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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. She has it bad, in the mind. Now that it has cooled down, i.e. early 30's there is very little if any itching.
  2. If they are fleas, they are not the type we used to have back home, i.e. you knew when a flea bit you, this is like a small itch on either side of my arms and on my chest, even as I type this, not annoying in the slightest, but one has to pay attention to it to notice it. It is hot, I am sweating, so maybe once I have a shower and put the A/C on and open a chilled one, it will go away. The wife is more annoying than this, whatever it is ????
  3. Come to think of it, air conditioning does take that crawling and itchy feeling away.
  4. Mainly a crawling sensation, scalp can be a little itchy mostly, but I use Selsun every 3-4 days so I would say that area is mainly a dry scalp, so I use a PHB balanced shampoo every couple if days. Wife is driving me insane though, she started going through my hair this morning, I said, get away crazy woman....LOL
  5. With the rain season, I am once again noticing the feeling of some thing crawling on me, especially when it gets hot. The above said, I don't really pay to much attention to them, but the wife has gone a little troppo at the moment dissecting everything which has become a real pain in the butt for me and the rest of the family. Vacuuming mattresses, bleaching floors and washing the poor old family dog every chance she gets, got to feel sorry for the dog ???? I have done a fair bit of research, and apart from nits, lice, and some others, nothing really comes to mind, although I did find a white thing walking down my arm the other day, looked like a small maggot, but wasn't one, suffice to say, maggots are more yellow. Anyone experiencing something similar during this rain season ? I got a light blue bucket and put the hose in it (we have a filtration system), and noticed some very small black bugs at the very bottom of the bucket, too small for the naked eye to be able to recognise what they were, but they did splatter when I squished them on my finger, that said, just added a chlorine tablet in the tank as it maybe in the water (village bore water), recently found a new dig for the water after running out of water previously.
  6. I use AXA when travelling abroad and domestically, whether they are any good I don't know as I haven't had to make a claim fortunately. Generally speaking the bigger insurers are usually reputable, you would hope.
  7. Um, I'll take a two guesses, he was looking at other Thai girls and not paying her attention or he wasn't supposed to be where he was, having told her he was in bed ????
  8. I suppose in situations like this, he could have used an extra leg, or peg.
  9. Well done, I am getting $1,812 per month on my $500k split into 2 accounts, in 2 different banks, fixed for 12 month which works out to 4.35%. Government guarantees $250,000 per bank. I pay no withhold tax, I tell them that I have an address in my country of birth, there is an $18,200 tax threshold, if they want to come to get the tax on $3,550 which $0.19c in the $ on the amount greater than $18,200, which is $64.50, then let them come looking for it, I will then deal with it. However I don't believe they would waste their time on this small fish ???? Apart from what is required for my extension and annual budget, yeh, not one baht over that transferred annually.
  10. No disrespect intended. Agree, and many girls have sold their souls so that their parents can show off to their neighbours, "look at me now". Many a girl have also played many farangs, cleaning them out of just about everything they had for false love and lots of stories. I don't consider myself arrogant towards Thai farmers or Thai's at all, but I also look at both sides of the coins and trust NO one, my wife I do, but my finances are a totally separate matter because, well, you should know the rest, i.e. I will never fall victim to a female over my own stupidity by showering her with $'s, treat them mean, keep them lean as the saying goes. She has had a great life the past 16 years with me and has no complaints. Her family in the other hand do it tough, but then again, I didn't marry her family, I respect them as my in-laws and help out on medical bills, the odd new car battery for Dad, Mum's specs, etc, no loans as I never asked anyone for a loan apart from a bank, and that I am not. I understand where your coming from regarding the kid, however, I don't believe in the education game, I believe in educating my kids up to high school, the rest I do and have already told them where they are heading business wise (self employment), never to be slaves to others.
  11. If all of the above is true, then your wife would be better off selling the land wouldn't she. Now there would be a good reason that she doesn't sell the land, get ting tong (respectfully) to pay for it. When I first came here, my wife used to go and help her parents, with workers do the rice thing, she would pay for them ALL to eat, drink etc. I said to her one day, look at you, your like an Aborigine, gone from morning to night killing yourself for what. Her reply was, we eat rice from their fields, and the land will be split up with her and her sisters when they pass on, sorted I said, you either buy the rice directly from them, Lotus, Makro, or Big C, and you don't need the land. She hasn't helped them do the rice thing for at least 5 years now, and couldn't give a rat$ about the land, suffice to say, she was the light. As for land taxes, never heard of them paying one baht, and they have a heck of a lot of land, I know they sell a lot of the rice and keep enough to eat for the year, hardly any money made out of it, I know that much, a bit like their rubber plantations, hardly worth it as well when you take into account the fertilizer they put down every 3 months, pay people to sap it, but I suppose when your older, had pretty much no schooling and know no other alternative, you keep swimming. Guess the wife is lucky I came along and swept her off of her feet with my ATM charms ???? My biggest rule here is I never get involved with the agricultural side of things or support my wife financially in her own land matters, she has her own rice fields, rubber plantations, I know this much, it's pretty much pocket money, the rest is on me.
  12. Your probably right, but it is always a busy place that is always frequented, I wonder why ?
  13. Hi, new pet requiring a haircut and nails trimmed. Appreciate any recommendations of a dog groomer in the Udon Thani area. Only recommendations by happy customers please, if any.
