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Everything posted by rexpotter

  1. I got over feeling sorry for poor people a long time ago here. Too many of them anyways. Tipping as really dumb to even start doing. You're just showing off, and when you don't do it they hate you, and you always have to tip more and more.
  2. Wonder if the Sor family owes her or her company a lot of money and is setting her up?
  3. Sounds like the cops were very much in on it, and may have been there personally right around the area at that time?
  4. Talk about selling out the country.
  5. You mean the wire transfer to the Cayman Islands will be completed by Monday?
  6. Guy looks in dam rough shape, doubt he ever had a decent home where he came from. Why don't all the dog lovers here stop buying dog food and take that money and send him to rehab here ( there a tons of them) and stop feeding the street dogs? Or maybe he isn't as cute a fuzzy little puppy.
  7. I think in the news. Like always, a lot more to the story than is presented.
  8. The best part of the article
  9. This place is either very serious greed or not that clever. No in between. And the in between is where all civilized societies reside.
  10. We've never been colonzed.....hahahaha
  11. May I share a tip with everyone? Having a soapy shower rather than just cooling off under the spout completely over the body removes grease, dirt etc, from our skin pores. If I only take a shower, yes it helps greatly, but I have found it way better using that method. I was taught this by a young Thai farmers daughter in Udon.
  12. Do they have enough money for that,really?
  13. Does it really matter who's there? Seems like they are all very similar ad from the same club.
  14. Ya, its been fun but getting but too crowded, polluted and getting way more expensive than what it has to offer. Twenty years ago, it was basically half the price for almost everything. Not sure if that follows normal inflation but Thia wages certainly have not. Plus the invasion by certain groups who seem to do as they please with very minimal recourse.
  15. Put them back in power, they did a good.
  16. And if is decent water every working staff in the area plus their uncle will be filling their bottles, and even the street vendors will get free water from them for their customers. Forget ti.
  17. Hahaha, they will be fine for a month then the filters will get dirty and never be cleaned or changed. Water coming out of those things is worse than tap water. I once had the opportunity to watch a guy change one at a small shop in Chiang Mai. It looked like a ten year old diesel truck oil filter.
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