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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. My wife does announce "train coming" or "coming" every time as the op suggest as soon as she sees the light in the distance. Sometimes it's still actually loading at a nearby station and I've learned not to laugh or delay as she insists on my being in the cue. I think it's her conditioning of years on the Sky train and not wanting to wait for the next one,fight to get in or miss getting a seat if only she had loaded a little sooner.
    She's always punctual and although she understands it, Thai time makes her crazy and the very common Thai habit of not showing up without even calling to cancel, apologize or explain makes a bad day for me as I listen to the questions she should have asked them before saying it's okay and hanging up,,why they don't call,,if they don't want to go why make a plan,, etc.
    I calm her down by telling her how happy I am that's she's not that way and we go someplace so her being dolled up and excited to be going out doesn't go to waste.

  2. Very trendy for the Bangkok elite, but for the ordinary people it's not something that is even considered.  Not only in Thailand, but everywhere in the world what you eat depends on available income.

    It's 10:30 at night and 2 shops over a local entrepreneur is putting more touches on a pop-up shop he opened this morning solely to sell this food to normal, non-elite Thais who observe this 9 day period. It was quite busy today and we're in a small city in Issan.
  3. The 873 km (542 miles) rail line will link Thailand's border with Laos to the ports and industrial zones in Thailand's east."

    Is there any country in the world that moves freight on " High Speed Trains", as we know them (in excess of 250kph) ?

    Doubtful of true high speed and merely a cheaper and faster way for Chinese goods to get to Thai and world markets. Seems foolish to assist a manufacturing competitor to get their goods to market.
  4. Food bores me on any continent to be honest being as I'm caffeine and nicotine dependent.
    At some point each day there's a need to throw down some serious calories and by then anything tastes good. My wife's Thai/Issan food habits make me crazy sometimes and I have to constantly remind myself she's the normal eater in the family.

  5. I think this fits,,
    Upgraded my wife's memory short iPhone 5 to a 128gb/6 and she wanted to sell the 5 privately for more than dtac offered. I protested a little but decided her insistence 2000 baht more was in my best interest to respect her sense of our money.
    Upon seeing the advertisement of the old phone a family member lobbied strongly that they should be given the old one.
    It went horribly wrong from there for awhile but ultimately it was solved in my favor, my wife made the private sale for the extra baht and no family members will be trying to take what doesn't belong to them from us again. I feel lucky to still be married and have good enough relations with the parties involved after that early debacle. I decided to tactfully make an early statement and hope my wife chose the proper side of the issue.

  6. Welcome to Obama's America.

    Anyone think HRC will change it?

    Pity the deputies weren't there BEFORE the shootings. I guess armed security will be a fixture at any gathering in the US from now on, or at least it should be.

    Women are the fastest growing demographic owning guns in the US. Perhaps teenagers will be joining them now.

    We have seen that having people with guns during those kinds of acts are useless.

    In Dallas, where you have open-carrying weapons, it added : confusion, slowed down the police and didn t help at all because in case like thise, even the people with guns try to flee and not play "hero"....

    I don't know of any States that allow firearms in establishments that serve alcohol even when someone has a Concealed Carry permit.

    If I had to make odds, I would say this is going to be African-American based on it being Ft Meyers.

    It is not going to be Muslim.

    Check the state of Virginia carry laws. Open carry with no permit and carry in an establishment that serves alcohol is allowed. The Person carrying may not consume. Individual establishments may ban carrying weapons, superseding state law. Texas allows carrying in drinking venue as well.

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