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Everything posted by wealthychef

  1. Shake my head. All the people dying of alcohol-related causes, and the fixation is on marijuana. How many people have died from pot this year, compared to alcohol abuse? Alcohol is the winner hands down in terms of the deaths and damage it does to property, human health, morality, and the functioning of society. But of course the people who have never used it and know nothing of it want to ban it because they learned in church that drugs are bad, mmkay?
  2. yes, we all know how wise and just the RTP are, universally! That's the only explanation, it must be his own fault they mistreated him. (sarcasm alert)
  3. <sarcasm> This is shocking. I had always heard that Thai jails were very hospitable. </sarcasm>
  4. Websites on which we log in to post our idiotic ideas might be selling them. ????
  5. Wow, a lot of this is going around. I just got an email from another poor young lady in Nigeria who lost her suitcase and needs my help getting her back home too.
  6. Not if your social credit score is too low. That's the whole concern and one of the *overtly stated* purposes of it, is controlling how people spend their money because allowing them that freedom makes them too hard to control. And yes, it can happen in your country too.
  7. Even a pure democracy is undesirable in many ways. I'd say a more useful complaint is how corrupt a given government is. We need to measure this objectively, but I'd say just for one thing not allowing officials to personally financially profit from their position would be a good start.
  8. Two things can be true at the same time. Perhaps he is very attuned and his local village is extremely apolitical and at the same time the region as a whole is more radical and populist (bully for them I say).
  9. OK, but wouldn't it be better to decide this by voting than by some arcane technical procedure? I mean, lots of people disagree with you. Do their opinions just not count because you don't like Pheu Thai? The idea that if your opponent is bad enough it's OK to cheat them out of office is one that undermines any credible claim to democracy in my incredibly humble opinion.
  10. I would blame the reporters who deliberately titled their article to make it seem they were going to charge 1000 ฿ when they apparently never were going to. This kind of disinformation for profit is a hallmark of our hypercapitalist times in my view. (Honestly, I'm fun at parties, I promise!)
  11. Fair criticism! Yes, my mistake, sorry for any confusion... cheers. In my defense, the Title is still "blah blah Marijuana" so it's not really offtopic technically! If we want to get lawyerly... ;-).
  12. Can you name a politician from any party in any country on earth to whom these questions will not equally apply, from Putin to Biden to Lula to Ping to... ? It's trivial to point out that politicians are self-serving liars. The question is, what can be done about it? I wish I knew the answer.
  13. OK, I haven't seen weed in any pharmacies, truthfully. But the article says a pharmacy was the scene of the crime, so I'm extrapolating prices based on the weed shops here. Maybe I'm off base. I am not aware of any such law, where did you hear that? Many Bangkok weed shops I've been to are selling foreign strains explicitly, which of course doesn't mean it's legal. ????. I saw the same thing in Pattaya. Not sure about the islands, I only saw local weed on Ko Phi Phi.
  14. As a heavy user, let me assure you, weed can be addictive. https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/marijuana-addictive. And as I've pointed out above, the weed these guys are stealing is expensive. So there you go.
  15. Yes, if you consider quality. I can get 7g of premium weed "shake" in the USA for 1000 ฿ , or 140฿/g which is better than most of the local weed of far lesser quality I see here being sold for 250++ ฿/g
  16. Yeah, sure, that's for local thai weed, not the good stuff from California or other imports. Thai weed is still significantly less powerful than the imports. I can get weed here for like 100฿ per ounce if I want crappy stuff, I'm talking about what they are selling at pharmacies, since that's what's being discussed here.
  17. Not the good stuff. Right now good weed is 600 ฿/g, which is probably what they were stealing.
  18. Here is a more informative article that supports what you are saying but gives more context and doesn't seem so biased to me. https://www.webmd.com/schizophrenia/schizophrenia-marijuana-link. Their recommendations: It’s wise for teens to avoid marijuana or delay using it until they are adults. If you have schizophrenia, don’t use marijuana. If you have a family history of schizophrenia or other psychotic illness, avoid marijuana. If you are a caregiver for someone who has schizophrenia and uses marijuana, encourage them to quit.
  19. Fair point, you did say that and I agreed with your statement if you read my posts! ???? However, you were still wrong about the role of marijuana in violence for the reasons I stated. Basically, the only time marijuana seems to "make people violent" is when an underlying psychosis is triggered. This is not true for drugs like alcohol which can make people dangerous and violent completely out of the blue after just a few drinks. Marijuana is so much more mild that to even consider it here was ridiculous in my opinion.
  20. I wonder what that number actually is. Intuitively, I'd suppose you to be correct; they seem like raves to me. These parties involve mostly young, healthy adults(-ish), but I do recall someone getting electrocuted at one of these things recently due to their use of some stupid bubble machine or what-not. I would bet some people probably overdose on alcohol and ecstasy as well. Maybe even a weed overdose or two.
  21. Distinction without a difference: once the cortex develops, the concept of "cool" loses most of its attraction.
  22. Without incident you say? Um... you can just casually google to find out you are wrong about this.
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