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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Me thinks ya better batten down your hatches and pump ya bilges skipper the storms a coming be patient the wheels of Justice turn slowly especially in the case of a disgraced ex president
  2. She’s obviously on the take she needs to go.a true Dino (dem in name only)
  3. It’s all he’s capable of doing cause the Ukrainians are slaughtering the Russian orks absolutely senseless evil and criminal let’s hope they get rid of him so Russia can rejoin the world
  4. Hey with a bit of luck perhaps the Ukrainians can take care of mr bount I’m glad Brittany is out.now one more to go
  5. We need to follow Perus example and arrest old Donnie lock him up!
  6. Found by trumps lawyers??well I just wonder what that traitor has sold off or hidden away for leverage or bribes im dumbfounded that he isent in prison disgraced ex president or not
  7. I disagree he’s lost allready but more importantly the Russian people have lost all the progress they made after the fall of the old Soviet Union it’s a utter disaster for all no sir he’s lost allready he’s just bluffing on the nukes cause he knows what that will bring
  8. Obviously the more qualified candidate won what worries me is how tribal we have become it should have been a blow out landslide not a 2 pointer come on folks country over party!
  9. He fell on the sword for his master trump that’s why they are treating him well wait till after the sentencing then they will dump him.oh donney boy hang on to your toupee cause the indictments are a coming!!
  10. Ahhh yes avenatti trump and bannon all in prison together now there’s the master class in sleaze conn lol asta la vista avenatti hope you have trumpy as a celley soon!
  11. Another retrumplican Karen at least Chris Christey has been offering a tepid rebuke of trump if she assaulted 6 officers she should do jail time tho I doubt it to well connected ah well and so it goes……sad
  12. Oh I donno personally I feel a bucket of hot tar with a liberal dose of feathers then off to prison it is kinda fun to watch him wine and snivel hold your toupee old Donnie indictments are a coming !
  13. Poor Donald such a victim he’s out there nashing and wailing his victim hood makes me want to cry like a 5 yo that just dropped his ice cream cone .after all he only got 400 million and a bunch of rentals from da da how’s a guy gonna get by on that lmao now he’s calling out to abolish the constitution!ha ha!
  14. I hope the families get the loot and 15 minutes of play time with mr Jones armed with baseball bats what an absolutely vile dirt bag of a human being
  15. Doubt it on the gas prices to much demand no more pandemic shut down to stifle demand plus Putin’s horror in Ukraine let’s all hope the Biden team can get inflation under control so we can continue to progress and see lower interest rates again I’d like to buy a new truck soon!
  16. I hope the Iranian team and their families are ok I’d be delighted to see the Iranian people get their country back from the mullas and rejoin the world
  17. Yup that’s correct I’d say ya can’t fix stupid ,the depth of ignorance of that statement is staggering imo remember old Donald saying he’d only have the best people ????
  18. Rip Christine my condolences to your loved ones,you were a gift to us all you had a good run thank you
  19. Well looks like a good reason to avoid Phuket sad
  20. They are getting their just rewards for their leader’s criminal attack on civilians just wish old Putin was there with them
  21. Hey ya gotta enjoy watching the space Karen sweat it out ehh lmao and just because you are rich and are surrounded by yes men does not make you right
  22. I’m to busy to worry about it ,to much to do experience and enjoy perhaps having enough to keep yourself occupied and productive helps plus good genetics but then again I’m only in my 70s my plan is to live till I die blessings to all!
  23. Oh geese,I don’t know how about this ,I as a retired person collecting a modest pension +socal security with a few modest rentals paid more income taxes than a so called billionaire paid in the last 10 yrs the answer isent because he’s smart it’s because he’s a criminal and fraud
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