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Posts posted by sibeymai

  1. I second DamianMavis....refusal would lead to a very quick divorce.

    As a friend related a discussion on this topic with his girlfriend (future wife).....

    GF: "Is sex important to you ?"

    BF: "Is breathing important to you ?" (not meant as a threat)

    They fully understood each each other before they married.

  2. Firstly and above all, I have no problem with the spirit of the law being equality for both sexes and equal protection under the law.

    However, what equality of protection exists in the legislation to prevent males being falsely accused of rape by vexatious or conniving wives ?

    If after a wife claims rape a major object of proof is medical evidence (as it is), such evidence could easily be obtained by the wife during consensual sex. Therefore the ability for a wife to claim rape is unfairly biased in the woman's favour.

    Due to the ease with which women can make false rape claims courts usually insist on the presence of substantial and indisputable evidence (medical evidence alone does not constitute indisputable evidence) before convicting, which unfortunately means a percentage of offenders are found not guilty through lack of evidence.

    Conversely though, a percentage of falsely accused men will be convicted because they can not satisfactorily establish their innocence over the presence of medical evidence and other circumstantial evidence.

    My point here is that the percentage of falsely accused men who will be found guilty will greatly exceed the number of falsely accused women ever found guilty.

    Unfortunately, sending innocent men to prison will not compensate for the number of guilty men not convicted. This same problem with the law also exists in western countries. Unfortunately, no country has found a workable solution and western laws remain biased in favour of women.

    It is this bias whereby men can easily be falsely accused which I believe men have a justifiable objection to. The penalty for a proven false rape accusation should be no less than equal to the penalty for rape itself.

  3. Well it now seems official, according to figures quoted in today's Post report, that Bangkok's Swampy Airport is set to lose out to neighbouring airports in Singapore and Hong Kong in the race to become SE Asia's airport hub.

    Does this mean that the Thai government will now admit that the airport is the kingdom's biggest white elephant ? And what about Thaksin's involvement ? Must be fertile ground for bringing more charges cagainst him considering his personal involvement and the enormous international embarassment the whole project has caused.

    Thailand's asian neighbours must be secretly pleased that while the Thai government continues to fumble along it's way without any definite signs of progress conmparable to other countries the majority of the economic spoils of SE Asia's growth will go to those countries who have made significant progress.

    Sad for the Thai people to be failed repeatedly in such an important area....but as a result Thailand will remain for the foreseable future one of the cheapest places (ie. the lowest standards of per capita income and standard of living) of SE Asia country, and therefore remain an attractive place for tourists, expats and retirees.

  4. Judging from the lack of responses from Fortuner drivers one may assume:

    A- Vigos outnumber Fortuners about 10 to 1, or

    B- Most Fortuner drivers are illiterate, or

    C- The reason Fortuner drivers speed everywhere is because they don't have time to respond to threads such as this, or

    D- all of the above


  5. Hi,

    1. Vigo 4x4 dual cab "exclusive"....(PLUS, take note not all Vigos are "entry level vehicles" unless they all come standard with leather interiors)

    2. sailing and farming

    3. everything except death metal

    4. Sydney Morning Herald, Bangkok Post, The Nation, Straits Times, South China Morning Post, International Herald Tribune, The Economist, Cruising Helmsman, Sydney Afloat

    5. Soi Cowboy

    6. not really these days

    7. Engineer/Farmer/Manager

  6. I'm not an apologist for slow players or lack of ettiquette on the golf course. However, there's good reason why Koreans and Japanese might take so long. The social aspect of the game may have more importance to these players than anything else. The player holding the most senior position, if the group are employees, or the client if the relationship is customer based, will invariably win the round regardless of how good a player they are. The length of time the round takes may also be longer than usual if there are pressing business matters to resolve. None of this will sit nicely with the retired westerners in Thailand who play the game for sport or fun.

  7. Read an NTSB report recently where they stated that, even though the pilots had a cellular phone, when they could not raise ATC on any radio frequency they did not try their cellular phone to call the landline. Later in the flight they flew into a mountain.

    Maybe the ban on using cell phones in aircraft also applies to the pilots. But if aircraft can have their own cellular system does that mean all passengers can use their phones, or will they have to route through the onboard cell system and pay a premium access fee akin to roaming ?

    Sounds very likely.

