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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. Just an other example why the US is a failed democracy. Courts, especially the supreme court should be a shining beacon of objective unbiased fair rulings. It's simply entirely insane that judges are appointed via some political (or any other) bias, these judges should be as close as unbiased as humanly possible!
    Nevermind what hypocrits the Republicans are by having refused letting Obama appoint the Judge while in the past if it was in their favour they did not want to wait with such an appointment untill after upcomming elections.
    The US truely is a failed democracy. People being forced to vote between a turd sandwhich and a steaming pile of sh*t in these elections. Other parties having no real influence, basically absense of a true liberal party/runner (Johnson) , Greens/Social-Dems (Stein). Only having two parties that have any real power or influence is entirely messed up!
    As is the whole voting system, the outdated with constituents deciding who will be president, the winner takes all principle, the way election results are influenced by the way voting regions are set up, the sillyness around registrating to vote and so on.
    The system is a mess. And I am not exactly pleased with republicans basically controlling every position of power now (white house, congress, senat, supreme court). Not that I am a fan of most democrats either though, both republicans and democrats are too right winged for me.
    So congrats to Trump. The US would have ended up with a shitty president regardless of who won.

    America is NOT a Democracy, it's a Representative Republic that works exactly as it was designed to.
  2. Maybe like in our case it's so the air (which my wife calls oxygen) you're breathing is cool or cold. If I set it for less than "ice cream" she puts on like a fish gulping on the surface for air. I've gotten over it and switched sides so she is closest to the arctic draft and pull the covers to my neck. I don't begrudge her wanting to be happy at night as year round all waking hours are spent without a/c and she handles it as best one can.

  3. Go to a Thai hospital and ask for dl medical. 100 baht if I remember correctly. You get an ID card and are enrolled in the system. They take bp, ask you how you feel and do you have a cough.

  4. Republicans need to become the party of "more free stuff" than the democrats to ever hold the presidency because a majority of the voters are now on or want to be on the democratic dole and will never vote against their best interest. The national debt is absurd and I really don't care anymore because they won't be getting the lions share of the needed revenue from me.

  5. Loud pipes didn't help the motorbike when the pick up truck t-boned the rider in front of our place today but the violent crunch got our attention and my wife said from afar "motorbike have a problem!"
    I convinced her to call 1669 immediately as the rider was surely not getting up from this one and it appeared everyone was just going to look and talk. About 25 minutes later a rescue came from the hospital 2km away.
    If your going to have a medical emergency call ahead of time.

    It's not clear to me why you have to "tag along" with her on her (admirable) shopping expeditions.  Can't you just let her spend all the time she wants (without boring you into a coma) among the clothes' racks until she finds the exact thing she is looking for.  Meanwhile, you have read two detective novels while waiting (at home).

    I understand the sentiment but often it's when we travel throughout Thailand and the hunt is usually impromptu and if not it's the Wednesday only "big market" in our small city. As I'm not here full time we do most things together and make the most our time. I don't know if that will change when I'm able to reside full time but I hope not.
  7. This is super Cheap  My wife has me turn off the Micro Wave oven after I use it at the plug source She says "Save Energy"
    I looked it up on the internet and it costs about 10 baht per month to leave the light indicator on
    But she will spend 1100 baht on a shirt
    Confusing girl !!!!!

    Happy I'm not alone as we have to turn of and unplug everything when not in use to the point it wears out the switches and receptacles. It's for safety and to save the world and lower the electric bill from vampire draws. It's too hard to argue with her premise so I don't. I am lucky because she'd never spend 1100 for a shirt and enjoys the hunt for second hand, good quality and pays 20 or 100 baht for most things.
    I sometimes go crazy tagging along on the hunt but then remember how much money she's saving me and happily go back to people watching until she finds the trophy purchase.
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