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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. 1. Still in touch on a daily basis from long time friends back in the old country via social media messages and a call once or twice a week. I also have friends here that I see twice a week, although some have kicked the bucket of late. 2 Yes, happily married 15 years. 3. Have my daily routine which keeps me busy at MY pace, and always put at least 30 minutes work in the gym to keep the muscle from sagging as we age, besides it's good for us. 4. Happily retired 7 years and always looking to make a tax free coin by day trading if the markets looking good, if not, will sit on the fence until it looks good. 5. Passion has always been for the ladies here, can't help that, have always been a passionate guy, and when my lights go out, I will do my best to go out with a smile. So based on the above I consider my score to be a pass with 5/5 ????
  2. Some of us prefer to laydown when they have been f'd over, well that is up to you. Hong Kong or Korean crime flick, nah, prefer Scorsese's crime movies actually.
  3. Well I suppose it all boils down to individual needs and what kind of support you wish to provide to your wife, i.e. if she is not working and looks after your children. Building a house in Thailand is cheap, especially for one's retirement vs trying to retire in the old country, not to mention the tax breaks here as a non-resident. I see nothing wrong with building one's wife a house and buying her a car after they have been together for at least a few years and that the outlay to build the house and buy the car is no more than 10% of one's worth. Personally, I was with my wife for 8 years before the house build started, and it took 18 months to build, 2 man crew, others when required, e.g. renderers. Now after 15 years of a very happy marriage to a woman who is rare to find, but others have and kudos to them, if the marriage went pare shape tomorrow, the house, all of the contents and the car are hers, why, because she earned them looking after me and the children, that said, I would walk away with 90% of my worth still in tact, while she has 10% of my worth to do and chose as she pleases. The above said, if one looks at the house at cost and the car being half it's value today, plus all the contents of the house, over the 15 years, I would say my investment of 550 baht per day was an excellent investment, because in those 15 years of marriage, she cooked, cleaned, ironed, did the shopping, picked up and dropped off the kids from school and of course slept with her husband. Sounds like money well spent to me over my long term investment, albeit it might sound as if I don't love the girl and that she is my slave, but it's up to you how you perceive things, you see, to me, it's all about having the financial edge as opposed to going all in, and of course the laws of the land where you keep your assets, as we know in Thailand, you can't own land, and if push comes to shove, you can force the sale of the house providing you can prove that you built it ect, but why bother for chumps change, she's got to have a roof over her and kids heads, and a car to drive them to and from school.
  4. Others have said, learn from life's experience and move on. Whilst this is good advice, revenge is bitter sweet, even though you were in my opinion more the fool for lending her the money without some form of security, i.e. like the banks do, you want a loan, what have you that we can seize if you forfeit any payments or don't pay the loan back. Putting one foot forward, I would suggest in future you use the word NO forever when it comes to lending money to anyone, once, twice, three times eventually we all learn. Just moving forward would leave a bitter taste in my mouth of defeat, so I would go all out on trying to bring her business down, that said, you have to really sit down and look at the business she has and what ways you can bring her to her knees, there is always a way, and when you finally do, you can smile in her face, letting her know it was you who brought her down. In other words, you won't get your money back, but at least you will stop her from going forward with your money, ain't life a bitch.
  5. I had the Urolift procedure done back in my home country in 2014, it was a day procedure, checked in at about 12pm if memory serves me correct and went home at about 7pm. After the procedure, I had no discomfort or pain until about 10pm as the medicines/drugs were wearing off and was advised that I would feel discomfort, and was given some heavy duty pain killers, the pain is best described as having contractions believe it or not, they only lasted a few hours as the pain killers kicked in. No tablets since the procedure, and no problems since, as for whether you can get the procedure here, I have no idea, but best to research it. Prior to the procedure I was on Flomaxtra tablets prescribed by my GP for about 3 years, they didn't really slow the amount of times I was going to the toilet in a day, after the procedure to date, I wake up around 1.30am and about 5.30am to go to the loo, before the procedure it was at least half a dozen times during my sleep time, which as you can appreciate isn't what I would consider a a good nights sleep. I don't know what your symptoms are, but below is what the Urolgist wrote to my GP, copy and pasted for your information. Thank you for referring this 53 year old gentleman with a several year history of lower urinary tract symptoms, consisting of frequency and nocturia. His prostate symptom score is relatively low at 8, but his nocturia is particularly irritating to him. He denies any urinary tract symptoms and has no family history of prostatic malignancy.