  8. Currently there are no sustainable, regular and legal sources of quantities of agarwood which commercial users could develop into mass market products using agarwood ingredients. There is certainly interest from manufacturers to do so...possibly the next "miracle ingredient" in cosmetics and personal care products (remember aloe vera, henna, tea tree oil...etc ad infinitum).

    Through managed commercial plantations the problems in creating a mass market product from agarwood will be solved as plantations regularly harvesting and processing can supply regular raw or processed product and due to the plantation source they can satisfy the requirements necessary to export with CITES approval.

    All of this should allow small individual farmers to also market their product, either through niche products they produce themselves, or by selling their raw harvested trees to whoever sets up to process the commercial plantation's output.

  9. Used to indulge in the past, but not lately. It definitely adds to the sensitivity and is somewhat erotic so also adds to the mental effect. Also makes men look bigger. Love it on women so why wouldn't I be willing to return the favour ?

    If I resumed the practice now without consulting the wife first I'd get the third degree about who did it or who i was doing it for. unexpected behavioural changes will no doubt be met with a modern day equivalent to the Spanish Inquisition.

    Very cryptic! Could you please rephrase that so I can understand it.

    Viva le Bic !!

    (sorry for the language...but hope it's common use in English will get it past the mods)

  10. Used to indulge in the past, but not lately. It definitely adds to the sensitivity and is somewhat erotic so also adds to the mental effect. Also makes men look bigger. Love it on women so why wouldn't I be willing to return the favour ?

    If I resumed the practice now without consulting the wife first I'd get the third degree about who did it or who i was doing it for. unexpected behavioural changes will no doubt be met with a modern day equivalent to the Spanish Inquisition.

  11. Her: always complaining about how hot it is

    walking at a snails pace

    spending hours in the supermarket

    being totally unorganised

    insisting on asking directions from people who have no better idea of where to go then we do

    walking into a perfectly neat and tidy room and leaving it looking like a war zone 30 minutes later

    making me bring her a glass of water when she comes to bed even though she is perfectly capable of bringing it with her

    Me: I'm perfect, of course. :o

  12. Last word on this should be news report yesterday from Melbourne, Australia where some bystanders intervened in a domestic dispute between a man and a woman.

    Result: 3 people shot. 43 year old man dead, 24 year old woman in serious condition in hospital and another man shot.

    Doesn't pay to get directly involved.

  13. I have a few agarwood trees planted on 7 rai on my farm at Khao Hin Son (highway 304) mixed with teak. I think agarwood is worthwhile and the harvest term can be up to you anywhere from about 6 years onwards.

    Agarwood must have water; will not tolerate extended dry periods. I have a drip irrigation system and 1,500 cubic metres water pond to see me through the dry season.

    There are a number of inducement methods being used in Thailand. However, the CA kit is probably the best (and most expensive) as it has been developed and proven by research studies in the US.

    Good luck and good harvest.

  14. you can find seedlings in nurseries on the side of the road between Nakhon Nayok and Prachantakam (about midway between the two around where a cross road goes through Khao Yai national park to Pak Chong, sorry, don't know the highway number). Prices range between 10-15 baht for seedlings around 50-80cm.

  15. I am in no way homophobic but....regarding "chasing" amd "giving", how sick do you have to be to be a "chaser" or a "giver" ?

    Surely if you are a chaser, you don't need to get any sicker by contracting HIV....you have the death wish already which means there's got to be something seriously wrong with your mental state to start with. Perhaps is to bring their physical body into the same state of sickness as their mind, but to be honest, I really have no idea why people would do this.

    Can anyone explain what the rationale is behing being a "chaser" ?

  16. Chuwit is the obvious "opposite" to Purachai, but equally too extreme.

    God help us if Purachai does resurrect himself. We'll only be allowed to leave home to either go to work or visit a temple and have to be in bed by 9pm.

    Tourists will only be granted visas based on their itinerary of temple and cultural show visits.

    What gets me though with Purachai is the focus on "entertainment" but no real consideration of the underlying factors in Thai society which make it all happen......poverty, low education, single mothers, mia nois, etc, etc.

    If the guy really wanted to improve Thailand he could start with members of parliament and other so called respectable people who set the example for others to follow.

    Without this Purachai is just another vote grabber using a scapegoat issue to further his own political career which, on this agenda, will only divide thai society further and fix nothing....another would be emperor in new clothes same as Toxin.

    Edit: the only good thing Purachai did was leave TRT.

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