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Everything posted by rexpotter

  1. Its the Asean Now Forum and the love of the community here. Just to know that they are nearby is a wonderful feeling.
  2. I would roll in that snow right now if I could.
  3. Its true, almost impossible to even drive into Pattaya anymore. Nowhere to park, shop owners with orange cones in front blocking off the parking area in front of their business, as they somehow believe they own the street too. One lane only for Sukhumvit Rd in numerous places which is dam busy and is supposed to be a 4 lane highway. Never see them working all night like they should be.
  4. Is that in Thailand? Looks beautiful
  5. Thanks for the kind understanding, I don't think it can get any rougher than there.
  6. 2nd time this article was posted in two days?
  7. They should have a portal called the octagon, so that when posters get into personal pissy elementary school arguments, they are removed from the main topic and can fight it out there like real men or tranny's or whatever pronouns they prefer..
  8. I thought I would be overwhelmed with compassion and brotherly love. Going through this human endurance test.
  9. Lets not forget about porno and cyber crime. Probably the biggest payouts for them.
  10. I never thought such a simple comment about spending most of my time inside my house with the aircon going could spark so much rage.
  11. Did the meteorologist mean its f..ing hot and might rain?
  12. 10 min metisdead changed the title to Stuck with my laptop with the aircon going Better, are you an English teacher?
  13. Anybody care to share a thermometer reading from their home?
  14. Are there any other countries where beeping your horn can get you killed on the spot? If not, it should be taught prior to any foreigner getting a license or renting a car here.
  15. Really? Maybe it was a baby girl? He has one son, and they like boys here.
  16. Dam, honk the horn and we get stabbed or shot.
  17. Zelensky need a new Villa in St. Croix.
  18. I am not sure that's the issue. They are making their own society there, and taking jobs that Thai's want to do. They cannot or will not assimilate as they perceive themselves as some superior race.. And those crappy jobs are usually done by Burmese and Cambodians. Your thoughts?
  19. Pretty funny, within one minute of posting this I gate all kinds of angry replies. Are you maybe doing the same thing? Angry? Pissed off?
  20. For basically the last month I have been sitting in my condo with the aircon on, going between youtube, this forum and lot of other stuff. I'm srue others are doung the same. Try to get out for a walk in the morning but the swimming pool is too hot to swim in. Plus, they keep pouring more chemicals into it to make it look clean, its toxic. Don't feel safe driving out there as I know if there is an accident, its my fault even if it isn't. Good auto insurance etc, but we still know. Praying for rain.
  21. You don't pay them to perform, you pay them to leave. An old timer told me that here many years ago. Its an insurance policy of sorts.
  22. Most hospitals have very few staff available during Songkran, they are on holiday.
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