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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Kudos Thailand I wish we had the same freedom here in the states if the lady’s decide that’s the best decision in their particular situation .that beeing said it’s a sad decision all around no matter how you feel about it
  2. Well ya made your bed now lay in it hope you enjoy Russia and hope you get called up in their draft
  3. The old landing gear aren’t up to the challenge at 78yo just fly light sport ac you can still have fun speedy recovery ya old duffer must have been the weight of your massive balls that threw you off !!skys!!
  4. Ahhh more quality tourists lol perhaps other country’s tourists won’t come out of protest?kinda sad forThailand
  5. I’m delighted the Ukrainians are routing the russan armed forces as for this statement above I strongly disagree im sure the majority of russan troops aren’t rapist murders to me I think it would be wise for the Ukrainians to treat any Russian pows fairly that way they won’t be afaraid to surrender but also screening the captives for the criminal elements and prosecuting them use the rest as labor to fix the damage their government created
  6. Geesse just grow a pair call it for what it is a war of conquest.perhaps some wealthy folks are lining their pockets on the profits of cheap oil?I don’t know but imo it’s a shameful position
  7. My deepest condolences to all who revere and miss this great lady I’ve always admired her discipline grace and service to all peoples yes she received and was blessed with many opportunities that we as regular folk don’t get but she used those gifts for the betterment of all she brought respect and honor to her family and country well done a life well lived rip madam you are missed and revered
  8. Old Putin is certainly tightening the screws on Europe ,but in the back of my mind I’m wondering if this play is one of desperation on his part he obviously desperately needs the money to finance his war of conquest against Ukraine .hopefully Europe will call his bluff hang tight and continue to support Ukraine .the only bright spot imo is the renewed urgency in improving renewables.
  9. Good job doggo!I disagree that dogs are stupid they are survivors heck my dog has me feeding him rubbing his belly and all he does is lay around no they aren’t stupid though they certainly can be a pain in the rear end and if you are stupid they can be dangerous as well
  10. To me it depends on your life style I’m always active building ,repairing and just making stuff that’s me that would be harder to do if living in Thailand full time then again se Asia is a fascinating place lots of history beautiful nature and of course the lady’s so we live in both worlds i spend the majority of my time here in the states also please keep in mind the media tends to sensationalize most things ( ratings I guess) it’s not as crazy here as most believe
  11. Absolutely I’ve been knocked on my ass several times still kicking!all that aside a sad story my condolences to the family
  12. I sincerely hope it’s true I’m not so sure none of the responsible news agencies have verified that yet it may just be trump trying to create divison and violence it’s what he does he needs to be locked up
  13. Just lock him up allready we need to stop wasting time and energy on this criminal let’s focus on the accomplishments of our present competent administration we are moving forward at last if you dident get it on trumps first day in office when the russans we’re in the Oval Office or the helinsky debacle ect ect ect on and on just lock that scoff law up allready
  14. Glad the plot was foiled but I can’t help but imagine we’re we would be if the last administration had kept the treaty with Iran certainly energy prices would be lower and perhaps the Iranians wouldn’t be so close to russan federation ah well …….
  15. I hope mr Rushdie survives he is a courageous man in my opinion deserving of our admiration and respect
  16. Do they make a submersible version?yea rite what on earth for a big waste of money imo that money could be used for something that benefits Thailands people
  17. Rip to the operator and my deepest condolences to the family who knows what happened as long as he was operating within the chart for that particular crane .sad all around rip sir
  18. Actually I support spanking a kid when nessary with the caveats of warnings parents being notified following a set set of rules so everyone knows the consequences of bad behavior.I remember being terrified of getting paddled by the principal when I was a kid .never do I support smacking a kid out of frustration or momentary anger hence the set of warnings in wrighting with the parents permission trust me most of the little scallawags will shape up lol
  19. Oh no I disagree Nancy has had a long and storied career she is an absolute expert in working within our system (I don’t always agree or support her views) btw as far as thumbing our collective noses at the Chinese government I’m all for it personally I’d be delighted to see a strong show of force by the free worlds navy’s and a succession of visits by the free worlds leaders let that dictator know we are watching and won’t tolerate him trying to snuff out another democracy .naaa Nancy you go girl!
  20. It’s called inflation it’s a concern for all humans on the planet as it’s affecting all countries on our little world mostly brought on by mr Putin’s war of conquest in Ukraine at least we have a competent person in charge who is smart enough to get out of the way of the experts to let them get a handle on it hope that helps……….
  21. Lovely fitt woman kudos she carries her sielf well imo and still looks feminine kudos
  22. Now I’ve dated a few dogs in my day and some were straight up bitches but only the two legged types what a sicko!
  23. Impound it sell it giving the proceeds to the Ukrainians as reparations send the owner back to russa or arrest him
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