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Everything posted by rumak

  1. i agree wholeheartedly ................ but most will not have the skill to learn themself , that is why they blindly follow others.
  2. This looks like the one i bought 2 years ago . Works good and no problems . Pretty darn good . My receipt says its a model Dyno D3 . I saw in person at Irontec shop in Chiangmai . Paid 19k baht ..... they delivered ( it is very heavy ) https://www.irontec.co/product/treadmill-duo/ note: the one shown here MIGHT be a model slightly smaller than the one I got ( looks similar but i remember there was one at showroom smaller than the one i chose )
  3. yes, i have YT premium ...... which is great with the no ads ( and only 179 baht/mo ) but.......... had it for a little over a year and now difficult to find decent stuff on it . I type in a movie on search, but more often than not its not on offer . would like to try something like pirate bay BUT always get ticked off trying to navigate the necessary steps (as well as a little paranoid 🙂
  4. it has commercials ? If so..... how intrusive are they ? ( every 5 minutes or ? )
  5. i like my girlfriends slurping noises .........😝
  6. If possible , can you copy that "certificate" ( without your personal info ) so I can see it ? I am thinking of using K bank as well .......... instead of bkk bank
  7. as Charlie H. opined............ the plaintiff seems to have some experience in these matters. Also, the farang is "careful" . Advice to others..... let the Mrs. do the paperwork and talking ( you can talk? adivse with her seperately) Building houses also , and a good contract signed with a good witness. So many problems are because we ( yes, even rumak) ..... rushed things
  8. yes.....good to have. Still, can say just helping you . And lots of thais call us boss. No contract with his name anywhere is what you are up against. BTW: WHO is bringing the suit ???? Him or the installing company? 🙂
  9. what i thought. do you have the text messages of your conversations and dealings with him ? BTW: No formal contract for a project your size can turn into a big problem . Not helpful now........ but something we all can learn from
  10. people, maybe some lawyer, are telling you all kinds of things. If indeed someone wants to help you ............ they would need to see the ACTION being taken against you, and for sure what type of suit ( criminal, civil , ??) . And then make inquiries from there directly at the court involved . THIS is where even a good and intelligent THAI friend can help ( not usually member of wifes family ... but maybe)
  11. aha .......... and i believe you said you have no proof that he is part of that company ? ( btw : work permits are NOT issued or monitored by immigration)
  12. if no proof of actually working ( photos, etc) .... then they can just say he helped with translation
  13. Most problems here are "won" by the person/combatant having the most power , or specifically , powers in the form of contacts / associations . If one thinks about it ........ that is pretty much the case everywhere. From what you have written, he want's nothing to do with working things out with you. The one thing missing here is WHY that is the case ( from his side) . Without hearing the other party's reasons none of us can guess the real motives for his action. Does someone here have lots of influence and want to get into someone elses problem? A very good and costly lawyer might be needed. OR ..... go it alone if you think they are bluffing you
  14. Question : When one asks for a ONE year statement from the bank ( bkk or Kasikorn) .... How does one specify from what date to what date ? If money in the bank method (800 k ) is immigration looking at date of last extension to the date applying for new extension ? ( mine is term acct, so no withdrawels )
  15. yes, the FL *** protocol would be a good start to read . I agree with what you have written . If someone has a lot of money there are a few places in the States with treatment facilities .
  16. only approved sources ....... certainly i do not think of google as a credible source , as they show sources based on their own algorithms . not what i would consider "fair and unbiased"
  17. Khun LA ..... Save the frogs ........ and ????? I am in that mindset as well . Surely on topic for anyone serious about looking for "alternative drugs" . Or better yet: alternative options for good health
  18. Yes, Yes, Yes ! At least read some opinions regarding statins (and cholesterol) from some other sources. Not quacks. Well researched doctors . Start with google "the great cholesterol myth" (there are other sources as well, but you need to search). note: the opinions of these doctors does not conform to the mainstreet government guidelines
  19. Is there a specific doctor or urologist you like (in CM) if I need to consult about gastro or urinary matters ? Its been ages since i have seen a doctor ..... though i go myself to check blood every year or so at a lab .
  20. I have started using Lazada more lately ( buy many NOW brand on iHerb, but wait time is longer , pills subjected to heat from travel, etc ) . The Mrs. is great at finding deals and discounts on Lazada. I already had saw palmeto 540 mg .... and yesterday ordered the pumpkin seed oil 1000 mg , Swanson brand, from Lazada. Thank you for sending YOUR dosage ( i am surprised, only once a day ) , but agree 100% that dosage must be determined individually.... and starting LOW is the smartest way . It is helpful to know (anecdotally) how others fare and how much they take. I will forego the Cialis at first . My blood pressure is on the low end, so i could take it if needed. We all want to avoid meds if possible, and also definitely surgeries . Stay well . (and btw , i live out by Finicky ... )
  21. would you mind giving the amounts and frequency/time of day that you use for the Saw Palmetto and Pumpkin seed oil ? I have yet to order the Pumpkin seed oil but i see can get Swanson brand quickly on Lazada........ though iHerb is a bit cheaper . Ten years sounds pretty good ! (pm me if you prefer) . Thanks !
  22. well, surely SHE must have felt lost at some time ....... when she lost her bearings 🙄
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