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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Calm....LOL Like I said in my post, you can't change your biology, i.e. how you were born, you were either born a male or a female, simple really. What one does to their body or how one chooses their partner, male + male or female + female or transgender + male or female is up to them, again, simple really. I don't judge, we all have a right to choose how we want to live and with who, but in reality, it's all BS because most people can't get a handle on it, and those who want to change i.e. transgender will only find that they really aren't accepted in my opinion, albeit it in Thailand they are and that's a great thing. I know a few of all types and never had an issue with accepting who they choose to be or how they act, talk etc, if they feel comfortable with who they are, that is all what it's all about, not what society wants them to be or act, it beats the sheet out of some loonies at the top, married with kids creating wars. I therefore ask who should be judged, e.g. a human who creates no problems in society and wants to be who they want to be without creating issues, or one who creates wars, killing countless amounts people for territorial gains or some other BS, yet society will judge those who want to change their being in a way as to how they fit in their skin, as opposed to the madmen at the top, that's all. DEEP
  2. Your either born a male or a female, you can't change your biology, so best get a grip of things. You can be gay or a lesbian, but stepping outside of that is going to make your life a heck of a lot more difficult because people just won't accept you, just my opinion, and before the keyboard warriors jump on board, I couldn't give a rats a$$ what someone wants to be, but lets be real.
  3. Go for a nice relaxing massage and wake up relaxed, feeling refreshed, although you might feel a little lighter than when you walked in, also tired depending on how the ending went ????
  4. What a convenient way to provide more scaremongering. No autopsy means that they cannot say how he died, but hey, that's throw it out there that he was infected with the virus and died, of course the gullible will take that as the cause of his death, hook, line and sinker. Probably died in his sleep of natural causes.
  5. I was just looking the other day for a half decent 3 star hotel starting from Patong to Kata for the wife and kids this coming March during the school holidays. Couldn't believe that there wasn't that much on offer for what I consider a half decent 3 star hotel with breakfast and pool for 2,500 baht a night. We used to pay that before the pandemic, and if they think I am going to pay above 2,500 baht a night for them to make up their unfortunate losses, well I guess they will have another room empty for a week, that said the private rental market looks more inviting, but it's not the same as a hotel where you wake up and go downstairs for a swim and then to breakfast, oh well, if it's got to be the private rental market, it looks like I will take my fruit loops with me.
  6. Yep, your on the money, once they control the food, then the energy and then the money, it's game over, but let's not get into any conspiracy theories, just let's keep on buying gold, because the markets are going to crash, and hopefully we will continue to make while the hay shines.
  7. Yes, my wife has Thai gold, never wears it as she says whenever it comes a time, if ever, she will get more because it hasn't been worn, and of course appreciated over the past 15 years. The above said, one could say she has made 3 times her money or a 300% increase in that time if she sold today, however I have worked out buying and selling has a higher percentage that holding it and of course, there are risks, pretty much the same as losing your gold if you ever took it out of the safe. Why do I buy and sell, the same day, if I can, market risks, however typically in a climate like today, gold would benefit if the market crashed, but to me, there are too many influences on who controls what, so the in and out game works for me, in other words, I don't have the balls to sit it out with the amounts I invest, I suppose having the attitute of safer than sorry is better.
  8. Things change over time, right under our noses, and the sheep will accept the grass, because without it they die.
  9. I could name and shame a dozen westerners here without the required money in the bank to obtain their annual extensions that their agents for a said 20,000 baht gets for them, but what would I achieve from that. Let and let live, they are not criminals, they are surviving through a means of income from their countries that they couldn't afford to survive on back in their home countries through their own government failings of not looking after them, but the looking after the larger corporation who literally pay no taxes, they are the real criminals in my eyes, the politicians who accept their campaign $ to make the legislation which allowed them to avoid paying taxes that could give others a better existence in their own countries, but lets not go there as it's another story, but I think you get my drift.
  10. I am in my 60's and I believe that if anyone doesn't understand what the poster meant when he said he is out, is, well, way behind the times, I understood what he was saying as clear as daylight. Regarding the English language, in case you aren't aware, it is on it's way out as the dominant language, that is because China will soon be taking over, within a decade and the dominant language will become Chinese. Just look at the ratio of women they have to men and then the migration of those women who will integrate around the world, game over. For one who grew up in an English speaking country, left school in year 10, later re-entered the education system to complete two degree's, I still managed to do well for myself, funny thing is, I still have no clue as to what noun, pronoun, verb and the rest are and have never been interested, fact of the matter is I didn't know the difference of when to use these words, there, their and they're, there were also a few others. All of the above said, in my opinion, it all boils down to the teachers teaching it, if they see someone struggling and fail to assist them, then that loss will remain with the child/student for ever, however English is so easy to understand without having to know it perfectly and there are many tools available to correct one if they so choose to use them. Perhaps it is all too difficult a language when it comes to writing and in some differences when it comes to pronunciations, and that is why a very large percentage of the English population have struggled with the language, me being one of them, but like I said, easy to get on with it and easy to pick up what the street youth are saying.
