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Everything posted by rexpotter

  1. Unconscious people don't usually fill out reports.
  2. Louverpole. Unconscious people don't usually fill out reports.
  3. Thanks, plus the obvious exhaust smell. These people will endure without complaining about anything to an absurd degree.
  4. Here's the point, they could smell the exhaust we can be sure of that and they just sat there and put up with it. Its called being very dumb!
  5. I'm sorry, but I am a retired Commercial Airline Pilot. And I would know what it is!
  6. Jeez, like just sit there and not complain and die?
  7. yes it will, along with transmission fluid.
  8. Steak and eggs will do it.
  9. Just like the elephant swiss, same deal fund themselves and pay a few kid peanuts to watch the little dog farm.
  10. I think eloquent pilgrim just got off the boat.
  11. Remember this? How would you like it, if it was your kid? His Majesty the King has sent a vase of flowers to a five year old Finnish boy who was attacked and bitten by a pack of dogs at Ao Nang in Krabi on Wednesday afternoon. The King instructed Captain Khumsup Iamsri, an officer attached to the King’s royal villa, to send the flowers to the boy at the Krabi Nakharin International Hospital in Krabi’s Muang district at 9.30am. The gracious gift from His Majesty follows visits from city officials, Krabi Governor and, yesterday morning, the Thai PM during a visit to Krabi and Samui. 23 February 2019
  12. NO sorry, tough <deleted> for them. They are a big problem, they've attacked and killed little kids many times here and they need to be managed. A good clean well behaved dog is wonderful, not those tossed out gangs od flea ridden rats that people come once in a while and feed. Which is terribly irresponsible. I used to love all dogs. Not anymore.
  13. The ocassional feeders. Very dumb.
  14. Ya, he mixed the wrong stuff together. Another wacky muay Thai wanna be hero.
  15. Same on cats. Where I grew up people had working dogs that were for hunting only, for one example. others for security. Most farms had cats that lived without being fed, from the milk from the dairy cows. Good idea. But I really do not like whining cats or dogs that beg.
  16. Stuck in my room with good aircon watching this forum all day long Not healthy.
  17. Who cares about this <deleted>? Its too friggin hot.
  18. I recently bought some contact cement that simply does not work. I took the tube and used google lens to translate the chinese words and it said, please get us out of here or some cray <deleted>.
  19. I'm sorry can anyone translate this from Thainglish to regular English?
  20. I used to really like dogs until after living in SE Asia for a long time. I still like clean well behaved dogs but not these filthy flea bags.
  21. ok, not in my backyard
  22. I just moved back to Thailand and four months ago in the area I stay there was a huge problem with overfed aggressive street dogs. They survived on tossed out restuarant food, and the do-good dog lovers feeding them. Could not even walk around the area at night. So one day I noticed they were all gone, and I mean forty or fifty of them. I also noticed that Chiang Mai really cleaned up the dog problem in the northwest of the city where lots of expats live. Wonder how they do it?
  23. The title of this should be 'Another Quality Thai Driver'.
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