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Everything posted by Tug

  1. More political theater by the republicans because they won’t come to the table to hash out immigration reform.Imo they find this kind of stunt more useful to whip up their base but the blame lays with their inaction
  2. Touché thanks for the guffaw!
  3. Sad news especially on Christmas that beeing said what a backward bigoted bunch of pigs thease taliban are it’s to bad the afghan people dident rid themselves of this scourge when they had the chance seems to me all they bring is poverty and ignorance sad,very sad indeed
  4. Yup that’s why we here in America support the Ukrainians and so far the Ukrainians are holding strong some day I would love to see Ukraine what a nasty piece of work that Putin is
  5. yup and 17 dead so far sadly
  6. Wonder if he’s running it down so later he can buy it back at a bargain price who knows I certainly don’t just wondering
  7. Stuff it lake ya lost it’s done over kaput finito no nada ect ect ect spread your lies and bile some were else quit trying to destroy our democracy
  8. I beg to differ with the bad or worst to me it was a no brainer trump is a New York trust fund baby who has used the gifts life has given him to ruin lives slander others grift and defraud others squander millions dodge the draft yet insult pows ect ect I could go on and on oh did I forget that he was and is a grave threat to our National security (for starters) or Hillary who is a trained civil rights lawyer been First Lady twice sec of state known by all the world leaders who would have absolutely delighted the women folk no sir it was painfully obvious who the best candidate was we as a nation missed a wonderful opportunity to have a well qualified first time woman president.elections have consequences some folks obviously picked the worst possible candidate we now and do I dare say the world are paying the price (Ukraine )
  9. Ho ho no that’s the best laugh I’ve had since that fraud trump put out his cartoon nfts ????
  10. That has been addressed as part of the budget today in a bipartisan manner it makes it 100%clear the VP only counts the lawful electoral votes he has NO power to change or count alternative votes.I sincerely hope mr cheesebro gets a nice long prison sentence to think about it
  11. Weak and spineless they are so terrified of trump and their base that they all go down to mar a largo to grovel and simper at his feet disgusting!
  12. It just never stops my condolences to the families of the bereaved and the French nation unfortunately we are all to familiar with this evil
  13. Great!I just wish there was a better way to store the energy there’s plenty of it out there for the harvesting!!
  14. Let us hope that he is indeed sent to prison we all know if a regular person did what trump did it would be a minimum of 20 yrs or more not to mention the many lives and careers he has fecklessly destroyed many would rejoice
  15. It’s passed the house (Congress)as well great job Biden team!!!
  16. Gee I don’t know let’s see just what has old sleepy Joe got done on razor thin margins to,infrastructure Medicare bargaining down drug prices,seed money to get micro chips manufacturing done here,drastically lowering childhood poverty,environmental responsibility,seeding renewable energy ect ect ect no sir for a sleepy old senile dude he’s kicking ass also we and nato are supporting Ukraine for all the right reasons
  17. Hopefully trumps term has exposed the weaknesses in our system so they can be fixed so this doesn’t happen again imo mr trump went far beyond just being a bad president he needs to be held accountable come what may if it causes violence so be it he cannot be allowed to hold office or break the law lock that fraud up!
  18. He’s a dirty little con man and the one year he paid taxes was when he sold some of daddy’s assets some business man!not!lock him up!
  19. That’s why it isn’t allowed on government electronic devices it’s also easy and intuitive to see how they try to direct your thinking
  20. I’m sure many of the frozen Russian assets will be utilized to rebuild Ukraine along with help from the eu and the United States not to mention the courageous Ukrainians and as a side hope changes in Russia so they can rejoin the world and repair what their evil dwarf has wrought
  21. It’s truly a testament to the strength of our economy and the American experiment (our system)thankfully we have a TEAM in power who are carefully trying to manage it even if it’s a bit painful at times
  22. Now there’s a piece of work her response to climate change shoot a preious with a 50cal so stupid she thinks wildfires are started with Jewish laser beams so depraved she follows and annoys some guy who witnessed his classmates getting slaughtered what a piece of (work)
  23. Unfortunately there are a lot of gullible people out there some well meaning well now they know!
  24. Oh no I disagree it’s Russia that wants war leave Ukraine Putin then there will be peace obviously
  25. Excellent news pretty good for a sleepy old president and his team!get her done!!
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