  11. I have found researching certain gold mining companies, not fly by night ones to be very profitable. I buy when they are low and sell when they are up, even as little as 3c can make me 10,000 baht in a day, naturally if it's higher then 3c the more to gain, but I am the type of investor who is in to collect the same day. This way there is less risk of getting stuck with any stock (gold) included, pick the right mining stock and your on a winning streak, also doesn't mean you buy in everyday, you have to time it and most gold mining stocks have been down for a while, however are on the up now in my opinion. Some pay dividends if your looking for a return on top of capital appreciation, that said, I will reiterate, I am only interested in getting in and out as quick as it rises and if you end up holding it overnight because it dropped slightly and opens up on the rise in the morning, it's a great start to the day. I know a guy who bought 250k of gold bars and they dropped after he purchased, I continued buying and selling gold shares and when comparing to the way I do things I am well ahead of him, that said, each to their own, there are risks with everything you do. Best part about the gold shares as a non resident to my home country is that I don't pay any tax on dividends or capital gains. In other words I am no longer a slave to the man.
  12. The detailer is correct, the seats need to come out and are put through a cleansing process and then left in the sun for about 5 hours, i.e. if the sun is hot enough with winter now heading our way. I had a couple of guys refer me to this detailer where we live and this is what he told my wife, those guys got away with it in a few hours but they don't have cloth seats, one car has leather and the other vinyl. Will take the car to him when it heats up and it will have to be a weekend day, as for the cost, I was quoted 500 baht which is very reasonable, did yours charge or want more ?
  13. Laser treatment got rid of mine years ago, suffice to say all of those recording on police files won't match now ????
  14. Why do all of these overstayers need to make news, especially all of a sudden, is this really news, hard core criminals are they. How about some news about crimes Thai's are committing, or is that something we don't want to show, they can include corrupt politician's, police, immigration officers and just plain Thai citizens for all I care. Not Thai bashing, but something relevant in news would be good, as I never heard of overstayers making the news back in my country.
  15. What about the scores of motorists/motor cyclists I see day in day out without plates. To introduce the system, they need cops willing to work, but as usual, these bozos will see a way to manipulate the system, pay fine lose points or pay me and keep points.
  16. You don't say.......LOL Feed the masses crumbs, keep them happy, what about the rest of those immigration officers on the take, i.e. 99.9999%
  17. WOW, 42 years ago, I remember it as clear as daylight, a sad day it was.
  18. I will take that as a compliment. Only invested 10% of my worth here in a property, Honda 125 bike, and new car 7 years ago. Wife lives well of what I make from investments. Apart from my Thai account which is solely used for the annual budget, my other accounts are off shore, I had a prenuptial agreement done back in the old country in 2007 and as far as I know it is still part of the Family Law Act and is worth it's weight in protecting my assets. Wife of 15 years knows how much I earn from investments, how much it costs us to live, and of course if we ever split up, what I have provided her with is hers, plus the gold and land she has accumulated over the years. She also knows that she has no rights to my investments or access, and that there is a will in place is I ever cark it, along with a life insurance policy for her. Being fair works both ways, she has looked after me and I have looked after her, that said, any man who wears his finances on his sleeve and or freely hands it over to his partner, leaves himself wide open. My dad once said to me, you always have to keep them keen. You have learned well grasshopper.
  19. From what I read, he was coughing up blood, so could be a variety of things, possibly a ruptured spleen for one.
  20. It appears that Jason has a good business acumen. Dime a dozen. Hopefully he will learn from his experience, i.e. never allow someone else to have your power, i.e. control over your financials, whether it be by a lease in their name, an alcohol license in their name, etc, etc, and only invest 10% of your worth, that way, if your power is put in a situation like this, you can just up and move on as opposed to going to war and losing more of your power without any certainty. Take the loss, move on, learn from your mistakes, it's cheaper to sit on the stool and enjoy your drink while taking in the scenery, no stress, no loss, lots of other investments not holding you down and you can make more money than a bar makes.
  21. Ok, can you imagine that it's dark, your asleep, you hear a noise, you go outside, you see someone on your property, who knows what time it is, what would be your reaction be. I know mine wouldn't be, can I help you, or would you like to help yourself, perhaps you would like a leg up to our daughters bedroom window where they are sleeping, maybe the keys to our car, no, raping my wife, then our daughters, then killing us all and taking off with our car, hmmm, would you like that with one lump of sugar or two. Let's put it this way, if someone is on our property without an invite at night when out gates are locked, they are not there with good intentions so if I beat the <deleted> out of them, or killed them, I wouldn't think twice about defending our family and property. Lets put it another way, the intruder would prefer my beating or death at my hands as it would be quicker than my wife's. Not interested in laws in any country, and if I had to deal with the consequences of it after the fact, then so be it, as opposed to standing there asking questions to someone who is on our property, uninvited and with who knows what intensions. Yes we certainly didn't grow up with silver spoons in our mouths, we grew up in the real world, seen more than most and can understand the difference between an invited person to an intruder at night. If you can't understand the above, then offer your intruder a cup of coffee when he turns up, because waiting for the keystone cops here will be too late.
  22. Dumb is your reply, why do people always go to the extreme, I made it short and sweet, but you couldn't fathom what I was on about, and that's ok, you don't get it, I get it, next !
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