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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Wow looks like I'm the only one willing to admit that I married a girl who worked in a bar, did she charge for sex, der, did I buy her lady drinks, der. Q: How have the 15 plus years been married to her been, hmmm, the happiest and best years of my life. I know lots of guys who are married to bar girls who have also had good experiences with their wives, and of course I have heard (not met) guys who have had unsuccessful marriages to a bar girl. So what do we make of this, to me personally, it's not the title, or university that I look for in a person, it's their personality/character, and of course are they good, bad, caring, deceitful, liars etc etc, well humans come in all mixes, shapes and sizes, you just have to know how to navigate through it all and plant some traps along the way, trust has to be earned, that said, I also never mix finances in a relationship, nor do I wear my heart on my sleeve. As Forrest Gump said; life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get..... ???? At the end of all of this, there is a "happy ending" something a lot of people can't fathom for whatever their reasons, do I give a rat$ a$$, nope, each to their own, what works for me, might not work for you, but heaven forbid marrying a bargirl of all people....LOL
  2. We have a section just outside our village that keeps getting patch jobs every time it rans, our kids play word games in the back when being driven to school over the patches and you can hear their voices shacking so to speak. Fortunately we have a modern car and it doesn't effect our comfort that much, but I got to feel for the motorbikes and those sardine cans that stick all the kids in to drive them to school, I think they call them Skylab's, not the songtail, they re bigger.
  3. Update: Well what do you know, looks like wife lost face when I told her that I am asking on the forum who to call, e.g. she called the Mayor again, and the Mayor said after she called him last time (weeks ago), he received many calls and contacted the roads department who put him onto the contractor who he called, strangely enough that was the car that the wife said she saw. Mayor gave the wife the contractors number to call, she called and he said, he thought one of his crew fixed it, the wife said, NOPE, and he said he will come out again as soon as possible to look at it again. Told the wife to save his number, why you want me to keep his number she asked ???? How these people survive, I have no idea to be honest.
  4. Yeh, nah, wife says road department, already been down that road with her so to speak. Latest is, she doesn't know how to contact them, <deleted>, primitive ????
  5. We live in a village and about a year ago they (who ?) installed tall solar lights and they have improved the visibility driving down the main road to our village and they light the street up at night as opposed to it being pitch black. They have been out of order for about 2 weeks now, have asked the wife about 4 times to get onto it, however she says the mayor says not his job and she can't ring them the road people because they know of the problem (mind reader), she saw a car drive by the other day, so they know about it. Reminds me of the power outage we had for 18 hours the other night, 11pm-5pm the following day, at 11am I told her to ring them, she was reluctant, long of the short she did, and they had no idea there was a black out and thanked her for calling them to tell them, at 5pm the power was restored as they changed a whole transformer on one of those dual village poles. I am over asking her to call anyone because Thais have a different way of dealing with things than us farangs, so I am asking, does anyone know who I can call, they don't belong to PEA apparently, they are owned by the road department, so I am told, and I just need to call someone to say oi, get off your rears and sort it.
  6. He appears to be a clown and every nose it. Bring him in line real quick, but do remember to duck if he turns your way when calling out to him.
  7. I have to admit, rarely do I go over 23, but even at 37 in her case, I'm all in....
  8. Come on now, you started the story and left us high and dry, keep on with it, did you take one or two, did you end up waxing them in the end ????
  9. I think you would have less chances of ending up in hospital if you take care of your engine, e.g. good oils vs cra-p oils???? Some of us would like to get health insurance to protect our savings, i.e. as mentioned, I was previously insured, however not at the astronomical annual increases they demand, especially when you haven't even made a claim, e.g. no reward, no reduced policy or same amount as the previous year, it's a go for the juggler attitude from the insurer, their attitude is, if they stay, good, if they don't, we have already won over the years because we (the insurer) haven't had any outlay.
  10. So what's the problem my dear Watson ?
  11. Yum, haven't had Thai food in a while.....Tiruk, can you put some beef in the pressure cooker and whip up one of your beautiful Massaman curry's with some oven baked potatoes and Basmati rice. Should be ready by lunch, thanks.
  12. Everything in moderation and within your capabilities, my body loves exercise, just wants to keep going and going and going, like a horse let out of the starting gates, but I have to keep it held back, otherwise I will feel the pain for the next couple of days, joints mainly when doing cardio, i.e. if my mind wants to take over, thinking I'm still a new car and not a vintage one.
  13. You must have missed something in my post, I have a wife, not a Princes ????
  14. Let it go man, quit while I'm ahead, she has lots of it, that's how, she learned to follow my lead on how to make money, like I said, move along before you embarrass yourself further. There is no need to keep replying to anything pointless, unless this is the only thing you have going for you in your life.
