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Everything posted by baansgr

  1. This is Jomtien ...not Pattaya you need to learn how to read maps
  2. Sounds perfect life for you..wouldn't you see yourself as middle class, I would 👍
  3. I've had marriage extensions, work extensions, dependent extensions and retirement extensions...got peed off with we want more photos, must wear different clothes, letters from the bank and all.sorts of other stupid requests...I decided it's far easier to use an agent and in fact is far cheaper also...does that mean I and many others in the same position do no qualify for an extension...of course it does not, it means we have far better things to.do with our lives but of course the oh so high and mighty visa nazis will say different
  4. Most people qualify but want to save money
  5. Same as.in the dark...more serious offence
  6. I am fully aware thanks...do you assume motorbikes are not middle class?.. I don't care...I have every I want and need...now that is priceless. 👍
  7. 20 years ago it was 50 baht a beer and 20 baht on top for a girly drink. 200 baht bar fine and the girl stayed all night for 1k, cleaned your room in the morning and took your washing to the laundry..great sex at least 3 times also. Now it's 200 baht a girly drink, 500 baht minimum bar fine and girls IF they stay all night want 3k upwards, and that will be sex once..early morning they are gone..then people wonder why bars are empty...sex and.proatitites are cheaper in Europe...
  8. The Chinese are more than 3x the population than the whole of Europe, plus they are neighbours... Indian again, 4x the population and far nearer to Thailand than Europe
  9. Early 60s 4 paid for motorbikes, lovely quite area close.to beach, pension of 50k depending XE..some.savings, 3 uni aged kids..what.do you think???
  10. Ok, if you say so, let us know how you get on...maybe you will be like the Scouser in Bangkok Bank last week f ing and blinding making a prat of himself but still had to go and change his (wife's) sim that he used last year 👍
  11. Good luck with that..if it's not in your name you won't be able to use it...you will just have to accept it
  12. It's great isn't it...a few places only take digital payment but they have lost my business
  13. Hence why every phone has non removable batteries
  14. You need a sim card in your name only..easy enough but paramount to living here now
  15. This is not only agents, this is the same for everyone..sorry, your piddly little 800k can't buy you out of this one
  16. Those that have 800k are in the same boat as those that use agents...nothing to do with immigration, all to do with banking...sorry guys, not even your 800k can buy you outa this one
  17. Blame the parents for having an incestuous inbred for a child
  18. Another brainwashed wokey...2 wrongs don't make a right do they?... And what about the two tier judicial system in Europe???...stop complaining
  19. Usual suspect...he even shouted.out allah akbar and said this is just the start...blatant racism from these usual suspects and their apologetic white lovers
  20. Don't drive drunk, don't drive without a helmet, don't speed and make sure you have the appropriate licence...not too hard to understand...if you can't at least do this, you have no right to complain whatsoever
  21. That's irrelevant to my point...what about the idiots that just step out in the road regardless of on coming traffic..full of foreign idiots here..not a day goes by without me almost having an accident because of these plebs..head in the clouds thinking roads are for them...I bet you are a cyclist 😄
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