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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Good they straight up beat the guy to death extra judicial murder under color of authority cannot be tolerated I hope they get the max after a fair trial
  2. I hope the fed holds off on raising interest rates again I want to buy a new truck soon
  3. Catching any fish ???? lmao ????
  4. Now that’s funney you can’t possibly be serious he’s the biggest crybaby I’ve ever known of in my lifetime he’s all about self pity
  5. Here’s a thought there’s plenty of retired army guys who know the ins and outs of the leopard 2 and the abrams tanks use contractors for the maintenance side in the near term as the Ukrainians are learning the maintenance end.God now the Ukrainians have plenty of experience in the use of tanks ergo in the short term only the operation of the systems would be nessary that would shorten the time to deploy greatly
  6. Ahh but here’s the rub they aspire to be and that scares the you know what out of Putin and the rest of the criminals holding the Russian people down
  7. Well he is a master troll that’s all he did during his (term) train wreck of an administration.Hopefully this time around they will flush as soon as he starts inciting violence again.
  8. Well then the russan government knows what they need to do get out of Ukraine and get a new leader the Ukrainians aren’t going to live under the Russian boot the free democracy’s of the world will help Ukraine defend its sielf slava Ukraine ????????
  9. Makes all the sense in the world .as far as nicknames for mr trump it’s how I deal with the knowledge of how much damage he’s done to my country and the world
  10. Oh that one is easy old Donnie was shivving our Allies undermining our institutions and trying to kill nato that’s why I guess old Donnie failed in his mission to destroy nato Putin figured wrong nato bounced back with renewed vigor and sense of purpose to put it simply Putin’s man in the White House failed his mission
  11. Perhaps they don’t but leopard tanks certainly will also that frees up other countrys to pitch in as well the russan government needs to withdraw they need to deal with that madman the rest of the world aren’t going to tolerate a madman trying to steamroller other nations period.
  12. Let’s hope comrade Putin gets the message and escalates the speed of his exit from ALL of Ukraine ????????
  13. I’d be absolutely delighted to see Fox News be forced to be a news organization instead of a infotainment lies based organization bent on undermining democracy
  14. I beg to differ once Ukraine re takes crimea they will blow that bridge to create a firewall to keep the orcs on the other side hopefully they with advanced tanks will drive down and retake mariopl thereby trapping all the Russians on the Crimean peninsula forcing their evacuation across that bridge or their surrender
  15. Hopefully the Ukrainians have allready been training on the new equipment in secret so they can be ready come spring
  16. You do realize that Putin used hitlers verbatim excuse for invasion to protect the Russian speaking people so just stop it the west won’t abandon Ukraine ???????? the west will not tolerate a war of conquest especially in Europe the free world is providing Ukraine with the tools to protect its sielf slava Ukraine ???????? another poster said Germany is in a way making reparations I agree it’s kinda a karmic pay back if you will bless them for it they have come full circle
  17. Most excellent news I’m sure it’s a real boost to Ukrainian morale and the Russians must be(delete) their pants!
  18. The Germans have been supporting Ukraine since Putin launched this fiasco Germany is a member of nato if Putin attacks Germany that is a direct attack on nato,Russia would be run out of all of Ukraine within weeks he is failing in Ukraine allready how do you think he will fare against all of Europe and the west no sir I think Putin will just grind on getting Russians killed and killing Ukrainians his war of conquest has failed allready his legacy will be that of an murderous idiot who brought much misery on Ukraine and Russia
  19. These guys need better staff that’s sloppy just like the Biden case notice I said sloppy not criminal as in trumps case
  20. Wonderful news!slava Ukraine ????????
  21. Oh dear what will the republicans do now?will they now be forced to address gun violence?childhood poverty?race inequality?forcing the wealthy to pay taxes to help pay down the debt?ect……ect…..nope they will manufacture some other inane outrage so they don’t have to deal with the real issues
  22. M….manyA…..areG….gettingA…..arrested lmao ????
  23. I’ve spent a lot of time in and on the waters at half moon bay it’s hard to believe it happened in that laid back town beyond sad ????
  24. He will have lots of company 4 oaf keepers were found guilty of seditious conspiracy today as well but wait there’s more!!! Rupert Murdoch is on the hot seat for defaming dommion voting machines to the tune of 1.5 billion !!and one dirty fbi dude is in the can all in all a good day for democracy imo!!
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