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Everything posted by Tug

  1. I worry that judge Amy cannot separate her faith from the law I do agree she should recuse as she should have done in roe v wade
  2. Well if this (abomination) thinks women belong to the house and he’s sent to the house what does that make him humm…….the house bitch?most conns don’t like rapist
  3. And just how much of a tax refund was old Donnie trying to grift off us folks who PAY taxes hummmm business man indeed.With all due respect he is a false messiah you have been had brother turn the page.let it go
  4. Thank you Barbara many’s the time I learned something new through you a well lived life in the top of her field kudos madam well done rip
  5. I think it’s jealousy and envy personally I get a kick out of her youthful passion and I’ve enjoyed following her adventures you go young lady give ‘em hell girl!!!
  6. Msm is still working through them some of the obvious ones are trump is a lousy business man the only time he has a positive cash flow is when he sold property he inherited from dada so obviously he dident build any business empire pretty much verifying what we know allready he’s a fraud
  7. Naaa that’s like a guy that can’t get any hopefully they got the right guy need to get that perp locked up!
  8. Not surprised a bit trump is a petty nasty human being a really despicable specimen I’d bet money that a majority of Republican lawmakers would be mighty relived to see him gone.they are terrified of standing up to him.I heard an expression on pbs in respect to this dilemma it goes something like this(it’s in the best interests of the mice to put a bell on the cat but it’s hard to find the mouse to do it) he’s just a malignant nasty ugly vindictive (fill in the blank)specimen.
  9. I don’t know if the program is still in effect but back in 08 we replaced all our engines in our vessels via the epa program to deal with this it was paid for by the higher taxes for fuel we pay in California 2 tugs=4 main engines +4 crew boats =8 main engines +gen.sets they (guys) should have or should now take advantage of the program if it’s still available looks like a major opertunity to purchase equipment for out of state use
  10. Old Donnie must be absolutely raging right now ???? ahhh life is good
  11. Some ugly dudes hope they get a long stretch in a really nasty prison
  12. That’s horrible I hope the the Myanmar people can get their country back and deal with this junta
  13. Pandering for tourists dollars oops rubble oops wrong again rubles very sad that the Thai government feels the need to do this very sad
  14. Hope they find lots of indictable crimes and nip this conman in the bud personally I think they should run this race over
  15. Yup I doubt the Belarusians are so stupid as to stir up this mess after allowing the invasion through their country unless directed by Putin
  16. Good!I would love to see a major tour of force through the area via the combined fleets of nato as well
  17. First off I hope no one was hurt or killed further more I hope the Belarusian ambassador can explaine why they allowed the Russians to invade Ukraine through their country and their complicity in all the rapes and murders in bucha
  18. Wonderful news how’s that feel Putin ya miserable war criminal the world is dealing with your unnecessary chaos
  19. Gasoline prices in Europe are now below pre Russian invasion of Ukraine Norway just opened a LNG terminal the world is moving beyond and dealing with Putin’s attempt to extort Europe into getting what he wants the Ukrainians are humiliating Russia on the battle field with China and India buying Russian oil at a discount it keeps the price down for the rest of us not looking so good for Putin me thinks
  20. One tough hombre your the man David!
  21. Can’t spare the man he gets stuff done! and all within the confines of our system of government! he also has done quite a bit to restore our pride in being Americans after the humiliation of the trump years
  22. Refer to any reputable news source
  23. What happened?did Donnie have a tummy ache or was the toilet plugged up so they had to resort to burning?what a bunch of clowns
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