. Sounds great
  16. Par for the course with Samui, this kind of thing dates back 20 years ago with the Bandidos and numerous agents selling land that should not be built on. Real chanotes issued illegally along with phoney planning permission. So many people don't realise the properties they have bought are not legal and can be torn down at anytime.
  17. Thais and foreigners pay the same, 5 or 10 baht...where's the double pricing..and to be honest there is Central festival that is free..nah, your just a cheap Charlie arrogant falang that has no right to be here..go home
  18. How about the noggies, they've lost almost 50%
  19. The guy wasnt in the ocean...so your a cheap Charlie wanting a poor country to provide free toilets at their own expense...go back to your own country if you can't afford to pay for a pee, your ilke isnt wanted here
  20. Just got turned down by some guy and is as jealous as ever...what have you got to offer, flat little milk, a big nose stuck on an old looking face and no personality accompanied by a terrible up my own jacksy attitude
  21. Plenty bars and restos on beach road, 5 or 10 baht will let you use them..there's no excuse
  22. Stay clear of anyone that isn't a Brit or Aussie 60 years up, nobody else has a clue how to drive on the left side with experience
  23. They didn't say that before when the lefty loving wokies owned it and let lefties say anything they wanted.,scared of free.speech and.others having a different opinion...Elon is our hero, free speech must be preserved at all costs
  24. baansgr


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