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Posts posted by sibeymai

  1. I agree the distance measured must be 200 metres from the high water mark otherwise in places like Patong the legislation would be unworkable.

    This is by far one of the most interesting threads on TV and I eagerly await the court's decision.

    In my view VT7 will loose as it is a simple application of the relevant law.

    Of some concern to the government will be the possibility of VT sueing the Pattaya local government for incorrectly issueing the building permit, but if possible could only be to recover construction costs incurred by VT thus far. The onus is on VT to confirm what type of construction is allowed on land they purchase before they buy. If VT did pay 200 million baht and it's really only worth 40 million after the court decision that's a loss they will have to take. Maybe the VT chairman can build himself a beachfront house instead....but he might loose too much face living on the old VT7 site.

    As for VT5, the residents who have been affected by this building must definitely seek redress from the courts. It should be torn down as an example to all developers. However compensating affected neighbours is a more practical and likely outcome.

    Without a court injunction construction of Regatta will no doubt proceed but having issued an injunction for VT7 the court will inevitably issue one for Regatta if petitioned. For the developer it's their decision if they want to waste money by starting to build foundations for an 8 storey building when they'll only be allowed to build 4 storeys.

  2. doesn't the apostrophe signify possession ? I think LaoPo means the 3.4 billion belongs to Euro.....ie. Euro's 3.4 billion.

    When does Euro want it back ?

    Mirror , mirror on the wall , who is the quickest of them all? :o


    Just thought I'd add some weight to your argument.

  3. A funny "I'm richer than you" story, only this one's from real life...

    Kerry Packer (richest Australian, now deceased) had a penchant for gambling. While in the high rollers room of some casino he was annoyed by the antics of another gambler who kept bragging about how wealthy he was.

    Kerry had a bit of a temper and so says something like this to the guy: "Now, how much did you say you're worth ?"

    The guy replied "Well, I'm worth US$300 million" (whatever the amount, it might have been more)

    Kerry at this time was worth over $US5 billion. His response to the guy..."I'll toss you for it, double or nothing"


  4. I want HIM to be my mate, my drinking buddy, my friend. Someone I can talk to about everything, even the skeletons in my closet. I know, he'll try to fix my problems for me and I don't mind that as long as he listens. I want him to be trust-worthy and reliable, to care about my feelings, (to not hurt me) and to trust me.

    I want HIM to be my man, my lover,my friend.

    A little bit of support would be nice. :o

    Well, Ms Graceless fawn, in the absence of your usual VERY VOCAL fan club (where are they), I thought your post was very well expressed.

  5. Understand the need for cash to make some purchases but this makes me think further........

    GF wants to buy a car, tells BF he should pay in cash (BF doesn't know about cashiers checks). GF informs accomplice who then robs BF.

    A lot of what I hear reported sounds like a set up for an inside job.

  6. gotta admit storming a hospital is a first for Thailand, or anywhere I've heard. Wonder what time span was between the two events. Makes me think if the same would have happened if it was not farangs involved. Somehow I doubt it.

  7. I'm not a resident of Pattaya so I'm somewhat intrigued as to why, in many reports of robberies targeting farangs, there are often very large amounts of cash involved.

    Why is this ? In my experience, only those engaged in activities outside the law have need for large amounts of cash. Does this hold true for these robbery victims in Pattaya ? Surely the place is not crawling with rogues, or is it ?

    In many instances the report states that a safe was forced opened. If the farang wants to protect the cash what's wrong with a bank ?

    Such reports of large cash amounts can only encourage robbers to believe that each farang's home is a gold mine.

  8. Dollar accounts approved

    BANGKOK: -- The Bank of Thailand said Thursday it would allow the public to open US dollar bank accounts of up to $100,000 ................................

    Under the measure, ordinary Thais can own domestic bank deposits worth up to $100,000,

    I don't know of many ordinary Thai's who have $100,000 to put in a bank account. This sounds more like a scheme for the rich to legally pocket money because of the inflated baht.

    I'm probably wrong. I don't know how all of this really works. It's just a gut feeling.

    I think you answered my question. Those "long odds" will be very much shortened for certain people with connections.

  9. yep, me too. Just got one for the wife's birthday after spending the last 5 years trundling around in a 1999 Sport Rider. The Sport Rider stays under the car port and we go everywhere in the VTEC Jazz (black with CVT). I just can't help grinning every time I get behind the wheel. Kinda reminds me of the original VW Golf GTi (circa 1975/6). Basic inside, excellent engineering, stacks of grunt and enough room in the back for at least six bales of straw (important for me because I'm, nominally, a Gentleman farmer!

    Forget the Audi, get yerself a VTEC Jazz, it'll cost you less than the tea money for importing a TT and you'll be grinning as much as me. BTW I'm 55, going on 15! :o

    Have to admit they make a great pick up substitute.....carted 150+ tree saplings in the back of mine from Kabin Buri to Kalasin. No problem at all.

    Funny, the wife's family prefer to travel in the tray of the Vigo. Guess the Jazz isn't hi-so enough for them.

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