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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. Scot, F.F.S, your average Thai can't afford freaking processed Knorr stock or ever set foot in Tesco Lotus. Jeez.

    I live an hour below Khon Kaen and when I go to Tesco Lotus I'm the Only foreigner. The entire store is filled with Thai people shopping for food,drinks and household supplies. I have also specifically noticed the noodle shop ladies in their aprons buying soup bases during the midday as if they ran out and noted this must be one of their secrets to quick and tasty soups.

    When I go to Tesco Lotus in On Nut its full of both Thais and foreigners. Which Thailand do you live in where Thais are so poor they can't set foot in a supermarket?

  2. The only Thai persons English I would think to correct would be my wife and I rarely do that. She's making her way along with it pretty well on her own and her mistakes, spelling and lost in translations are just to much fun for me. I love things like when she texts me "choose" [emoji151][emoji150][emoji149]and is referring shoes which she pronounces correctly.

  3. I wonder at the mentality of a person that does not regularly check his girlfriend's motorbike's brakes.

    It's not just the condition of the brakes that's important, you also have to know how to use them.

    In my observations and having had to maintain the bikes of a number of family members, many Thais seem to only use their rear brake rather than front & rear together - rear brake pads/shoes worn out, front hardly used.

    Using just the rear brake can easily lock the back wheel resulting in a skid.

    Teach your wife/gf to use both F&R brakes together or, if they really can't get the hang of that, use the front brake only rather than rear brake only. Front brake only greatly reduces stopping distance compared to rear brake only. F&R together reduces stopping distance even more.

    Kinda impossible because the right hand is for the throttle and rear hand brake if so equipped and the left hand is used as a sun visor,holding the blouse or hoodie over the face (although you can substitute an umbrella), the obvious choice is a cellphone but that can be substituted for a cold drink,snack food or plastic bag. Sometimes the left hand is merely used to hold the skirt down and that one really bothers me the most.
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