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Everything posted by ujayujay

  1. That means: wait and see! As long as the Thai government is not able to provide reliable information, I will not even get a TIN. Btw....Cambodija is also a nice Country
  2. Space Oil: https://www.google.com/search?q=space+oil&sca_esv=a12588ecf4d7e578&sxsrf=AHTn8zpXJZpykhJxe9-fE7G3EXB-ws2viw%3A1739526895739&source=hp&ei=7xKvZ5jtKrGRvr0P1p2vgA0&iflsig=ACkRmUkAAAAAZ68g_10snJMkFKn7KFoTTBfK8vzn9HBA&udm=7&oq=&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IgAqAggAMgoQIxjwBRgnGOoCMgcQIxgnGOoCMgcQIxgnGOoCMgcQIxgnGOoCMgcQIxgnGOoCMgcQIxgnGOoCMgcQLhgnGOoCMgcQIxgnGOoCMgcQIxgnGOoCMgcQIxgnGOoCSPATUABYAHABeACQAQCYAQCgAQCqAQC4AQHIAQCYAgGgAg6oAgqYAw7xBVT7oJL-d8xnkgcBMaAHAA&sclient=gws-wiz#fpstate=ive&ip=1&vld=cid:f9937e71,vid:kbgRZ-C8jBI,st:0
  3. The problem is the dirty fantasy of certain locals
  4. Pretty Stupid to think Boeing 777-300 can dump fuel
  5. Nonsense! Never heard of the IATA? No aircraft can be operated without the approval of this authority. This applies to all service providers in aviation!
  6. So, now imagine that these are only those who do not hand over the money in brown envelopes to the people in charge....
  7. Many here do not have the intellect to distinguish between anti-Israel and anti-Semitism.
  8. So there are not members of the IDF?!........
  9. Left before right applies in traffic in Thailand, but most people don’t seem to know that, as you
  10. After all, the prisons in Thailand meet the usual 3rd world standards
  11. Such notorious sex offenders belong behind bars for a long time, but apparently the rules for MP's in Thailand are a bit tricky
  12. Sure, Inspector Clouseau: He probably has a knife and a spare pistol in his pocket.....
  13. And then the next AN Topic "Pattaya Beach Wins Three Awards for Beauty and Eco-Friendliness" ....hold my Beer🤣🤣🤣
  14. One more farang loser who should not be allowed to enter the country, your own fault, Thailand
  15. yes, of course, the pistol magazine was definitely full, you brainer
  16. It takes an immense impact to fell a palm tree, the speed was clearly over 50 kph in the city... do you notice something?😉
  17. After handing out fines: Throw this pack out of the country
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