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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. I am getting a little confused as KannikaP above has suggested. From memory the unit when turned on is loud (external motor) call it vibrating on the brackets to the wall, with the internal head filtering the cold air into the room. Normally, it will stop or go quiet after a while then it will start up or come on again, I call this idling as opposed to shutting down, now that could well be that it does shut down because there is no noise and it could well be a non-invertor, it's about 7 years old, I say that it could be a non invertor because I have the identical one in my bedroom, however it never stops or shuts down which is different to how the other one works. Come to think of it, the air condition guy installed them at the same time, and it could well be that one is an inverter and the other not, but they have the same model number LG 410A.
  2. It's an inverter as I have seen the fan stop when the room cools down, e.g. motor goes into idle mode, then the fan kicks off again when the motor starts up again. Having done a little reading on this of late, I think it might have to do with the Capacitor/s, will have to look to find another air conditioning guy who will turn up.
  3. LG air conditioner turns on and delivers cool air, then after about 5 minutes, the motor outside stops. Don't know if this is relevant but the fan doesn't spin, not even at start up. Yes it's an inverter, but the outside motor stops working and doesn't kick on again, therefore no cool air coming into the house. I felt the copped pipes attached to the motor, one was cool, the other not. Anyone have similar problems or might know what the issue might be ? Getting air con guys here is a little difficult, two haven't shown up when supposed too so thought if someone knew what the issue might be, I might be able to address it myself, that or keep trying to find someone who want to work and fix it.
  4. 1) Broker try AA Insurance Brokers 2) The insured amounts on the policies usually start from 5 million USD from my experience which would be more than enough. The above said, mine was 16 million USD, there was no lower amount to insure for with that insurer. You also have to factor in rising costs, from my experience having been previously insured for 4 years, the annual policy cost goes up every year, they don't tell you that, but it will, e.g. they will send you an email telling you that rising costs worldwide have affected policy prices, therefore your policy has increased by 10%, 20%, 30%, then there is the 5 year age gauging increase which is clearly visible when looking at their charts, e.g. 59-64, then 65-69 and so on. Being insured is one thing, and everybody should be insured in my opinion, however it all depends on how much your prepared to part with, and as most know from my previous responses, know that my insurance went from 70,000 odd in the beginning to 150,000 odd at the end, and the reason at the end was that the insurer changed underwriters, that said, I did have a pre-existing condition which was optional and I took it at the time as that is what I was looking for, however there was no possibility to ask for a excess/waiver option so as to reduce the policy costs and me paying the first xyz amount of a claim. That said, I can get a policy with another insurer with excess/waiver options, but as they will not cover my pre-existing condition, I choose to self insure, a no win situation for both parties, i.e. unless I am fortunate enough to never have to make a claim, which I don't intend to, then it will be a win/win for me.
  5. The 20,000 to 25,000 baht ones, where the farang hasn't got the funds in the bank to apply for his 1,900 baht extension, "legal", like it or not ????. This is where I get off the bus trying to educate those who think they know everything looking through a rose coloured glass believing everything they only want to believe. Please do tell me how the illegal extensions as mentioned above, where one pays 20,000 to 25,000 baht are legal, like it or not, yeh right, I thought so. Time to wake up m8 and stop being such a control freak, stay on the topic, nice try deflecting what is reality here
  6. We already know he overstayed, but what was said was that they were afraid that he might commit future crimes, that is clearly assuming/speculating, call it what you want. There are hundreds of farangs here who are here illegally in case you weren't aware, i.e. they don't have the funds in the bank to be able to stay in the country, however pay an agent anywhere between 20,000 to 25,000 baht a year for the agent to get them through the immigration process by greasing the immigration agents hands, all over the country. Would it be fair to say that these illegally processed farangs, are on overstay for another word, going to commit crimes ? Looks like rounding up those that don't cough up the $'s are the way to go, because they "might" commit crimes in the future, a good story for the gullible Thai's and others, no names mentioned to believe. Glad I don't believe everything I'm fed
  7. So how many crimes did he commit in the 8 years he was here ?
  8. Could be that you had it, but didn't even notice it, that was the case with me, until one day when I sitting down with a mate who just got over having it, and my question to him was what were your symptoms. His reply made me take one of those home tests because his symptoms matched mine, i.e. in the beginning, a sore throat for a day, then a mild headache, eyes sensitive to sunlight, sort of tired and wanting to sleep, suffice to say, I feel like the above on occasion so had no idea that I had it until the test showed the 2 lines, the 2nd line being really faint, probably because I was at the tail end of it.
  9. I haven't worn a mask for over a year, caught nothing, am vaxed x 3 with Pfizer and have had Covid after my 3rd jab. Enough fear mongering I say, but yes, as you say, "up to them". https://nypost.com/2023/02/14/face-masks-made-little-to-no-difference-in-preventing-covid-study/
  10. I think if you were in my position, e.g. your insurer upped your premiums to just over double in 4 years, you might think twice, regardless if you have the (nest egg) as I do to back yourself up. It is no different to me than buying a product, ok, it goes up annually due to CPI, inflation etc, but you have to draw a line when you feel the product is getting expensive, suffice to say, with Covid I as everyone else saw products go up, especially imported products, now I could afford to buy them at whatever increase they went up to, but I do draw a line, regardless if it's health insurance of a pack of chips, eventually the food costs came back down, some even went to below what they were selling for pre-Covid, but not health insurance. So not a tough call for me, I am happy with my decision, no grudges against the insurer, their out there to make profits, some of us can afford to not contribute to their profiteering when we feel it's getting too expensive and decide self insuring is the way to go forward, having funds to back us up in case an event happens to come by in the interim while the funds put aside build up.
