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Everything posted by Tug

  1. My guess is it doesn’t stand a snowballs chance in hell of passing that beeing said it sure could be useful to club the republicans with!
  2. Kinda fun to watch the petulant trustfund baby squirm and plead the 5th wasent he saying anyone who pleads the 5th is guilty lmao ???? oh what a dirty little monkey old Donald is lol ????
  3. What a backward ignorant government that’s just plane stupid I sincerely hope the Iranian people can wrest their country out of the hands of those ignorant repressive mullas
  4. Hope they don’t find anything but if they do so what this is a president being open and accountable a breath of fresh air imo
  5. Lock this animal up for good he’s a stain on all decent manhood
  6. Lovely idea just think of all the pollution caused by the manufacturing of cars and trucks then think about how much pollution each one causes during its service life humm so just what is your point?yes the manufacturing of solar panels and generators will cause some pollution initially but none during their service life oh and didn’t our competent president put seed money in the infrastructure plan to manufacture renewable components here in the USA oh and tax credits for Americans who buy solar and electric EVs?.unfortunately nuclear power creates a very long lasting deadly form of pollution and are vulnerable to catastrophic failure otherwise they are great but dangerous in the long run.
  7. Absolutely old Putin’s plan is backfiring ehh?good the world doesent need another war criminal dictator
  8. Hey here’s a clue what the &#$@ was that fraud doing on any committee in the first place or how on earth would any speaker of the house allow that charlatan to be sworn in in the first place just beggers belief
  9. Well then tell Mr Putin to get the (@&$#)out of Ukraine
  10. Ukrainian pilots allready possess many of the skills nessary for air combat for them it will mainly be learning new systems I’d also say the surviving Ukrainian pilots must be top notch to have survived so far and just farm out the maintenance to contractors another way would be for nato country’s using Russian aircraft to donate them to Ukraine beeing replenished with superior western aircraft it’s doable and coming imo slava Ukraine ????????
  11. Probably the training issues and they know the Ukrainians would be taking russias war to Russia proper if so equipped
  12. I see old Donnie as someone who believes that everything a person needs to know is learned at the elementary school level his tactics certainly reflect now his acolytes (DeSantis)try to run the same game says a lot about their voter base
  13. If an orc was lucky enough to collect he’d probably just be shown the balcony (if you know what I mean)that aside to me that offer reeks of the fear the orcs have of a modern thank I sincerely hope their fears are realized
  14. Yup when in doubt preach ignorance the funny thing is the more you forbid a kid something the more likely they will peruse it that beeing said willful ignorance is a sin imo
  15. A fine class of aircraft they truly bought affordability of long distance flight to the masses they will continue to fly well into the future im sure especially as freighters good service old girl sky’s
  16. I donno I’d love to have one as a first car because 99% of most folks driving is local store,entertainment ect,if you can’t manage the energy required for such short trips oh well.now as a second car a good old fashioned 4 by truck for pulling my trailers and long trips.now ideally if a person lives reasonably close to town just get an ev if you want to do a long trip just rent a gasser that would make sense for folks that just want 1 car
  17. I have a feeling Russia is a powder keg ready to blow it just needs a spark in the right spot I hope the courageous young lady isent to severely punished sucks to be a Russian for sure
  18. I have mixed feelings personally on this one I certainly can see and emphasize with president Zelenskys point
  19. Just old Donald’s words and deeds or any reputable news source how about old Donnie’s first day in office?I sure rember that you know when he had the Russians in the Oval Office blabbering state secrets or later the same day dissing the cia in front of the wall of stars or how about helinsky when he threw American under the bus to support his pal Putin or perhaps when he surrendered Syria sending our Kurdish allies and their families to their deaths at the hands of Assad or setting up the Afghanistan disaster no sir at best mr trump was an easily influenced idiot
  20. Yea Hillary would have been a disaster all that horrible experience (dripping sarcasm alert) beeing a lawyer Secretary of State First Lady for 8 years oh and can you imagine how angry the woman would have been if a woman was elected president oh the horrors!imagine no back stabbing nato and our allies geee do you think old Putin would have thought he could get away with Ukraine if he dident have Trump working for him?all that horror aside I’m going to enjoy watching thease two horrible people tear each other to pieces they deserve each other
  21. Donald isn’t rich,#1 Donald is a trust fund baby he’s squandered most of what he got from dada now he has so much debt the banks can’t afford to call in their debt as far as dissing EVs he’s pandering for votes and sucking up to the fossil fuel industry no more than that
  22. Ain’t that the truth geeessshhhh and I was lucky to find a National Geographic as a kid now I feel deprived lol ????
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