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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. I suppose one could say he is not the brightest spark, but then again that would depend on whether it's night or day. Som nom nah
  2. So you would prefer Anutin's than Thaksin ? That legal weed surely is doing your brain cells damage, so I suppose you should keep smoking it for Anutins sake.
  3. Will we be seeing pictures of him sleeping on the job and wearing a different expensive watch on a daily basis from his "deceased friends collection". Can't understand why people allow clowns to govern over the age of 60, as they're not the sharpest tools, just have a look at Biden.
  4. I'm so glad you are so woke and don't marry a "bar girl", thus saving her a heck of a lot of future grief living and putting up with you. What's not to get, you fall in love, it happens, bar girl or other title. For the record, 16 years and going strong, 2 kids and the rest is history, happier than a pig in mud. I got it. I get to live in another country that is far more relaxed than my home country and is cheaper by far. I don't have to pay any taxes as a foreign resident and of course don't have to work. What makes for a successful marriage in my books, regardless of a woman's job title, e.g. "bar girl", restaurant waitress etc is the personality of the person your marrying, and as long as you keep your finances separate (support) but do not hand over your finances, then your marriage (business) will continue to succeed, hand it over by wearing your heart on your sleeve, then you are opening yourself up to a possible failure, as others have found out, other have also managed to continue happily, each to their own, and as far as I'm concerned you only invest as much as you're prepared to lose, house, car, bike etc, whereas your investments remain separate for that fall back position if ever. I hope you find your true virgin soon and that she has an income so that you don't have to support her and that it's love at 1st sight, oh and a bit of advice, stay away from bar girls, they're a bad breed, according to the expert who posted this topic EDIT: Have you ever heard of other failed marriages Thai or Western, where guys invested heavily, could you tell us the women's titles, just for the record. Takes two to Tango Charlie.
  5. Um, next time you wish to respond to me, think twice about what your going to write because you know absolute nothing as far as I'm concerned. Now scoot off and go to the temple like a good little falang and make a donation, it will make you feel real good I'm sure. Oh, by the way, wife said (*^^($$*(&)(&($@!@#), cant translate that here, but your just going to have to take my word for it.
  6. If no one here sees this as an add, then they should have another ????
  7. I learn something everyday. This sounds similar e.g. condominiums would be similar to the Strata Title units back in Oz which are bound by the Owners Corporation (Owners). Apartment here would be similar to the old Company Title units back in Oz which would be owning shares in the company. Lenders mostly wouldn't lend on such a title unless the buyer had a huge deposit which would reduce the lenders risk.
  8. Lots of broke farangs here, I'd hate to see what would happen when things turn around and they don't accept the brown envelopes anymore vs going to jail. I know, I know, not going to happen in my life time, but gees, I wouldn't be sleeping well at night knowing that I would have to exit what I call home for xyz years because I didn't have sufficient funds to get myself an annual extension.
  9. To counter some of the above negatives. Some of the positives: 1) Cheap cost of living by far when comparing it to your old country, including women & hotels 2) Cheap annual extension if you do it yourself, i.e. 1900 baht, it's only once a year, 90 days online take all but 2 minutes 3) Netflix, YouTube Music 4) When you accept that most buy their licenses, then you will accept that most drivers don't know how to drive properly, so just be weary and have 1st class insurance and a dash cam 5) Great weather all year round I suppose if you can't handle the above, you can always get a flight back home, then you can post here on the forum what rubbish your tired of there ????
  10. I can tell if one is legit or not from the outcome, remember pieces of paper here can be bought at a price.
  11. Did it 1st start off with her mimicking you, you know like a parrot ????
  12. Your point being ? Actually, don't bother ????
  13. I buy my New Zealand grass fed Rib-Eye & Striploin from Lotus, usually around 149 baht for 160 grams & 180gms, cooked more on the rare side, they are excellent value, but if you overcook them, they will be very chewy.
  14. I did, been twice and prior to that been getting Thai massages for decades at the same place, same lady in Phuket, have had others all around Thailand but, cannot compare. The one I received twice recently is on par to the lady at Phuket, however I believe the massage has aggravated the problem, i.e. I believe that I have sciatica, being in right buttock, but after the massage I am getting a lot of pinching/sharp knife like pains which weren't there before, damned if I know what I have, but believe a Chiropractor or a good Physiotherapist would know how to sort it. The above said, might have to get my old Physiotherapist online back in the old country as they seem to be hard to find. I have done a fair few stretches compliments of YouTubers, which does help, but want to sort it for once and of all, other problem I have is that I can't take anti-inflammatory due to a comorbidity, so it's paracetamol every 4 hours which does help some.
  15. As long as she's pretty, knows how to cook, clean and satisfy this animal on demand, 25 will do me just fine, that said, I would accept anything less in age, but she would have to be legal. Some might argue that we wouldn't have anything in common and my reply would be, who cares ????
