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Everything posted by Tug

  1. There’s an example of a domestic terrorist I sincerely hope he gets decades in the pen.
  2. Old Rupert will be on the hot seat I’d bet money there will be a lot of I don’t recall all that aside I hope that greedy man and his holdings pay dearly for willfully undermining our democracy and institutions
  3. I hope asylum is granted provided it can be proven he is a normal combatant and not a murdering war criminal.it will show the regular Russian soldiers there is hope of refuge provided they aren’t war criminals
  4. Ahhh no it says we ALL must try harder and what an utterly bankrupt statement sad ????
  5. Donnie on the take?tell me it ain’t so!!! Lmao ???? and take a peek at jarrod and ivanka s little loan humm when they were supposed employees of the USA government
  6. Talk about giving the police a black eye wow under color of authority wow obviously this guy needs to be put away I would also suggest this organization needs a serious look to see how this could exist so long within it
  7. I sincerely hope you are mistaken it would tantamount to the nazis winning ww2 no matter what your Russian propaganda says Russia is waging a war of conquest and extermination they are in the wrong
  8. Or the heroic Ukrainians kick those murdering criminals the (blank) out of their country and put paid one certain evil leader
  9. I just watched the horrific video I agree 100% low slow nose high tail low port wing stalled first and she just augered in sad at least it was over quick for the souls aboard sad ????
  10. Sorry to disappoint the Congressman but msm hasent mentioned it as far as I know,kinda sucks for his attempt at fundraising if that’s what it is pretty lame ???? Imo
  11. A really tough area to fly my condolences to all the bereaved and rip to all who perished sad ????
  12. Let’s hope that this will (if I may) kick start the process and start leopard tanks and abrams tanks on their way in time for the spring orc hunting season!
  13. Good I’m sure that’s why the Biden TEAM approved the seed money for the production here in the states a wise move imo
  14. Yea!and that corporate welfare and how about Donnie’s I think it was his 72 million dollar tax return now there’s the kind of welfare that needs to be addressed not hungry children living in the wealthiest country in history no sir I think those are the wrong priorities
  15. Great!help the Ukrainians push the invaders out of their country and real world testing of the machine!slava Ukraine!
  16. The teacher Abby continues to improve id suggest whoever searched the little monster needs more training at the very least
  17. Ahhh I thought old Donnie said he was running as for Biden’s team setting him up is pure fantasy ????
  18. The source of the vitriol is trump himself do I really have to explain this?for starters how about what he said about John McCain?when John was getting the you know what kicked out of him every day old trust fund Donnie was riding daddy’s limo to the disco dodging VD or how about his first day in office inviting the Russians into the oval and blabbing secrets hummmm oh yes later that same day he stood in front of the wall of stars and insulted the hero’s who gave up their lives at the cia or how about shivving nato at every opportunity or being up on Putin’s leg like an amorous puppy dog that’s just for starters no sir mr trump brought the vitriol on himself he’s no victim he deserves it Joe Biden is doing the right thing with 100% compliance to the letter of the law imo it’s probably a staffing error but Joe Biden beeing the honorable man that he is will take responsibility for it that’s the difference
  19. Sorry but it’s not going your way the majority of American voters will see a disfunctional Republican Party desperately try to attack Joe Biden through his son after the family has been through so much not only that hunter as far as I know is a recovering drug addict it’s not going to sit well with the vast majority of Americans imo if hunter tryed to take advantage of being Joe Biden’s son so what that’s what 99% of folks would do nope it smells of desperation to me
  20. Awww Brian try not to be to hard on them they have been desperate for quite some time,it just must really bug them to see the Biden team accomplish so much so quickly and on such razor thin margins.it’s a screw up on the Biden team to be sure but the response is as different as night and day one is accidental the other(trump) is willful and obstructionist to boot
  21. I disagree it’s not that tribal it’s more the caricature of the individuals and their public history’s I’m really surprised you don’t realize that trump brings the heat on himself(I think you do) anyway hopefully the investigation is quick so this distraction can be put to rest and the Biden team can focus on governance
  22. No sir I disagree the doj isn’t going to allow folks to think they aren’t absolutely fair in this matter especially because trump is most likely will be indicted on this issue among others
  23. Another spot of good news!
  24. Quick send Mike and Donnie lol on a serious note I hope they stay safe and make it home
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