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Everything posted by ujayujay

  1. The industry is happy about consumers who believe anything and unnecessarily pay more for the same product
  2. You seem to have a homophobia... why are you so afraid of it?
  3. You seem to be an economic expert......as we all know, the Thai economy is currently on an absolute high
  4. Talk about the Property Market.........Dream on little Dreamer
  5. Oh, you think there are different income tax rates for Thais and foreigners...how clueless you must be๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  6. No๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  7. OK, I didn't expect a witty comment from you either
  8. I am Swiss and Switzerland has a double taxation agreement with Thailand like the USA. Unfortunately, these agreements will no longer apply from January 1, 2024, according to rumors! It is ridiculous that this law is supposed to come into force in about 3 weeks and the flow of information is limited to personal opinions from unreliable sources and not to a binding announcement from the Thai government!
  9. Why are pensioners with low pensions in particular penalized by the new tax system for foreigners!? Does the Thai government actually believe that this will result in more tax revenue at the end of the day? There will be an exodus of expats with the result that in certain places the property market will collapse and the purchasing power of those remaining will be reduced by the amount of tax they pay! This, in turn, affects small businesses that have been hit by the poor economy, which can then pay less taxes or have to go out of business! The fact that this whole story is being treated by the government like a secret mission (little information until Zero in the media) suggests that those responsible are not convinced of their case! In any case, I say no to the state raid on my pension and say byebye Thailand! What is your opinion?
  10. And the price for the fool is now to spend the rest of his life in prison! Stupidity 2.0
  11. I go to bed not before 11pm, have to stand up 6 am because then my Dog have to go poo....
  12. ...human trafficking and bribery scandal says what?.....If you don't have a general education: Google can help you
  13. Ralfi seems to be a troll who also has no idea about Thai employment law for foreigners
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