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Everything posted by rexpotter

  1. Some people might think that IV rehydration fluids are just water, however an IV rehydration mixture is specifically formulated for quick absorption and maximum hydration. It's typically a saline solution which may also contain nutrients such as glucose, dextrose and electrolytes.
  2. That's why they hook up an IV with sodium plus other things in your veins.
  3. A strange bit true fact. Didn't make sense, but too much waster washes out the good bacteria.
  4. Good idea. Less food here, more liquid.
  5. The worst parts of this are. 1. The Thais don't get it very often due to skin pigmentation. And they will think you are drunk if you show up with a serious case at ER. 2. It can have lifelong serious consequences like permanent organ and brain damage. After I had it I read all the forums I could and there were people who still had health problems from it after many years after the event.
  6. The first thing I noticed was I had the chills when it was 40c or 110f. Something wasn't right.
  7. Funny forum really. Most everyone who came here did it for one reason the first time or probably more. Now they’ve all matured, become better citizens and have become ‘Masters of Morality’. Very judgmental and horrified by any improper behavior, especially their own breed. I have to laugh.
  8. I agree. What to do if you are stuck in that area.
  9. I've had it and almost died in a hospital ER in Chiang Mai because they thought I was drunk, as mentioned before. One of my best friends kid came to Chiang Mai on holiday and died of heat stroke on a park bench on the river downtown. 24.
  10. Maybe I should have not made the post with the word diabetes. How about fat epidemic?
  11. Good answer, we all better be careful here.
  12. Not at all, its human behavior when we are not well physically or mentally. Have you ever had heat stroke? Yes it could be a mental breakdown, but I was not there and I do not know. Maybe he had heat stroke, fell down the stairs from the BTS and security guard assisted him, or he was hit by a car. Do we know what led up to this incident? NO!
  13. That's abosultely 100% correct! There is nowhere to go. Try it sometime when you have a real emergency, its impossible.
  14. yes, I've had it bad, appearance of a drunk, can barely walk or think.
  15. Maybe he had heat stroke, couldn't think, was dizzy and close to death. You know it’s pretty dam hot our there right now. It is not easy to quickly find a toilet in an emergency especially in that area. How can we draw conclusions from some photo or quick video? Perhaps the security guard saw a real emergency and tried to save his life. Add in the trashing quick comments from the high morality warriors here who have never done a dam thing wrong in their lives and many I suspect have never even been to that area.
  16. 66, not overweight. Pretty good athletic person for that age.
  17. Who cares. Dumb people who can't control themselves. If your parents don't take care and protect you, then you are on your own.
  18. I was at that time considering flying to cnx to have surgery. Now it's fine. You do not have to fly to India bro.
  19. Be aware that most of these smaller deals heal on their own with stretching, exercise and a decent diet. I had a knee injury 3 years ago in Bali. Drove home plastered, and when I finally got there, turned off my 125 honda dream, and I fell over and then the bike fell on top of me and twisted my knee. All better now, absolutely no issues.
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