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Everything posted by rexpotter

  1. Accomadation here is very cheap and also safe normally. Any decent condo will rent a decent place for 300$ a month.
  2. Also, they are not going to stop you at the airport. Forget about it, have another Chang.
  3. Keep a few hundred baht paper clipped to any card underneath and solve it right there and leave. Race away? Ok, you can but be careful. They rarely chase people. Unlike the Kiwi deal, where the cop chased him a with loaded gun. That's my not 100% correct solution.
  4. Don't you have to buy something to use them?
  5. 7-11 food is total rubbish these days, toxic crap. Used to have hot dogs with mustard and ketchup and onions. Hot Dog Bun, that gals called it. Not anymore
  6. I had nealry fatal heat stroke on a long bicycle ride in cnx. Was not aware why I had chills near the end, then dizzyness and weakness. Had diahrea the night before so I was already out of water. The nice ER at Lanna hospital in cnx refused to wait on me, thought i was drunk. After you have that it its much easier to get it again. The other issue is one cannot drink too much water either, because it washes away the good stuff in your intestines. I carry those 5 baht electrolyte packs in the car and enough water in case i break down some where for emergency only. Can't use it regularly though because it absolutely destroys your teeth. THats my ten cents.
  7. Wasn't really that long ago in time that things like this happened regularly here. But nobody knew about it. Cameras everywhere now, watching every move we make.
  8. Who was the Crack Security Guard who assisted him?
  9. Hey, that was Otto, i saw in a string in Pattaya a while back.
  10. Funny about that. I got married at 30, and my wife said i want to have kids. My response, are you sure you want to have children on this planet? Can't you see what is happening to it? Needless, I left that deal long ago. Did not comply.
  11. Cambodia is not any better, nor Vietnam. Too many humans on the planet. Stayed in Indonesia a long time. Recently read that the population had increased by 62,000,000 people 'estimated' in 20 years. .
  12. Not sure I can stay here another year. Sad, so much i enjoy like all of us. The minumum factor for life should at least be clean air and water. We have neither here.
  13. Excellent well thought out post..thanks
  14. On that issue one must keep in mind that the fish oil which is in everything here is harvested from the gulf of Thailand, squid. We all know what squid eat and flourish on.
  15. Anyone I know who can afford it is out of CNX from Feb1st to June 1st.
  16. Can we have a good China bashing for a while here? Went into what appeared to be a regular supermarket, and thought great, name brand food everywhere, Ritz Crackers, Spam (health food in China) etc etc. Got home and it was all fake. hahaha. Fights were commonplace in the big store, old people good old communists going at it, they were old pros. Fighting for the best fruit. After a while I thought why not have some fun and I started driving my shopping cart into the legs of the other people to fight my way in for fresh fruit. Thailand has the cleanest street food anywhere in the world I have ever been. We have other communists here who also have special and unique social skills.
  17. They will eat any living thing, anything. They steal the transformer oi from the power poles and use it for deep frying.
  18. I spent a year there, horrific sanitation.
  19. Guy sure needs a lot of attention. Better bring his mommy on his next trip to watch over him.
  20. Everyday occurrence in Ubud Bali, they are either russian or ukrainian and are running the small shops out of business there. They have absolutely no ethics.
  21. Solar Power? Not sure on that one, but I do agree with the rest of your concerns.
  22. Best guy I know is in Chiang Mai, too far fro you probably. Has dual US Thai citezenship and went to University of Michigan and worked in ER in Detroit. Dr. Chanakarn, at Rajavej hospital. Only guy I would use. He has an office nearby.
  23. right, save the whales, or really save myself from a life of real work and collect money from unsuspecting donors.
  24. comment has nothing to do with the Swiss Watch.
  25. This reminds me of being in grade school with no teacher around to stop us from fighting.
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