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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. Civil servants have been ordered to wear black for a year, ...
    Is this schools director a public servant? If so she is a moron for wearing her lucky red color dress and thinking no one would be bothered by it. If she is not a civil servant she's a moron for not looking at her surroundings and knowing the natives would be bothered by it. Either way I imagine her title of school director led her to believe she was all important.

    Yes, although I told them it was lost as I imagine them requiring police reports etc. "Lost" is more simple. My roomate and I interrupted the invasion. We came home and went to put the key in the security gate and realized its cut. Two seconds later, a guy put a gun on us. He was waiting in the car while the other two were inside the apt complex robbing others. He directed us into the courtyard and put us face down with others. Some dude put a shotgun to my head. We thought we were dead. This was a friday 5pm. The building owner called police and a car came out for a few minutes after they left. That cop gave us a business card to call the Investigative unit. That unit told us to come in on Monday, they were busy!! After complaining, finally they sent a detective out at midnight and he dusted for prints for 10 mins and left.............
    My lazy ass had just gone to an ATM and withdrew 600usd and left it on the kitchen table, planning to hide it when I got back from the gym.....DOH!! LOL.
    This was in Costa Rica. That place is lame. I was only there as I was stuck there for a while with an investment.

    So you traveled out of Costa Rica with the first lost passport and into another country already by your "was stuck there" comment.
    So we're you able to travel on it?
  3. Look for someone's recipe for boric acid,sugar and water to make a paste. It sounded good as they said the workers carry it back and it kills the colony. I think the chalk sticks Thais use to draw a perimeter to repel ants is boric acid as it works to repel them for a time but without the sugar the ants don't take it home they just don't cross the line and find another path inside.

  4. Rights only comes with citizenship. 
    Maybe you haven't  noticed but most foreigners that come here are hooked up with Sakon Nakon Suki or Khon Kaen Lek.  There has to be some restrictions like having a job, which IMHO, is perfectly reasonable if someone wants Citizenship of a country.
    Are you trying to say Thailand doesn't give people citizenship?

    My wife easily received her green card and is afforded rights from day one I can never achieve in Thailand. I could care less about being equal in Thailand as I have the choice to stay or go. Discussions of foreigners gaining anything through p/r or citizenship is a joke, there's no comparison versus my home country.

    Benefits of holding a U.S. Green Card

    There are many benefits of obtaining a US green card,which is why many immigrants to the US apply for a green card as soon as they are eligible. Also known as permanent residency, a greencard entitles you to several important benefits:

    The freedom to work and live in the US permanently. With a green card, you can live and work in the US permanently. You can take any work you wish in the US, including many forms of government work. There are a few levels of security clearance which only US citizens qualify for, but green card holders can apply for virtually any job in the US. You will not need additional work authorization to work in the United States. With a greencard, you can make the US your permanent home and place of residence.
    Freedom of movement. Once you are a green card holder, you can travel outside of the US and return freely. You can also travel anywhere within the US you wish and live in any part of the US you wish. If you do plan on leaving the country for more than six months, however, you may wish to take additional steps to safeguard your permanent residency.
    The ability to sponsor relatives. Once you are a US green card holder, you can sponsor your relatives to get their own green card. Therefore, you can ensure that your family is united in the US and enjoys the same right to live and work in the US.
    The ability to seek US citizenship. Once you have had your US green card for five years, you may qualify to apply for US citizenship, which will give you the right to vote and run for office.
    Legal rights. With permanent residency in the US, you can get many social benefits, including research grants, taxation benefits, insurance coverage, social security benefits, state sponsorship in education, research, retirement benefits, and health benefits. With a US green card you can also own firearms, a house, cars, and other property in the US and even secure financing for these purchases.
    Permanent status. With many nonimmigrant visas, you are only allowed a specific status for a short period of time and you must reapply in order to extend your stay. A green card, however, confers permanent status, so that you typically do not need to worry about reapplying for your status. Instead, you will only need to renew your green card every ten years or so, which is a very simple process.
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  5. The answer to the o/p seems pretty obvious that with permanent status would come "rights" and they don't want non-native people to supplant Thai nationals. It would take no time at all for foreigners to be controlling the country if they were allowed to own and invest independently rather than the current 49/51% business system,jobs reserved for Thais and no freehold rights.
    They are the ultimate in protectionists and like it that way.

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  6. My tipping everyone in service situations at least a little something has influenced her attitude of rarely tipping or being a little stingy. Of course before me money was tight for her so it's understandable. It took time for her to become secure enough to part with b20 when it wasn't necessary. Now she tips appropriately when I'm not around and enjoys telling me how it surprised someone or made them happy because she gave them a little extra.
    She has learned and enjoys the benefit of leaving b20 and maybe some leftover food each morning for the housekeepers when she travels. They usually deliver nice touches to the room and give her extra toiletries, towels etc.
    She is very proud of her country but doesn't make too many excuses for some of the craziness in Thailand and in fact is very cautionary that you can't trust anyone or anything. At times she's apologetic and says "not the same your city" and I tell her my city (country,USA) is very much the same and thank her for reminding me to be vigilant when it comes to safety and security.

  7. Often it looks like checkpoints are set to seek a specific crackdown target only. Sometimes it's motorbikes,cars,pickups,big trucks,buses,insurance,helmets or licenses.They seem to stick to flagging only those vehicles. That way their crackdown numbers meet the need to show action was taken and the problem was solved.

    Read the thread again, I don't ask for or seek "legal advice", I only solicit views.
    And if you know about recent changes to the usufruct law that nobody else on this forum is aware of and have not been mentioned, perhaps you would care to share, citing a reliable professional source in the process otherwise it's going to be received as the BS it sounds like!!!
    Finally, one benefit of this thread is that my friend has now recognised the issues spelled out here hence mission accomplished.

    So in post number four where you close asking "and is it legal" you now say wasn't asking for or seeking "legal advice"?
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