  16. Anyone know of a Chiropractor or Physiotherapist in the Udon Thani area ?
  17. If you have transport, yes, Nai Han is one of my favourites, and most beaches along that route are better than swimming at Patong which is disgusting, especially when you see all of the street water and waste run into it at one of the ends of the beach. Again, unless you have transport, not much to see and do at Hua Hin, apart from shopping centres, but outside of Hua Hin, like Ao Manae Bay down at Prachuap Khiri Khan District which is a good hour and a half drive, is a pretty place, but the drivers on the roads are some of the craziest I have come across around Thailand.
  18. Have never been and will never go if they keep charging more for farangs, simple really, I'd rather buy lottery tickets, same price for Thai's.
  19. I see nothing wrong with taking your gf to any place in Thailand, i.e. unless she is the jealous type. Been all around Thailand, visited bars with the wife and on my own, wife either at the hotel or back home, no issues, enjoyed a few ladies as well, after all, what's life for, apart from living the dream. If she's the jealous type because "she" loves you, then no !
  20. Buddha help Thailand to keep these mongrels away from leading this country.
  21. Please don't confuse trust and love, they are too separate matters as far as I am concerned. I trust my wife, however I choose to have my finances separate, which also suits her. To explain that better to you, when we 1st moved here, I asked her where would be a good place to invest my money (I was baiting her), her reply was what I expected, i.e. leave your money in your country, it's safer there and you know how to invest your money, so don't bring it here, it's too corrupt. She has had a great life in the years she has been married to me, better than she ever would have been able to manage on her own, that said, I love my wife and I trust my wife, but I trust NO ONE with my finances, seen too many lads go down the path of trust and lose it all. That is why I say that trust and love are two separate things. I don't wear my finances (heart) on my sleeve, that is how people end up going down because they have exposed themselves to the possibility. The above said, it would be different if we were both working and both had joint incomes, but that is not the case here, she has made millions by just being with me, e.g. I paid for a big house built on land that I also purchased for her, car purchased outright in her name by me, motorcycle same, furniture same, holidays, domestic and international all paid for by me. What do I get in return, love, as she does, trust is a different kettle of fish and if you think otherwise, then that is your prerogative, and on that note I will conclude, I do trust my wife, but trust NO ONE with my finances, why should I, after all, it took me decades to accumulate over a lot of blood sweat and tears. All of the above said, if things ever went south, I would head north with what I have financially and she would keep the house, car, motorbike, furniture, kids and the memories, now that for me is my security that I will not end up like others here and elsewhere have. I call this being street wise, but hey, each to their own, if it works for you, then it works for you, and yes I do sleep well at night, as she does, as she knows that there is a life insurance policy in her name if anything happens to me and a will. I do trust she won't nik me before my expiry date though ???? Let's not forget, everything is good, until it's not, remember that and have a plan B. Nothing negative about what I am posting, just looked at it from all angles and it suits us both, after all, if it didn't suit here, I am sure she wouldn't be here ????
  22. Um, did you just here what you said ? His wife stole from him, to forgive her, is one thing, to support her is another, but then again, at age 75 and being all in, he has no choice, does he. Another careless farang IMO who "trusts" his wife with allowing her access to his finances. I love my wife of 16 + years, I trust my wife of 16 + years, but I would NEVER allow her access to my funds, until my death, why give anyone the opportunity to take what I worked for, for many decades, it's hers when I'm dead, if she decides to p-i-s-s it up the wall when I'm dead and cremated, then up to her. It is not only women that cannot be trusted with your finances, it's everyone, being irresponsible leads people to these situations unfortunately.
  23. There is nothing better than being debt free and having funds in the bank, but that takes a lot of control. 1, No credit cards 2, Pay off your mortgage as quick as you can while still enjoying your life with 2 jobs ???? 3. Invest in both real estate and the stock market long term Reach a reasonable retirement age of say 55, then live, that or remain a slave to the banks and government tax collectors, i.e. unless your fortunate enough to receive an inheritance.
  24. My estimated monthly budget when I came here in 2015 doubled + 20% in the 8 years I have lived here, although I do try to keep a lid on it to around 60,000 baht per month, with a wife and kids, including domestic holidays and eating good quality home cooked mostly imported foods. It is still far cheaper than back home believe it or not. In other words everything, and I mean everything costs me about 2,500 baht per day for wife and kids, no mortgage, no car repayments or health insurances. Some might say that's not cheap, but like I said, we eat good quality imported foods, use good oils and drink moderately, that said, I would hazard a guess it would be more than double the above back in the old country from what friends have been tell me.
  25. Even the good girls.....lol From my vast experience with women, not talking about putting them to bed, but "good girls" only exist in Hollywood movies. What I mean to say is if you find one with some good qualities, then your half way there. Keep your money separate, don't spoil them, be a man, do not put up with jealousy, i.e. seek them out early, in other words have a look at another girl and say, wow she's pretty and see what their response is, if it's the old jealousy card, move on quickly, because to me a good girl should be secure about herself, suffice to say you don't want the ones with baggage. Just enjoy yourself, tell them up front what your feeling, they will appreciate you for your honestly, never sweep anything under the carpet, be yourself, being in a relationship doesn't mean you have to become someone else, that said, woman are an abundance, especially here, and you can be yourself here more so than in the west, e.g. most women here need a fella. Remember to take your Zink ????
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