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Everything posted by baansgr

  1. Importing drugs and millions of illegals is hardly being a friendly neighbour..Go Trump
  2. Usual suspects again, as always seems to be worldwide
  3. And what happens when it collapses and dies just like tulips...it's not even a good investment...I've earned over 500 % on RR shares in less than 2 years
  4. Since when is Petchaburi a southern province..the
  5. I find just about every foreigner, especially cloggies, noggies and Aussies all arrogant...they come here on their pension after working stacking shelves in a supermarket, get a bought for bar girl wife and think they are superman
  6. I think it's been a lot worse for the last 15 years or so...hardly a tropical island anymore
  7. My private pension is taxed in UK, I also get share dividends that are not due UK tax as paid through an ISA ...if push comes.to shove I could just.pay into my Thai partners account..anyway, I see no need to report anything....or am I wrong
  8. Diversity is our strength..I can buy a kebab at 1am in the morning
  9. But there is a big difference, those expats that you so eloquently describe, made it here on their own buck and still are...unlike the oh so I am a white apologist description of the masses of immigrants to UK that are a net benefit to the country...The facts and figures are all out there, don't forget, diversity is our strength...we have a choice of curries to eat but nowt else
  10. How about the world just puts a blanket ban on pakistanis travelling
  11. No, that's what the men's toilets are for 👍
  12. Anyone that thinks it's ok for men to use women's toilets is a perverted queer, and anyone that thinks men should be able to compete in women's sports needs sending to a mental institution...and anyone that disagrees with me, they are and should be...what has the world come too
  13. They should take them away...at least people would then be able to decide if it's safe to cross
  14. I thought mobile phones showed the time...another posh <deleted> seeking likes on insta etc...days in prison with a phone..wow, the hardship
  15. 3rd world has been receiving trillions in handouts over the past 60 years and still can't get their act together...and as for mentioning Rhodesia...they asked for independence and the racist Mugabe caused their own problems...and to top it all the 3rd won't leave us alone by invading the very people that have been helping them..not one baht should be sent to these cr@pholes
  16. Exactly what I mean...have a look at Saville Town and tell me honestly, if people born their are.British? Being British is more than having a plastic passport that can be revoked at anytime...you do understand that
  17. The post is about drug dealing..deflection is a sad reflection of your racist bias
  18. You need a few history lessons....ottoman empire..never gets mentioned, Barbary slave traders, never get mentioned thousands more examples
  19. Again someone saying anyone born in Britain is British...that just isn't true. And as for colonials helping build our country, I don't ever remember seeing any down the mines, digging roads, building houses or any other hard labour work ...
  20. What battle are.you talking about? I am fully aware of the demographics.of UK and your projections are way off...2030 whites will be a minority...63% of school kids already are non white but that doesn't mean any of them are British, I take it you are not British by your comment so wouldn't have the foggiest what I am talking about
  21. Nothing to do with the murderer that crossed 3 lanes of traffic illegally..
  22. Therein lies the real problem, how many of those guys would say they are British, rather than where they actually come from. Lefty 70s student ideology has no place in the modern world
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