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Everything posted by wealthychef

  1. I love how politicians think they can legislate reality. Whether a disease is endemic or not is not something you vote on. LOL
  2. Oh god please not another lockdown in response. Rescuing people from CoVid has become the entire mission of the human species.
  3. I'd say never ascribe to conspiracy what you can just chalk up to xenophobia.
  4. Does this increase the cost of the bribe? If not, I don't see what it will accomplish.
  5. Agreed! I do not work for nor advise the Thais about their business. If Thailand can stop all tourism, I'm sure it would benefit Thailand. I hope they succeed! I'll figure my own business out in the meantime along with everyone else. I'm just a bit more public about it LOL.
  6. A 5 day quarantine in a two week vacation is a big deal. Anyhow it's fine, glad to know you are unaffected! I was just sharing my own preference, which you really have no right to quarrel with since they are my own preferences.
  7. You can reduce tourists to zero and covid is still going to rampage through Thailand unabated. There is talk of declaring CoVid endemic. So if it's going to be endemic or already is, then why are we trying to stop it? Makes no sense to me. I understand not wanting to get sick but this does not do that for anyone. More people are getting sick in Thailand from people already in Thailand than from people entering, am I correct? If so, what are we doing here? I don't have those numbers by the way and would like to know them. Seems to me intuitively obvious.
  8. How about if you had to take the test in the airport, and if you failed to pass, you were hospitalized at a hospital of the government's choosing for an unclear amount of time in the middle of a vacation?
  9. What is the purpose of the PCR test? It does not protect the passengers, it does not seem to protect Thailand except for a small minority of edge cases. Meanwhile, the uncertainty these tests add definitely does put me off from leaving California in the Springtime to visit Bangkok and Phuket in the hot rainy seasons and clearly I'm not alone. So who is benefitting here? The same people that profited from the submarines?
  10. Maybe stop chasing away tourists with virtue signals around CoVid and make Thailand easy and fun to visit? I don't know, just a thought. Or borrow from international banks and submit to their demands, that's an option. Fun!
  11. No test needed AT ALL. What is the point? What is the test stopping from happening? Last I checked, Omicron is already in Thailand and spreading as rapidly as it does. All this does is make my vacation plans uncertain. So I don't make them. Tests == no tourists. They'll figure it out.
  12. The 1% number seems to me completely bizarre given the dynamics of infection with Omicron. If you allow a 1% infection rate, it might as well be 100%. And the WHO is a political organization so WHO knows which way the winds will blow day to day. So that's not about science, that's for sure. So as usual, all of this is about saving face at this point. The right thing to do is to open up travel to tourists, assuming you want them to come. Right now it still feels "NOT FUN". Tests are NOT FUN. Quarantines: NOT FUN. Therefore: no tourists. Easy!
  13. Why are you telling me this? I'm not asking for the latest figures, that's easily available, although you wouldn't know it by reading thaivisa or any other news source, all they talk about is case numbers, because those are big and scary and sell advertisements for their bloodsucking corporate masters. My point is that the mortality is not related to these ridiculous measures they have in place. Neither are the hospitalizations. Am I a wrong?
  14. Agreed, I should have said "serious complications."
  15. This fixation on cases instead of hospitalizations and deaths is wrong headed. Who cares if someone catches an OmiCold? What is important is whether or not it kills people right? If you keep your eye on the ball, you can see the real solution is much different than PCR tests in airports and regulations about alcohol during Songkran.
  16. You have all the evidence you need, your theory does not fit the facts. People are complaining not about exchange rates, but covid rules. I don't give a <deleted> about investors. Off topic.
  17. Maybe because nobody but you cares about that? I still find the exchange rate acceptable. It hasn't changed that much.
  18. Nope. The test before departure is not the problem. It's the quarantine threat that stops me. I'll wait until that's done.
  19. How about, does anyone in Thailand use Google? https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/why-chemical-castration-of-child-rapists-molesters-is-a-solution-that-ignores-realities/articleshow/49610231.cms
  20. correct. This does not ease my mind enough as a visitor to spend that $2000 on a trip. I can still test positive and end up in a Thai hospital against my will for what amounts to a common cold virus at this point. Still waiting, as will many or perhaps most other tourists. When its *easy and fun* we will come. Oh and by the way, Thailand is not the only country I am looking at. Why is that hard to understand? I don't go to Thailand for its wonderful bureaucracy and Covid policies. At least in the USA they won't arrest me if I test positive for CoVid. Thailand still does that, and still seems to have a "zero covid" dream going on.
  21. I can vouch for that. I'm in CA purely because of the uncertainty in booking a $2000 trip to Thailand.
  22. Ah, but the restrictions only apply to the worker class, as we have seen. So to the lawmakers, restrictions are a no-brainer. Stop complaining and get to work.
  23. Well, this is a board about Thailand, not Ukraine, so the perspective is from the effect on Thailand. I think the interesting perspective is yours, which completely matches the Western daily propaganda content.
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