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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. How do they expect me to place judgement without the video, seriously, that's so judgemental. Upload the video please
  2. Is one looking to purchase the property from family (inter-family transaction) or place is on the open market ?
  3. Yet they are releasing him because of his old age, <deleted> I hope some family member of one the deceased women stalks him and at the right moment, let true justice take it's course !
  4. Agree, but one really has to ask oneself, why, why was this war created and how was it all planned as most are, fact of the matter is most keyboard warriors here and people around the world just point fingers at Putin thinking he is the aggressor, typically from the mainstream media that is feeding them the information that the US and others want them fed, all they do is blame, blame, blame, but can't see it's big business for the US & others. Watch this space, the US and it's pony's will walk away soon as they have made enough money out of this and Ukraine will fall back into the hands of Russia. Tis is not new, it's business, they invest and they win, in some cases, they lose, it's a numbers game. This has nothing to do with democracy, that is the blanket that is over everyone's heads, it's about the gas and the pipelines and now that the US has shored up contracts securing Europe nations, it's job is almost done, fact of the matter is, Zalenski smelt this and went to Washington to shore up more support. Time will tell I am right, I'm content sitting here, and will be more content when what I am predicting happens, what then, will the keyboard warriors go quite, nope they will continue to be sucked into the finger pointing, the blame game, to which I will say, so long suckers.
  5. Yes, right you are, the USA, and it's ponny's never did that to any country they invaded, especially Iraq, the country that they found weapons of mass destruction, not. You believe what you like and I will believe what I like, God bless America LOL
  6. At the end of the day, the US in my opinion is no different to Russia, or China or the Crown Prince who killed journalist Jamal Khashoggi, they all get away with murder. The international courts found that the US and the UK for that matter had no legal right to invade Iraq, believe what you want, and no one will ever be prosecuted. I just can't stand it when most people are blind to the USA's war crimes and atrocities because they believe what mainstream media feed them.
  7. Source: Democracy Now
  8. Yes thanks, I am well aware of how conveniently timed this was.
  9. Please do listen to this, it's very educational to say the least, i.e. if your open minded, (not meaning to be offensive). Source: Democracy Now
  10. Ummmm, not true, I believe Israel threatened Iraq in 1990 or thereabouts, and I believe India and Pakistan have used words in the 70's and 90's, but feel free to correct me. You see to me there is a clear difference between words and actions, which brings me to Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan where you would be aware that two nuclear bombs were dropped 3 days apart from each other, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people, just trying to remember which country that was that used those action, not words, apart from a few leaflets they dropped over the cities beforehand.
  11. Was he a threat before Ukraine wanted to join NATO ? Would the yanks like Russia to move their military up to their borders, come on, let's get real, who is the real threat.
  12. I believe the initial extension for me some 7 years ago was 3 months, that said it does depend on the office, and from what I hear, most are 2 months. The above said, I make it a point to make sure that I have at least that amount in well before 3 months, i.e. I transfer one amount every year at least 3 months beforehand and draw down on that monthly, for my living expenses and then repeat.
  13. You must mean time, I took penalties as in fines ????
  14. 750 military bases around the world in 80 countries, yep Putin certainly is a threat.
  15. Same, same but different, hence the billions they are spending to support Ukraine and NATO's agenda.
  16. Agree to the first part. As for the 2nd part, no deportation as jails in Australia are like hotels compared to here, let him rot here for his crime vs the Oz tax payer paying for his accommodation and meals.
  17. You agree it was a threat to the US then ?
  18. Ok, so 14 days prior to the due date if doing it online, and 6 days after the due date if doing it in person, e learn something everyday thx ???? I kind of figured it won't work, but others have said it will, including the immigration officer on the phone with my wife after the renewal application was lodged. I have also heard that there is no requirement to lodge a TM30, however when my wife called them when we returned, they said yes, she must come in, not me, or face a 2,000 baht fine, she complained when she got there, as it takes an hour 20 to get there to fill in a form which took less than a minute, oh, why didn't you do it online they said...LOL, I won't out the 4 letter word I was thinking of. It is also my understanding that a regulation is not legislation and these bozzo's have the discretionary powers to do as they seem fit, that said, if that is not the case, who is going to challenge them ? As mentioned previously, my brother-in-law who lives in the same village said he didn't need to, I said, no it's not him, it's the blue book holder, and again he said nope, he just returned from overseas as well, so he didn't go nor did his wife, so will anything happen when he does his renewal, who knows. I have a fair few mates who use Udon Thani and they tell me they are more relaxed than Sakon Nakhon, but more corrupt with hands out all the time. At the end of the day, this is a once a year uneventful time for most of us, that said, I didn't ask for a 90 day slip when I was there as I knew I had till January with the clock starting when I came back on the 28th October, now if the online system doesn't work, as someone else has said, i.e. it worked for him, then I will just have to go in, it's always a waste of time because their whole system is too complicated, but that's how they like things, starting from the way they conduct themselves from their basic education system throughout life, IMO.
  19. You could always changed banks, e.g. SCB who I use and transfer from Wise, never an issue.
  20. I was asking myself just the other day if I actually believed all the hype about the humanitarian support the Ukraine is getting from the US and others. Then it dawned on me, the US took out the pipeline and is now negotiating with Europe to sell them gas via a new facility they have been building, hmmm. Putting everything else aside, you know Putin and all, sounds like big business to me and anything to take Russia out of making the coin it what supposed to be making. Just my thoughts.
  21. So what your saying is that as I re-entered the country on the 28th of October 2022, I should go online on the 11th of January 2023, that date being 14 days before the 25th January 2023 which would be 90 days. The above said, if I tried it on the 12th which is what I set my reminder for, it wouldn't work ? I always thought you could renew your 90 days 15 days before the 90 days or 7 days after the 90 days is up, and 45 days before your annual extension is due, but that is another matter.
  22. Not worried at all, just like to cross my T's and dot my i's when I come to a road that I haven't been down before. My father used to say to me, son, the more organised you are in life, the easier life will be, and that has proven to be true to this day. As for worrying, with the office I attend every year, I have to admit, I do worry because these bozzo's keep changing things every year so I walk in with a stack of paperwork and how them I too can pull a rabbit out of a hat, much to their surprise, the latest only a few days ago being copy of all bank book pages, i.e. back to 2016 to which I pulled out of my hat. Thanks for you input, it does help and I will give it a go online on the 12th January 2023 and hopefully it gets me another 90 days, that or take the hour 20 drive, because I won't take choice number 2 provided by IO, i.e. I can go on 1 March 2023 and get one, not important he said, my pen rye. The above said I won't leave a gap from 25 January to 1 March without a 90 day slip, that to me is just wrong, so yes I suppose I do worry, can't help that when the information doesn't sound right coming from the horses mouth.
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