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Everything posted by ujayujay

  1. Throw this Wreck in the Scrapyard and buy a 20 Year old Pickup in Canada! I bet, for the shipping cost, deregistration here and registration and Tax in Canada you could buy a new One..........
  2. Have fun then in a Thai Prison for the rest of your life, Hero
  3. You have no clue about Dogs social behaviour
  4. Discusting....let the children play with toys, not weapons🤮
  5. These are the quality tourists that Thailand attracts with its mass tourism!
  6. ......Men going to Thailand to find a much younger Woman.....isn't it like that?
  7. This kind of posts are called Fake News!
  8. There are 3 Mr. DIY Shops in Chang Mai!
  9. ...."...certain doctors had violated a professional code of ethics....".... Yeah, everything can be fixed with Money.......
  10. Information for the unsuspecting: The Zika virus is not transmitted through breathing..got it!?
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