  15. We do have a all day and evening market that sell fresh produce, but imported meats, fish, cheese and the like you can't get within a hours drive, so when we go to Makro, VillaMart, Tops or other places we stock up. The above said, we eat well and the wife is a chef (unqualified) but can cook a variety of European dishes to die for, as for the local market, yes we buy what fresh veggies/fruits we need, but things are limited to what we all like, besides we are a big family and rather than miss out on items we like when we do go shopping, we will buy 2-3-4 of those items that need to be put in the freezer.
  16. Whatever Mr Logical, if I wanted your advice or your "logic" I would ask for it. G'nite.
  17. I could respond, but I won't, just let you know my little darlings do creative stuff on the internet, not F'book or TikTok FYI, and of course they take a few hours break every couple of hours, balance is key. Now you were saying for them to do something USEFUL or something like that weren't you Mr know all, F-all zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  18. That makes sense, the main box for our internet is also in the village, so pointless exercise come to think of it.
  19. Well said, you do the right thing and pay your premium nd hope they do the right thing. With self insuring, if we are fortunate to have saved up enough to cover the costs, we know it's a sure bet, that and if we don't have any issues, we are richer for it. Like you said, it's a gamble by choice.
  20. Many thx, that 11pm-5pm was a one off in 6 plus years, maybe two before they upgraded the lines a year or so ago. Mainly bleeps at the moment, a second or two which is enough to throw me off of the internet and I have to wait about 3-5 minutes before I am back online, so I feel it would be a worth while investment, and the girls would love me because they also get frustrated when the power bleeps and they have to wait 3-5 minutes for the internet to come back on so they can continue on their tablet and iPad.
  21. Agree 110%, invest, invest and keep investing in property and shares and any other vehicle, because savings on their own don't grow as much as the above, then when you get to retirement age, you keep investing while earning from the fruits of your labour.
  22. I like it, where have I been the last 6 plus years ???? Is it possible to buy a dual one, e.g. for the internet and laptop which are close together and near a power point, or do they have to be separate, I ask because I am not literate when it comes to these things ????
  23. We live in a village, after the storm the other night, we lost power from 11pm to 5pm the following day, try being without power for that long, in all fairness, they had to replace the transformer and were under the pump with power poles taking priority in other areas, not to mention they ran out of parts for the problem we had in our village and had to get one from somewhere else ???? The most frustrating part was that the wife didn't want to call PEA when I asked her too, this was 12 hours later, e.g. 11am, her excuse was we cannot tell them what to do, they know of the problem, how so I said, are you a mind reader, and that is when I served her with volley of my frustration, a freezer full of top notch food and two fridges packed to the brim, 20k-30k baht worth of stuff. I said in a calm voice, so to speak, either you ring them and find out what is happening, or you can compensate me the 20k-30k if the food goes off, because this is not good enough, I need to know that they know there is a problem, this is what we farangs do, it's called communication and confirmation. She was on the phone within minutes, I said what did they say and she had the audacity to say, that the man said thank you for letting him know because know one told them the power in the village was out and they will send someone over as soon as possible ???? My take on why those little one second blips happens if because of the workmanship, remember where you are man, appreciate your frustrations though, happens at least once a day here.
  24. From my experience having moved here in 2015, I started looking for health insurance, why, to protect my life's savings which will keep me going here till I'm 101 ???? I found out real fast in the 1st two years no one would touch me with a pre-existing condition dating back as far as 2007 with no issues. The above said, I had no option but to self insure, took it on the chin, then a broker reached out and said, he had found one, so did all the paperwork, gave them the letters from Dr's & Specialist and all good approved, it cost me about $60 US monthly to over the pre-existing condition, and then I had the annual cover to pay for suffice to say in the 3-4 years that I was with them, no claims, but the policy kept going up and when I turned 61 last year it went up double, and I negotiated a 15% discount, but when I turned 62 and the policy was due again, it went up again to about 150k, the reason was they had a new underwriter, so I said, enough is enough and for that kind of annual outlay I will self insure so declined to renew the policy. Don't get me wrong, the money they received in that time, I paid because I knew I was covered, that was the game plan, but when they kept raising the stakes, my pair of Jack's so to speak weren't worth the bluff, so I now transfer 250k baht a year to an online account which I have named Health Insurance funny enough and a reminder to transfer the same annually. I do have enough to cover a major emergency is need be, that said there are also some pretty good university type hospitals which are much cheaper then the privates, and when the time comes, i.e. if it does, I will see what my options are, considering that I'm in good health, eat right, exercise and drink in moderation, should not expect to see myself in a hospital, and think of those $'s back in my pocket rather than theirs, fully knowing that every year the policy would be going up, and especially with every 5 year age bracket, e.g. 59-64, 65-69 etc etc. The decision is ALL yours, that said, if you have enough to fall back on, 4 million is conservative, but with that kind of Baht, you should be fine for major stuff, excluding the big C, if you were ever so unfortunate. I know of a couple of lads who went into privates, one for a quadruple by-pass, 750k, another a stent and pneumonia, had to return a 2nd time for a 2nd collapsed lung, was in and out in total for a about 4 weeks, 2.5 mil baht. Good luck.
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