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Everything posted by ujayujay

  1. The good old air out of tire will sort this out quickly
  2. Uups....somebody forget the brown Envelopes to hand over
  3. Try Booking.com, Agoda.com, Traveloka.com etc.......
  4. I'm a rock musician and I play loud and proud, but I can't stand these inconsiderate, loud headphone maniacs at all. It has nothing to do with age, but with decency!
  5. The plaintiffs knew from the beginning that the allegations against Pita had nothing to do with it, but in Thailand that is enough to get rid of politically unpleasant opponents. This is how the political establishment repeatedly cheats the electorate.
  6. Ridiculous! Muay Thai is a regionally established sport, why should it be Olympic! So that Thailand can get a medal cheaply?
  7. Just the linked registration doesn't work, doesn't show captcha......is this a joke or who is being taken for a fool here?
  8. Throw this Wreck in the Scrapyard and buy a 20 Year old Pickup in Canada! I bet, for the shipping cost, deregistration here and registration and Tax in Canada you could buy a new One..........
  9. Have fun then in a Thai Prison for the rest of your life, Hero
  10. You have no clue about Dogs social behaviour
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