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Everything posted by stereolab

  1. It made perfect sense to me.
  2. I used my Thai DL at VFS, I had plenty of other suitable documents, but the girl went straight to the DL. Address in English on reverse side.
  3. No, but her attempt was futile, some very good looking girls around here with passable English.
  4. My wife refused to let me get proficient in the Thai language when I first arrived 11 years ago, in case I met another woman.
  5. He requested a top of the range Mercedes Benz from the impoverished parishioners at the temple, they bought a Yaris instead.
  6. Or you could buy an IPTV package, drive to the city and load up your freezer with Farang food, and return home. Thai internet is much faster than what I had in Scotland.
  7. I know only 1 older,single farang who lives locally, about 1.5 hours from Udon. He stopped drinking recently, is a chain smoker and lives with 2 dogs, he is ex military, and is finding life a bit of a struggle, particularly with the recent heatwave. I am married and live near him, I visit Udon once a week, 2 hours and I am fed up with it, the noise, heat and driving conditions. Nong Khai ,being much closer has a number of amenities, but is not really geared up for farang. The key here is to wake up each morning and have a task to complete, we have extensive gardens that keep me well occupied. As a non-drinker, non-smoker the thought of living in Udon, Bangkok etc in a condominium and spending my days at a bar is too difficult to contemplate.
  8. Most fortunetellers receive relevant information about their customer before any sitting, they get inside knowledge from neighbors and relatives of their clients. Nothing mystical going on.
  9. I suspect that if you got to the counter your day would only have become worse.
  10. I bought the CX-3 last year, after having consecutive Mazda 2s’, I have been so pleased overall, my wife loves it. Do not, look at the diesel version.
  11. More nonsense being spouted by the Police. These figures do not make sense.
  12. Start the ball rolling Early in 2023 to obtain your new passport.
  13. What training do Thai Police receive which qualifies them to carry out this type of work?
  14. A never ending, money making saga, for the pharmaceutical industries.
  15. You really need to explain that comment.
  16. But he was not “brassic”enough to fly to the UK, not cheap any more.
  17. Will that be in the morning or after lunch?
  18. Yes indeed, and they seem to revel in the Covid 19 requirements.
  19. My BIL, a Nurse, is just back from another jolly with his hospital pals, I don’t think they have completed a 5 day work week in years.
  20. The plane skidded off the runway, therefore, an immediate slide evacuation should have taken place. They could lose their license over this failing.
  21. VFS have an office in Chiang Mai, I know because I used it in February for a new UK passport.
  22. And she hopes that Granny has fed the other 2.
  23. Even better, have 2 pensions.
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