  14. I suppose with anything, all in moderation. I remember losing 15kg in 4 months by eating a balance of carbs & proteins and a low fat intake. No exercise, and was water of a ducks back. One protein shake with a one banana, small almond milk (unsweetened) & 6 almonds, twice a day, e.g. 10am and 4pm, along with 3 meals. I suppose if you eat a lot of anything, you will put on weight if you go over your caloric intake. I kept my caloric intake pegged at 1500 calories and it worked very well for me. The time before the last time I lost 15kg was by doing cardio and weights and that was painful as one gets older, so if you ask me, the caloric intake reduced way is the better choice and those protein shakes work wonders as a substitute as they keep you full in between and provide you with 30g of protein per shake or 120 calories per serve plus the banana which would take it to about 200 calories.
  15. I also throw in a banana or two (potassium), a some almond milk (unsweetened), add a little water, about 6-12 almonds, then about 14 pieces of ice out of the ice tray. Tastes mighty nice and chilled, can even put it in the fridge for later if you like. Ones or twice a day, works out to be cheap enough overall for this kind of drink. Lazada have a sale on the 6th, so you might be able to pick it up cheaper.
  16. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ultimate-nutrition-iso-sensation-93-whey-protein-isolate-5lb-isolate-100-i221803790-s1127414583.html?c=&channelLpJumpArgs=&clickTrackInfo=query%3Aultimate%2Bnutrition%2Biso%2Bsensation%3Bnid%3A221803790%3Bsrc%3ALazadaMainSrp%3Brn%3A0742f0c13cd68c53d109ccc587d07cc9%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A221803790_TH%3Bprice%3A2849%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A100119442%3Bpromotion_biz%3A%3Basc_category_id%3A13700%3Bitem_id%3A221803790%3Bsku_id%3A1127414583%3Bshop_id%3A148354&fastshipping=0&freeshipping=1&fs_ab=2&fuse_fs=1&lang=th&location=กรุงเทพมหานคร&price=2849&priceCompare=&ratingscore=4.813559322033898&request_id=0742f0c13cd68c53d109ccc587d07cc9&review=177&sale=869&search=1&source=search&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.506d1cb5Xiwslt&stock=1
  17. You sound like one of those guys who keeps saying the world is going to end, starting 90 years ago, but keeps repeating yourself annually and maybe, just maybe, you will get it right one day when the world ends, in 2,000 years time ???? I see why others on this forum have given up. Do us all a favour and beat your chest when the ATO does start taxing expats the foreign resident tax, but until then, please .....
  18. I'm in my 60's and used to do light weight training, but recently gave it up due to muscle aches/pains. I am now pain free, that said, I would suggest you go to a massage place that does the stretching type of massage that I get, not your typical Thai or oil massage, but stretching massage, it's kind of mixed in with Chiropractic as you will hear those cracks and will feel a heck of a lot better after words. The above said, I would recommend you do stretches in the morning, mid day and evening, I find it keeps me flexible and pain free. I also like to take a protein powder drink as we need to keep building those muscles as we age, I also take Magnesium, Zink, vitamin D & C and keep a healthy diet. Try out the stretches as least, but don't overdo it, if it starts to hurt, stop there and move on to the next stretch as we are not as flexible as we used to be.
  19. If I invested my money in property here in the LOS when 1st I moved here in 2015, according to my calculations, I would have gone backwards. What I have made from my investments far exceeds what, if any rise property has had in Thailand since then. I don't rent, I build a nice big and comfortable house, yes, as far as the law goes, it's the wife's, and yes I could challenge that and prove that I paid for it and maybe, just maybe get 50% back if we ever split, hardly worth the exercise after lawyers and court fees so it would be all hers. As the saying goes, only invest as much as your prepared to lose, and for me personally investing in property in Thailand is a BIG NO, having had a property background all of my life, it is too easy to get scammed here, even your own lawyer will sell his soul to the other side. Sure heaps of foreigners have pushased and are happy with their purchases, and there would be a fair few who we wouldn't hear about that got scammed. More money to be made elsewhere than property here IMO. I could have also rented and still made good money after my rent was paid, suffice to say, buying property here is not an investment, i.e. if your looking for a small return, e.g. on average over the past 7 years I have made 18% net per annum on my investments, so I doubt my return on property here would be anywhere near that. But each to there own, no rights, no wrongs, if it fits, wear it.
  20. on the 25th of May my true love said to me, 2 air conditioners, 2 fridges, 1 freezer, an electricity bill and a partridge in a pear tree. Up from 2,200 to 4,030 baht
  21. 70 years old and buying a condo instead of renting, wait, don't tell me, he thought that real estate was going to boooooooooooooom before he croaks it in the ensuing years and he could take it with him. 1st rule in real estate, never buy new developments unless the land title are ready. 2nd rule in real estate, never hand over money until land title documents are handed over upon settlement. 3rd rule in real estate, never buy in Thailand.
  22. Are we on the same page, i.e. this is about motorcycle/scooter riding on a footpath. I know Bondi Junction very well, if your talking bicycles, that's a different story, this one is about motorcycles/scooters and you won't find anyone riding them on footpaths in Oz as the fines are there to deter them, as are CCTV cameras and the cops. It is a nanny state, it has it's good and bad, hence the reason I am where I am.
  23. They are not are not allowed to ride motorcycles/scooters in Australia. The fine for riding a motorcycle/scooter on a footpath in Australia is around 23,000 baht plus, loss of points on ones license. If a cop saw a motorcycle/scooter on a footpath in Oz, they would pounce on them, unlike here.
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