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Everything posted by baansgr

  1. What ones where as a pedestrian you wait for the vehicles to stop or slow down before just walking out in the road???..mate
  2. Go direct.ro the insurance company and buy the plan you want however, keep in mind the agent will still get his 30% commission regardless....and yes this is the way it works
  3. Can't you read, tell me where in the world you can you walk in the middle of the road, step out in front of traffic, basically be a total <deleted> and it's OK???
  4. Couldn't agree more..hence my post 👍 👍 👍
  5. Foreigners come here and lose all sense of reality, walk about with their heads in the clouds..plebs the lot of them
  6. Where is the outcry...no jews same as nazi Germany, no blacks same as Mississippi 1960s, no Italians same as Libya 1970s...???
  7. Of course he can't but at least he get a curry 😊..only 127 stabbings this year already, including 2 white kids murdered, what a messed up sh@thole UK is, and all down to 3rd world immigration
  8. Two sexes, male and female. Men can't have babies, woman can...what is so hard to understand..and as for the sports thing and toilet thing that is just warped thinking from a few gays that need educating
  9. Of course they will win the next election that will probably be called very early. With the murdering, stabbing, raping of the white working class it will happen. Starmer and his Nazi fascist bootboy stormtroopers gaoling innocent people for a tweet or FB post to calm the civil unrest bubbling away will only work temporary. People will not plead guilty anymore so goes to trial and they are found not guilty. Some are refusing to pay council tax for no services and dei appointments costing millions each year. Buckle up, the true working class have had enough of having to work for 3rd world scroungers that hate them..until another party understands this they don't stand a chance
  10. Maybe bizarre for you 👍
  11. They are but charges have increased a lot the last year, especially on smaller transactions
  12. Cash is king...y'all want your location and spending habits available to whoever requests it...only one look at china we can see where this ends
  13. 👍
  14. You didnt say specifically immigration called you, just CW was mentioned..from last week people are being asked to prove the sim card used for banking app for visa funds is theirs..a letter from their supplier..easiest thing to do is just phone immigration but if too much trouble forget about it 👍
  15. Could be immigration, give them a call and ask if they have been calling you..a lot now going on with banking apps where phone numbers need to be registered with proof from your supplier
  16. They have seen her onlyfans channel, that's why
  17. Exactly ...and just shows what kinda chicken crap they are...deleting their posts, should be proud to stand up for what you believe in but obviously not so proud now...just war mongering fascists
  18. I've been to both and can say, Thailand is definitely the cheapest for long term living
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