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Everything posted by wealthychef

  1. Interesting, thanks. I'm still trying to figure out the place for me, so appreciate you sharing your ideas.
  2. Interesting, OK, yeah, I didn't leave the USA because I couldn't afford it, I left because it'a an authoritarian cesspool of ignorance. ???? So LV and San Antonio sound dreadful to me. Manila vs. Bangkok: I don't know why anyone might prefer Manila, with its horrible traffic and pollution. Oh, wait... LOL. ????
  3. Yeah, well, I'll bet more than half of the country are opposed to the widespread bribing of police officers. I wonder which one does more harm to society?
  4. If the government cares about these people, how about trying to eliminate this practice of polluting the whole continent with smoke and dust? Why would someone choose to go to this clinic? If I had trouble breathing, I'd go to a proper hospital
  5. Oh yeah, where would you go? I make $80k in my pension and I don't qualify because I can't prove to the Thai government that my pension is real. But I love the culture and people here.
  6. I would expect this is mostly corporate employees who spend money like it's nothing, or wealthy people that just are looking for a bit more convenience at any cost. No normal person is going to do this and I assume that's by design.
  7. Unlike all those virtuous Western women that are famously well above any sort of gold digging or treachery, good point. </sarcasm>
  8. What possible faux pas could be made around the importance of music in Thai culture? Being too quiet? Not liking driving backbeats? Failure to dance like nobody's watching?
  9. Yes, in the USA we went through the Fat Ass Revolution in the 1970s and 80s I think. So we are way ahead of Thailand here.
  10. It's a calorie surplus, whether from sugar, fats ,or even protein. The quality of your diet can change the ability to process calories somewhat, but the bottom line is that for purposes of gaining weight, it's all about calories in minus calories out. Exercise, nutrition, etc, are all ways of modifying these two quantities.
  11. I thought Brits had free healthcare, did they Brexit that away too? I'm sorry for this lad's misfortunes. Something's weird about the price tag is all I'm noticing.
  12. To be clear: stealing 20 baht bottles of water is not OK, but you can't slap people for it, just make them pay. On the other hand, buying LSD, fake IDs, and bribing cops are all approved activities. Must be some confusing training!
  13. "It's not the first time she stole from you. It's the first time she was caught." -- Ozark
  14. Nor is it reported how easily the footage can be obtained by interested members of the public.
  15. It's not about self-hatred in my case, I think I'm personally wonderful. ???? Nor is this about hating anyone at all. Just because someone acts badly doesn't mean I hate them. My observations are from watching actual Americans repeatedly being ignorant, arrogant and presumptive when traveling in Asia, Europe and South America, including myself at times, as compared to people from other countries.
  16. quite likely, as that's another American trait! LOL
  17. So you're not offended but you seem to feel the need to try to insult me by saying I'm ignorant of something. What is it that you think I'm ignorant of, such that you have to make this personal instead of the general comment I started with?
  18. you betcha! I'm just giving the stereotypical features. Each person is a unique snowflake.
  19. Another sign is taking offense easily.
  20. The classic signs of being an American are ignorance, rudeness, and arrogance. They complain about a place they paid to go visit. They think they have something to teach the world while not being able to identify the capital city of the country they are visiting. Etc.
  21. Thanks, he is flying. China Airline and they have no notifications. The ThaiAirways link is likely very up to date and seems to confirm to me what I want to know: a physical card as is commonly used in the USA is sufficient evidence.
  22. Thank you. The US requires vaccination but not testing, I wonder, does that mean no insurance for us? Cheers.
  23. In several articles I have seen, such as https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/covid-travel-restrictions-return-tomorrow , I see the declaration that insurance is required for "non-Thai passengers arriving from countries that refuse entry to infected individuals". Does anyone know what this means? Is it just code for Indians? Thanks!
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