  6. Um, no, incorrect, you see at the time when I clicked on Daily News in the top left corner of the article, the link it took me too only showed pictures, there was no video at the bottom that I could view for whatever reason, and no, I didn't miss it as I know how these things work. The above said, the person I asked to forward me the link if he had it, i.e. Mickeymaus, did so forward me the same link and I did see the video in the same link at the bottom of the article, why it worked in the same link that he provided me with and not the article I saw on AseanNow, I have not idea, maybe my computer was having a slow day in it's old age ? I just went back to the original post above in AseanNow and tried it again, well what do you know it appeared this time around, so I did see it in that original post just now, but not before, only through the link Mickeymaus sent to me, as I said before, hence the reason I asked for the link thinking it might have been seen elsewhere.
  7. I don't know if this helps anymore than what I provided, but I copied and pasted it from the internet, but that said, when your wife calls immigration and tells them that she is the blue book holder and you just returned from overseas and will be staying with her once again, they will be the ones telling her if there is anything they require from here, e.g. filing a TM30 as the blue book holder ? The below is just from an article, and only your immigration office can tell your wife if they need anything more from her. If you are staying in a friend’s house, your friend still needs to submit the TM30 form. The same applies to any foreigner who is married to a Thai and carries a Thai visa. https://www.thethailandlife.com/tm30-guide
  8. It would be better if she also asked if she had to do anything for immigration if she is the blue book holder, and if she has to report you staying with her, then please do let us know as each immigration has different rules, hence all the confusion for all of us travelling in the same boat.
  9. Look I agree with what you are saying Doc, and I did mention that it was from my experience at our immigration office and that others might do things differently, hence the reason I suggest he get his wife to call them. I don't know if it was a TM30 she completed at immigration, but I am suspecting it would be, I jut asked her and she said she had no idea, they gave her a form and she completed it, being the holder of the blue book. I know my immigration office is different to another that some farangs I know go to, i.e. for the same extension, they don't ask for as much information as the immigration office I go to, nor do they have to get their wives to report when their husbands come back from overseas. It would be great it there was one uniformed system so that we could all provide information with each other without some bickering, at the moment, we don't have that, but we can hope.
  10. Welcome to the land of smiles, they didn't tell use about all the useless rules....????
  11. To be honest, I don't know if it is called a TM30, but the blue book holder, usually your wife has to let immigration know that you are back at that same address. Why they want to know this, I have know idea, it's stupid and time wasting, but it is their country and their rules, so we just do what they tell us so that we comply. Once we comply with their stupid rules, we then relax, no point in stressing out and asking them why, because most of the time, they will just say, because it's the way things are or that is the rules.
  12. If your wife is the blue book holder, get her to go online or to immigration to report that you are once again staying in the house. The rules are draconian, but they are their rules and we have to abide by them, that said, this one is for the wife. You don't have to do anything. Just tell her, and it is "up to her".
  13. Just for your information, you are incorrect. As he left with a re-entry permit and returned, his wife must let immigration know again, so she will be the one completing the TM30. You can read above from my previous experience at my immigration office. There is a lot of misinformation about the TM30, however I can say with certainty from my recent experience at my immigration office that the wife had to let them know I was, once again, staying at our matrimonial (her house) as she is the blue book holder. Regardless that they know that I have lived here for 7 years, each time we go overseas (4 so far) she has had to let them know, is it all BS, heck yes, but it is what they want, or she could end up paying a 2,000 baht fine, words from the horses mouth.