  11. What can I say, if they don't change the way they do things here, e.g. lock up fleeing drivers for a minimum 10 years, ban these parades on public roads unless supervised by police, front and rear, and make getting a license for truck drivers harder than just sitting down and watching a video, plus stricter truck checks, nothing will ever change. RIP
  12. Agree, however but when I saw my premium double in 4 years after no claims and my families premiums going up, I said to myself, you know what, I am fortunate enough to have money saved up to back me (nest egg) and yes, if a major problem it is gone. The above said, one has to make a decision, i.e. from where I saw things, be extorted, e.g. 70,000 baht to 150,000 baht in 4 years, no claims, age 61, no issues with pre-existing condition since it happened in 2008 with annual check ups and blood tests at my expense for my peace of mind. Young enough to put that 150,000 baht a side annually, plus the families 100,000 baht a year, suffice to say in 2 years 500,000 baht put aside, no issues vs the insurer getting it and upping it annually, and if no issues in 6 more years that's 3 million put aside and will continue to build on it. Better in my pocket than theirs, that said, I found the increases to be unfair, but that is the game apparently, different to the motor vehicle industry where they encourage you to continue with no claim bonus discounts annually for good drivers, currently 60% no claim bonuses on my annual policy. At the end of the day, it is what it is and no point in crying over spilt milk, also have other options, government army and or university hospitals if it is going to cost too much and not wanting to depart with funds to go to a private hospital, i.e. unless it's real bad of course, and then you have the option of returning home to use either NHS or Medicare if you still qualify and are able to travel, and of course if I depart when that insurance nest egg has built up to whatever amount it has built up to at that time of my departure, the family get it as opposed to the insurer. Tough call, no rights, no wrongs, just depends if you want to part with the increases every year.
  13. That could possibly be the case, even if you disclosed (which you would) about your diabetes. Be forewarned, policies increase annually and then every 5 year age bracket, and especially as I found out when the insurer changed the underwriter. In all fairness, I had a pre-existing condition from 2008, well under control and it was an option for me to have and pay extra as I did. In the 4 years that I paid the insurer, my premium started at 70,000 odd baht for a 58 year old, then shot up to 150,000 baht by the last year, the excuse was they changed underwriters, could well be the case. I now self insure as I couldn't find any insurer wanting to cover my pre-existing condition from 2008 with no issues since, annual check up, blood tests done on my own accord, etc etc. I had zero claims and was covered for inpatient emergency costs only. As mentioned, I self insure now as I have always had the funds to do so but wanted to protect those funds, that said, I have built a little nest egg of 500,000 baht in a side account in those 2 years since and continue to add 250,000 baht per annum to it which includes the families policy which I cancelled as well. In the event of a major issue, will deal with it then, if no event then all and good for money back in my pocket. Best of luck, been where you are coming from and it just got to expensive for me and of course the insurer didn't have any excess/waiver for me to reduce my premium.
  14. Why redo the constitution again, i.e. if they EVER get ousted by the people,
  15. Yes of course, allow the military elected clowns continue to govern the country with their amended constitution which provides the military 350 senate seats out of the 500 senate seats. Keep the people fed on rice, blame Thaksin and his sister for everything, while military elected deputy prime ministers wears 25 high end dead friends watches which he borrowed, and jail all of those under Article 38 for speaking up and protesting in this democracy. You just can't help ignorance.
  16. I believe you should rephrase your heading to Thai's driving Ford Rangers as there are some of us Ford Ranger lovers who drive within the speed limit and aware of our surroundings, no tunnel vision syndrome here.
  17. My wife told me that if you have money here, you can buy the other sides lawyer easily. Now, let's take for example where we are, lawyer approaches insurance company and tells them his client is going to sue, insurance company says, Mr Lawyer, here is a brown envelope, now I'm sure there is more money in that envelope than your client will ever pay you. Lawyer, yes Mr insurance company you are right, I will tell my client that it will take years and lots of money to get you to court and the probability of winning is low. It sounds far fetched, yes I know, but when my wife told me of a situation, it all made sense, but we all can believe what we want to believe, I just remember where we are and I know, money here comes before everything else.
  18. Sometimes in life someone kicks a ball to you, and that ball can change your whole life for many many years and also create a financial burden and of course if kids involved, rip your heart out. What I was trying to say was, when that ball lands at your feet, best to keep walking, justice, well everything comes at a price, up to him, he can keep kicking the ball, whether he scores a goal or not will depend on many things, however if he does score a goal, I don't think things will be any better personally. Sometimes it's easier to just walk and start over as I have seen many guys do that, I used to play and score goals, talking from experience, but now looking back, it would have been easier to walk, but my stubbornness and wanting justice kept me playing the game. Justice isn't what we think it is.
  19. Tell him it's time to cut his losses and move on, as for the kid, that shouldn't be a problem once he has moved on.
  20. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/21788944/horror-moment-tourists-bungee-cord-snaps-in-midair/
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