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Everything posted by oslooskar

  1. That would be unfair and discriminatory to all the law-abiding British travelers. 😄
  2. Does anyone know where I might find a used electric car seat in good condition in the Rayong area? I want to try converting an electric car seat into a desk chair because I find car seats more comfortable than desk chairs. oslooskar
  3. Oh come now! You threw your hat in the circle and I responded by engaging you in honest debate, which apparently you can't handle.
  4. No, figuratively speaking, I just gave you enough rope to hang yourself, which you've done quite nicely.
  5. So, let me get this straight: According to you, I am bickering because I have asked you to be intellectually honest enough to back up your allegations with evidence?
  6. UH-OH! I see a sharp decline in the quality of your retorts, Kwilco.
  7. Given the fact that you continue to make allegations that you refuse to back up with corroborating evidence, I think we can safely conclude that you have no idea what intellectual honesty is.
  8. Well, then, you shouldn't have any problem articulating what that "EVIDENCE" is that your allegations are based on that my idea, stating that I have more freedom in my everyday activities here in Thailand than I did in California, is naive in the extreme. And do remember, I specifically mentioned, "in my everyday activities".
  9. If you're going to make allegations, at least be intellectually honest enough to back them up with facts. You can start by explaining why my idea, stating that I have more freedom in my everyday activities here in Thailand than I did in California, is naive in the extreme. Mind you, I specifically mentioned, "in my everyday activities".
  10. There is still more freedom here for me in my everyday activities than there was in California. However, I will acknowledge that if I was accused of a crime that I would be better off in an American court than a Thai one. Also, if I was a political activist I would certainly have more freedom in the USA to speak out against my government than I would in Thailand. BUT, I am making reference to activities in my everyday life as an elderly retired expatriate. Hence, I can drive along the Beach Road in my electric cart, park my car at the curb on the Beach Road, ride in the back of my son's pickup truck, get my medications at the pharmacy without having to go through a doctor here, go fishing without a license. Also, I can walk around the city of Rayong without any fear of being victimized by criminals or confronted by aggressive panhandlers.
  11. On the other hand, there is more freedom here for the common man in his everyday life activities than there is for his peers in the United States, which is supposedly the freest country in the world but isn't. My point is that the carefree Thai way of life has made my life a lot easier and hassle-free. So, for me, I find more positives here in Thailand than negatives.
  12. Swedish authorities never caught up with me in the 1960s as I hitchhiked across Sweden stealing apples from trees in front yards everywhere.
  13. If he did not surrender the bag at the first airport where he found it, then I would not believe his story.
  14. I found a wallet in Golden Gate Park when I was a kid, turned it in, and the police thanked me for it. I once picked up a wallet in Hamburg, Germany, and caught up with a Finn whose pocket it had fallen out of while he was sitting on a park bench. I also turned in a rich Arab's wallet that had $8,000 in U.S. currency. In conclusion, I would check the Dane's background and find out if he has a criminal history. If not, then I would be inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt.
  15. In other words, you don't have any evidence of bribery. Hence, your allegation will remain an allegation and nothing more. NEXT CASE!
  16. If my memory serves me correctly, visa agents in Thailand fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Employment (DOE) and the Ministry of Labor.
  17. Well, if we go by your frame of reference then I would be smarter because I have at least 30 times that amount parked in a U.S. bank.
  18. Where is your evidence of bribery? The truth is, you're just making allegations that you can't prove. Perhaps you're angry because you can't afford an agent, and you resent those of us who can. I hire an agent because navigating through immigration's bureaucracy can be time-consuming and complex, and a licensed agent who is well-versed in immigration laws, procedures, and requirements can streamline the process by efficiently handling my paperwork, which saves me time and aggravation.
  19. Well, I have the necessary funds in my Thai bank account but I still prefer to use an agent because I hate dealing with government bureaucracies of any kind. I do my 90-day reports online and that's it. I do not do anything dodgy or illegal. Also, I had to deal with American immigration many years ago when trying to get a visa for my Thai wife so she could enter the USA and I was very fortunate that my Congresswoman had my back and assisted me. Bottom-line, if it becomes illegal to use an agent to assist me getting my visa renewed, then I will discontinue using them. I will never knowingly break the law.
  20. I always find it enjoyable reading the posts of the have-nots who are embittered and jealous of the haves who were smart enough to have money to park in Thailand.
  21. If you are implying that using an agent to assist an individual in getting his/her visa extended is dodgy, then do tell us why you feel it is so?
  22. No, need to look it up when I can clearly see an example of you attempting to circumvent your responsibility of providing concrete evidence to substantiate your allegation.
  23. What is idiotic is the fact, as per your own admission, that you continued to hire incompetent individuals to handle your taxes, and they consistently made errors, leading to penalties. In my own case, my accountant has never made mistakes, and I have never had to pay any penalties. After all, I am very careful about whom I choose to hire.
  24. You wrote, "Yes, all these foreign criminals attempting to circumvent the Visa process should be deported and never let return. You are spot on."
  25. If you are alleging that foreigners who use visa agents are criminals, then please present some evidence that corroborates such an allegation.
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