  14. I think in all fairness Doc, one should go a little further and also tell him that it's the wife (blue book) holder that has to report that he is back, technically speaking, you are correct in saying that he doesn't need to do anything, but.....his wife is the one that has to submit the TM30. The above said, I am speaking from a recent experience and that is exactly what happened, 1st told husband doesn't need to do anything, 2nd call, correct, husband doesn't need to do anything, but you (wife) have to let us know he is back so come in, so we went, only to be told we could have done it online, 3 hour return trip wasted, they're a usless lot except for when it comes to extracting money from you in my opinion.
  15. As mentioned in my previous reply, you don't need to do anything, it will be the blue book holder who needs to report that you are staying with them, example, as my wife is the blue book holder of our (her) house, she had to report that I (her husband) was staying with her after our recent trip overseas, even though I had a re-entry permit and my marriage extension expires end January 2023. So again, you personally don't need to do anything, your wife will if she is the blue book holder, fact of the matter is she can do it online, my brother in law who returned recently (farang) who goes to the same immigration office said that I don't need to, I said, correct, but my Mrs had to, he said no she doesn't, I said, well if your Mrs hasn't told them that you recently returned and are staying in her house, she could be up for a 2,000 baht fine if they pick it up on the system, more than likely when he does his extension. But each to their own, we do as we are told and avoid being exposed to fines. As for the brother in laws wife, I will keep an ear out to hear if she squeals when he renews his extension.
  16. I just went through this, i.e. I returned from overseas end October with the wife, I have a marriage extension which expires end January 2023. We arrived in Bangkok and stayed at a hotel before making our way home up country. When we arrived home, I asked the wife to call immigration regarding me submitting a TM30 and the answer was no, your husband doesn't need to see us if he has returned from overseas. I did recall that there was something about the blue book holder having to report the foreigner guest/alien call us what you like, so I insisted that she call again, and a different immigration officer said, correct, your husband doesn't need to come in, but you who is the blue book holder must, so we went in, only to be told we could do it on line, thanks for nothing, 3 hour round trip. So I would suggest if you are staying at the wife's place and she is the holder of the blue book, that you try going online and get her to fill in the details, otherwise go in as it will save her potentially a 2,000 baht fine. Now of course this can vary at different immigration offices so probably best you get wifey to call them as I did and ask if she has to let them know that you have just returned from overseas, careful of the wording though as some of them can be thick, e.g. 1st immigration officer could have told the wife that she had to come in or go online to report that I am staying in her house as she is the blue book holder. Hope that clears things up, i.e. you don't have to do anything, it's the blue book holder, which is more than likely your wife, if not some other family member ?
  17. One would think common sense would prevail, as a criminal offence should depend on the length of overstay and whether it was a 1st offence. As an example: 1. Joe from the UK was caught on a weeks overstay, Joe was told he has a week to depart Thailand, Joe was not find and departed within the week he was given. No criminal offense was recorded and Joe could return to Thailand after a year. 2. Joe did not depart and was caught 2 years later, Joe was fined 200,000 baht, i.e. 100,000 baht for each year, Joe could not pay the fine and was sentenced to 2 years jail, then deported upon his release. A criminal offense was recorded and Joe could not return to Thailand for at least 10 years. 3A. Joe was caught 1st time on 2 years overstay, Joe was fined 200,000 baht, paid it while in detention and departed Thailand from detention within a week. A criminal offense was recorded and Joe could not return to Thailand for at least 5 years. 3B. Joe did not have the funds and was sentenced to 2 years jail and then deported upon release. A criminal offense was recorded and Joe could not return to Thailand for at least 10 years. My sister-in-law was 3 weeks overstay in Australia, she was given a weeks notice to depart, no fine and she departed, banned for 3 years though.
  18. Jesus, lost it at high speed, came onto the other side of the road and it was all over. I did try the website earlier but couldn't find it, thanks. Will forward this to the boys, always telling them how things can change in a split second, with even the most experienced of riders would have trouble getting out of that.
  19. Yes, so I heard a while back, still, too young to be on the road, especially Thai roads.
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