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Everything posted by Tug

  1. I thought he was hanging out with Donnie in the bunker at mar a lardo……oops largo lmao ????
  2. I’m concerned they may be stockpiling for a spring offensive ,I’d be absolutely delighted to be wrong about it.hopefully it’s because they are bankrupt
  3. Good I’d be surprised if they haven’t been training for some time
  4. Far to short ,if any normal person did this even on a small scale it would be years in the fed system far to short Imo (unless there’s a lot we don’t know about)a small bird comes to mind……tweet tweet!
  5. Not in the least bit surprised for these swamp critters to let fraudulent activity flourish they gotta keep their environment agreeable to their form of life
  6. That’s great news!it makes it harder for Putin to finance his criminal war of conquest.It also makes it harder to murder Ukrainians trying to defend their country and because he’s deprived of the tec side of the war he can get more Russians killed some leader NOT!
  7. Hey wonder if they have pulled Donnie’s passport yet?Is he under house arrest at mar a lardo oops largo or is he just bunkering down there?sure sounds to me like the doj is going to indict soon!
  8. Hey should we start a pool as to when poor keven gets the chop?id advise him not to unpack.all it will take is for ether of the 2 kracken to have a bad day lol ???? could you imagine having to always be looking over your shoulder for those 2 shrews?yeiks!
  9. Looks like they are bringing out the big guns this doesent bode well for Donnie me thinks .we are finally going to see an indictment hopefully
  10. My understanding is they were found at an institution that study’s foreign policy to imply that Biden himself left the docs isent nessarley true they could have been forgotten by someone studying at that facility the main point to me is the difference in the way they were handled
  11. Spent time in montecito and summer land (aka bummerland) back in the late 60s some really wild times!hope all is ok after the blow at least most folks there can handle it financially
  12. Abby continues to improve I’m wishing her a speedy and full recovery the mother of the little monster needs a real serious look imo just sad hang in there Abby we are pulling for you!
  13. Good to see we as a species can make a difference it’s good to see a spot of good news in these sad and troubled times
  14. What a difference the way this is being handed all correct in the Biden’s response.certainly not willfully withholding lying hiding denying delaying as in the trump response
  15. Obviously there’s something wrong with your premise we interjected ourselves into the Vietnamese civil war obviously the side who had the majority of the Vietnamese hearts won the conflict.The difference here is we don’t have feet on the ground obviously the majority of the Ukrainians want Russia out and support democracy.they are humiliating Russia at little cost to the USA we are supporting American ideals democratic ideals and the Ukrainian peoples quest for democracy and independence slava Ukraine kick the invaders the hell out!
  16. Hopefully we will know their findings soon trumps continuing attacks on the ruby family are beyond despicable I hope she sues the(censored) out of that excuse of a human being and wins bigly!
  17. Again thanks walker88 touché enough with the slander politics how about some legislation if according to republicans that Joe Biden is asleep at the wheel it must be easy so let’s see the republicans get something done instead of trying to slander someone’s son hummmm…….
  18. Yannn same old same old stuff just so you know Biden is an old duffer an extremely productive one at that I’m sure that he and the Biden TEAM are doing their level best within the existing laws for the country there has been enough gas lighting on this issue to heat Europe without Russian gas…….instead of blame storming I wish both party’s would get together and do something!
  19. I just wish that the American electorate could sue trump for fraud with his stolen election lies I sincerely hope the Sitnik family is successful and wins big perhaps mar a largo or trump tower
  20. I disagree although with McCarthy beeing controlled by the worst of the maga bunch I’m sure there will be lots of bumps in the road and it’s pure bs that Putin killed 600 Ukrainians with a missile strike
  21. You do understand there are existing laws that ARE being enforced a lawful president has to work within that framework the existing immigration laws need to be addressed we all know that that will mean the republicans will have to come to the table the United States is a democracy not a dictatorship so any Meaningful discussion will require the republicans to cooperate not gaslight and sow fear and misinformation
  22. Good they were definitely out of line that kind of behavior imo is unacceptable that beeing said from what I’ve seen there are lots fewer than the j6 maggots. they as far as I know weren’t attempting to murder the lawmakers or disrupt any proceedings but still at the very least entirely unacceptable way to protest
  23. More bad weather frequent flooding much higher insurance rates more famine on (our)earth time to take things seriously and make changes
  24. It’s about the best he can do on account of the republicans unwillingness to work on immigration reform
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