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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Let’s all hope it’s a very very short term…….
  2. Wow 13 posts in this thread alone I do believe we have a genuine trump cultist
  3. Quell surprise lol 😂 no wonder he appeals to the trump voters!
  4. Looks like Putin grabbed another hostage……I for one hope Mr Putin’s days are going to come to an end soon
  5. Poor poor trump so mistreated gee wizz you’d think hoseing a porn star as the wife stays home taking care of the new born was bad…..then trying to hide it during the election and using campaign funds to pay for it was bad go figure.and this is by far the least serious of the crimes he’s been indicted for…..ditch the albatross enough is enough lock him up
  6. Ahh it’s you that has posted 7 times in this trump thread and you aren’t even American me thinks it’s you with the weird fetish dreams,and on closing lock the orange snowflake up with a real mug shot no makeup no hair spray with a true weight now that just might scare him straight lol 😂 oh and just how many trump supporters are showing up to protest at this trial???hummm???ditch the albatross
  7. Well ok let’s just take a real look at that first reality the DOJ has been bending over backwards to show that they are acting according to the law all stop 🛑 that’s the truth now for trumps sniveling snow flake comparison if the Nazi had trump in their clutches…….heck the meat hook piano wire filmed?after they were sure they tortured the info out of him?heck I don’t know he sure wouldent be promising tax breaks for the Uber wealthy down at mar a lardo that’s for sure
  8. I can’t speak for the English voters but as an American to me it’s not a question of them trusting us,it’s the opposite it’s us trusting them!religion of peace indeed!!!
  9. I for one hope we are seeing the last of this broad…she is an embarrassment at best or useful idiot,at worst a straight up traitor.I can’t imagine how her constituents feel let alone her family yeiks!
  10. Agreed ,with the Russians on the move an articulate leader of a major nuclear armed nation brings valid concerns to the fore …..some here’s best reaction to serious matters is to insult the guys old lady it’s just sad 😞
  11. I’m a guy but I have been told by women some don’t like the pill because it messes with their body’s causes acne and other imbalances try asking one,bottom line it’s not our place to question but to support and comfort it must be a hell of a dilemma fraught with untold emotions compounded by this conservative court …….
  12. Awww come on guys can’t dozing donnie the dotard doze off filling his diaper as he enjoys his dotage?he he he he best not nap around melania he might wake up missing some body parts if she can get past his diaper uhhhh
  13. Sounds to me like a wise concerned leader especially the idea of having the capacity to manufacture most of one’s needs domestically if at all possible and the threat Putin represents be strong my European brothers and sisters
  14. And all the rest of the time was eating ice cream and napping humm???or just maybe there was that governing thingy ehh you know all the other issues you really should try harder that was a pretty weak slur
  15. All that beeing said mr trump is the master of extortion that’s his go to playbook when he doesn’t get what he wants.kinda humorous to think he’s trying to cry about that here.hey Jerry I thought you said no trump family could come support him guess Eric did but heck what do I know I’m just a concerned American…..
  16. Jee how nice of you to speak for American womanhood im sure they are mightily impressed .personally I don’t know of any woman who would get this procedure done without deep thought and reflection,its a heavy thing to have to do kinda like having to be responsible for and supporting another for a minimum of 18 years…….bottom line it’s their choice and not someone else’s.they ain’t happy about having it stripped away especially from some one the likes of trump they vote and they will!!
  17. Well looks like Donnie got another nap today the tec guy put doddering Donne in a doze in his diaper there in the courtroom oh well he is in his dotage guess we should cut the old duffer some slack
  18. Aww come on walker 88 look at what you have done to poor even keel poor guy listing so far to to starboard he’s in danger of capsize lol I do think you touched a nerve.personally I’m delighted hunter seems to be maintaining his sobriety during this trying time it also reflects on the strength and decency of the Biden family to navigate this fraught time and emerge on the other side strong and proud kudos to the Biden’s
  19. Ya gotta try just a little bit harder that’s not going to hold up
  20. You are headed to Florida to join the queue?
  21. That 6 week abortion ban has 6 long months to sink in even with the elderly retired population there they have kids that issue in itself speaks across generations.the republicans are in trouble across the board…….dump the albatross take the hit and recover we need 2 functioning political parties!!
  22. I hope the 2 lady’s are amply rewarded for what they have been put through and gateway pundit ruined the same to all news outlets that knowingly publish lies
  23. That issue in itself is enough to cost the republicans all 3 branches of government.November is 6 months away thats enough time for the reality of this to sink in.lts also a long enough time for the guys to realize that they ain’t getting any sex cause it’s the women who suffer the consequences……..as far as trump is concerned it’s just one more reason among many as to why to dump that albatross
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