You asked for examples of when price fixing worked, and I give you two of them. No doubt you were ignorant of these obvious examples or you wouldn't have asked for them. So now, you use three logical fallacies, namely special pleading[^1], moving the goal posts[^2] and the argument from authority[^3] as a way for you to weasel out of thinking what was it about these actions that worked in these circumstances and how they might apply to our circumstances of today.
Your dogma is showing and your "background in commerce" smells of BS. What exactly is this background since you insist on trotting it out? I could use a laugh listening to you brag about your career as a financial coach or your junior college economics class or your experience running a shoe store or perhaps picking stocks or whatever. Your ideas about economics amount to nothing but a credulous recitation of state TV propaganda about the Great US Empire and its marvels, combined with the usual entitlement and ignorance of world affairs. If you provide any evidence of the ability to think independently, I'd love to engage on a couple of ideas that I think refute your claims. Here they are.
First, socialism, I doubt you even know what that word means, do you? No doubt you are completely ignorant of this basic economic theory. Is your brain even capable of wrapping itself around the concept of worker's rights? Or do you just not care about workers except as to how they juice your stock market returns?
Second, calling the USA a "renowned free market society" is just plain ignorant of what the US is actually renowned for at the moment, namely war and greed. It's also ignorant of the meaning of the term "free market" in my view. In a free market, actors have equal information and power to choose. The actual system operating in the US is more accurately known as "crony capitalism" and you have to be blind to not see that. The government, media and military are all captured by industry which is a well-known step on the way to fascism. Socialism is the antidote, not the problem.
Since your vaguely referenced "background in commerce and ecomonics" did not include any training in logical thought, let me help you with some terms:
Please don't do these any more. And please don't spell "your" wrong anymore, it makes you look dumb.