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Everything posted by rexpotter

  1. Plus those dash cams make things look a lot further away than they really are. The car was very close to them.
  2. Foreigners from civilized countries do not expect this aggressive behavior from little emperors in cars. They guy was trying to protect his family and got a little too pissed off, that's all. Notice the tough guy driving didn't jump out and challenge him or attempt to straighten it out? He would rather be famous on video. And the news reporter, dam talk about throwing gas on the fire. TAT should step into these news channels and have them cool it off a bit.
  3. Nobody can or will live around them once they realizes what monsters they are. So wherever they congregate its them only. Do the great leaders here realize this?
  4. Seems like a way to make fame and fortune these days for the locals here. They are all so innocent, kind and smiling, but put them behind the wheel of a large vehicle that weighs an awful lot and their true character shows. Terrible drivers to begin with. Maybe add in a gun under the seat. Film it with a dash cam or mobile phone and do a little nudge or make any small provocation. Stick their car out a little bit into traffic at a corner, hesitate and see if the oncoming vehicle will slow down. It’s a big game for them. Get that reaction, record it, put it all over social media and get a lot of attention or a lot of money.
  5. Looks like the car driver is playing tough guy with his vehicle. Maybe he was looking for a Tik Tok Video?
  6. Also I think you may be trying clear the way prior to going anywhere for whaever devious reason. Are you wanted by some agency?
  7. Do you mean its locked? That's two negatives. Also I do not believe you.
  8. avoid eye contact yes. And if they wave at you, wave back and smile and keep going.
  9. Real ectasy comes from a tree that is often found in cambodia and they really cracked down on the forest removal for prupose of making the good stuff. Most stuff these days is acid and speed.
  10. Extremely well written and true. I tried very hard while in Bali to get to know them as I had enjoyed their writers, ballet, music and paintings. They all took advantage of me, and when they got what they needed they dissapeared. The current generation of them were taught the hard line from their parents who went through the crap there. Advice to Thai gov, give them Phuket right now, and stop any further invasion, kind of like Ukraine.
  11. My Lord bob, that's horrible....hahaha. We all die, whats the big deal? Give her the money now, let her do what she likes with it. If she is Thai and she truly cares about it all, she will save enough to take care of it.
  12. Television has been a master device of deception and control worldwide since its inception 1960 circa, especially for health. Over here people think they are watching a movie, well kind of. But really you are being trained to do and believe what is right and wrong and do what they want, like you need to see your doctor is always the answer.They have paid shills on all medical forums who pretend to be real innocent kind folk who tried this and that and then even will give bad advice, it always ends with you have to 'Go See Your Doctor'. I trust very few who claim to be a medical experts especially around here.
  13. That's true and sad, all BS to keep us ill and buying drugs.
  14. Sheryj I over reacted last night. Apologies. I had severe heat stroke and dealt with the after effects for years. I was often unable to keep healthy guy bacteria afterwards and realized that I could not drink too much water especially after diahrea and all the good gut stuff gone. I had to do yogurt and easy on the water though I thought I needed massive amounts. It takes a very long time to recover your intestinal system to normal. The entire expereince was very confusing.
  15. Maybe you should ban me now. That's what angry women often do in these instances.
  16. Especially after heat exhaustion which include often diahrea when all the good stuff has been flushed out. You can die from drinking too much water in that case. I already stated clearly that an IV contains many things of which you mentioned a few to treat it. Global Moderator know it all.
  17. That's not true. Please don't tell people that. Are you the health advisor extraordinaire on this forum? Microbiom is that the word you prefer? if you drink tot much water it removes the healthy organisms from your digestive system. Not all bacteria is bad. Bacteria are everywhere, including your entire body. The bacteria in our body weighs as much as our brain–3 lbs! Bacteria can be harmful, but some species of bacteria are needed to keep us healthy. The bacteria on our skin, in our airways, and in our digestive system are the first line of defense against foreign “invaders” (pathogens) that can cause infection and other problems.
  18. All engagements with farangs are for the purpose of extracting money, nothing else.
  19. We humans have done a great job on this earth? Too many of us and too little of the rest of the beautiful creatures we once shared this place with.
  20. The great leaders here are afraid of them. Just like the Chinese, and the Americans.
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