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Posts posted by Wanderer555

  1. 1 hour ago, steve187 said:

    lost control on a bend in the wet, so not his fault. - how was he to know vehicles slide in the wet on bends

    While true, I think it is more important to understand that if the 'House' had not been built on that particular corner, this sad event may never of happened...The house is clearly at fault here!


    My condolences to the families of those who lost there lives, and a speedy recovery to those who were injured

  2. 29 minutes ago, Ken said:

    I just tried also and got the same as you.  It worked this past Friday when I submitted the report and I got my confirmation number.  Will wait a bit before I make the trip to immigration.  Maybe it will be fixed by then.

    Depending on how difficult it is to get to immigration (2 hours for me), you might try calling them first. I had the same situation a few weeks ago, and they were able to complete the application in ten minutes with the confirmation number.  


    • Like 1
  3. What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?  
    (HRC - May 2013)


    Not a Trump fan, but given Putin's contempt for HRC, it is fair to say that any hacking by the Russians was equally an attempt to destroy Hillary Clinton as it an attempt to support Donald Trump...

    This is a point few in the media seem open to addressing.


  4. 10 hours ago, MarcelV said:

    I have lived and worked in Thailand for over 5 months now, but I still don't have a work permit. This means I cannot open a bank account, legally own a motorbike or get a driver license. It sucks but I have to deal with it. Every month I simply receive my pay check in cash. My international license will expire next month however, so perhaps I need to take the full course of driving lessons, exam etc. Sucks.

    Not sure why you cannot get these things. Shortly after arriving on a TR Visa, I opened a bank account (Bangkok Bank), and received both a car and motorcycle license with No Work Permit required. 

    As some have indicated, what you need to do will vary with location, for me this was having the local police issue a 'Certificate of Residence' (no charge).


  5. Given the previous server issues, it may be hard to really know what the problem is. This morning, on my Mac I left everything running, (even my AdBlocker) and it works ok. I just checked again and the site is working. Maybe try emptying your cache, or do a reboot? 


    UbonJoe has also provided an improved URL that includes a bit of script that might work for you.




    Good luck, and maybe just keep trying....


    • Like 1
  6. 20 minutes ago, varun said:

    I'm going to go against the tide here and say, NO, it would not be a red flag IF one or more of the below is true:


    The girl in question is:


    1) A non working girl

    2) She is divorced with children from a previous marriage with a Thai male

    3) She is single & recently burned from a previous relationship with a Thai male

    4) She's previously dated a farang, as a result of either 2/3 or both, and prefers to date farang men

    5) She's well-educated, well-traveled and is open to dating anyone, regardless of ethnicity as long as they're 'jaidee'


    I' daresay that a combination of the circumstances listed above would account for perhaps 90% of thai-farang relationships.


    The simple fact of the matter is that Thai males across the socioeconomic strata don't set the bar very high due to their apparent:


    - Laziness

    - Cheating

    - Drinking & gambling habits

    - Sense of entitlement due to excessive mollycoddling by their parents

    - Propensity for violence especially over trivial things

    An excellent post!

    my wife: #1,2,5

    her ex: 1,2,3,4,5...


    enter the American! LOL


    She is a lady who has her quirks & weaknesses just like all of us. Her kindness and spirit amazes me on a daily basis, and I feel fortunate to have her in my life.


  7. On 11/22/2016 at 0:29 PM, williamgeorgeallen said:

    probably less than 10% (rough guess) of thai woman work in bars or massage parlors but from what i have seen most of the westerners thai girlfriends come from a bar or massage background. i said most. many westerners deny this of course like it is something to be ashamed of. this leads to putting too much trust in their girlfriend which is where the problems start.

    it is in the culture where thais think it is polite to tell each other what they think they want you to hear. this of course means that most things they say need to be taken with a grain of salt.

    Maybe this is true of the Western-Thai couples you know, though my experience is different.

    Of the four couples I can think of that live closest to us, one lady is a long-time restaurant owner and classically trained chef (Europe), one is a language translator that met her husband in Belgium, one is a lawyer married to lawyer from the USA, and one is the local Asst. Amphoe (district officer). 


    So as you see, the generalization of most being former bar girls really does not carry in all circles...



  8. 15 hours ago, Ginkas said:

    Got the same problem, cannot print out anything!

    Click either "(PRINT)" buttons and it goes to a page showing

    "Website cannot display the page" and "HTTP 500"


    Have been approved but cannot get next date.

    HTTP error seems to indicate a problem with the server.


    Submitted at 9:30 this morning (6/Dec) and approved by 14:30.

    I am also having the same problem with printing the 'Next Appointment' page, and yes most likely a server or coding issue. I will call Immigration and see what they suggest.

  9. Attempting to kills the birds with poison would be ineffective as new birds will just move in to replace the dead ones, and a really sad inhumane action. The birds are there because something is attracting them. This could be a food source, shelter or water. Remove these or limit there access to the same and they will move elsewhere, well maybe not all, but some will relocate. Figure why they are there, and then take a more direct and humane action...

    ex: We have many small sparrows in the area that love to nest in our doubled roof overhangs. Closing these areas with a bit of wire mesh helps prevent them from nesting and making a mess.



  10. 21 hours ago, Martinpeter said:

    I did my 90 day report online on Wednesday evening (7pm) went through ok.


    But still shows pending? still today? am


    seems a long time clearing this? any problems? system!



    The site was offline earlier this week, and it seems some applications were just sitting there. 

    I submitted mine on Monday AM and received a TRN and Barcode at the time, but as of Friday 10AM, the application had still not been approved. My wife called Sakon Nakhon Immigration and asked them about it. The officer asked what day it was submitted, and that he would go online and approve ASAP. he did not even ask my name, TRN or similar, but assured her it would be taken care of. 


    We checked about 10 minutes later, and the application was now show approved! I am thinking there is still a bottleneck with the server, and maybe notices are not getting forwarded to the respective immigration offices.


    The prompt attention of the IO saved us a trip over the mountain to submit the application in person, and immigration having to deal with a frustrated Farang and his very direct Thai wife.
    Good outcome for all, and a big Thank You to Sakon Nakhon Immigration for their prompt and professional service.


  11. Many things will work including the above plastic twine. If your graft is already covered with plastic etc, you can try a bit of paper masking tape. For small grafts, I have sliced the tape in half lengthwise while on the roll to get 1/4"  wide tape. Just take a razor knife and run it around the roll penetrating a few layers, then peel and stick.


    It is not as flexible as grafting tape, but it does work.  You might also try to get some floral tape from a local florist. 


  12. 37 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Just tried it and the site for hotels to report guests that are both on the extranet and get this message for both of them.

    Navigation to the webpage was canceled

    Thanks Joe, it looks like a server issue of some type, and maybe related to my accessing the Immigration server from Kalasin as Tango974 reports it is working from Chiang Mai.


    I will wait a bit and see what happens...

  13. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Doing stuff makes no difference. I did that, but the only response I got ( via my wife ) was that they didn't ask me to do it, and didn't see any need to thank me. I'm sure they would have loved me if I gave over the readies, till they ran out,

    This may be true in some families, and given their response to me at times, it was something I wondered about myself, but I was proved wrong.

    As an example, a couple of months after arriving I offered to refinish a teak table the FIL uses when he meets with clients in his home, (he is a lawyer, and a truly solid caring individual). A few weeks later, the table was returned to them looking better than new, (a proper multi-coat varnish finish), and was received with a very muted 'thank you'.

    A month or so later, my wife informed me that both her father and mother now saw the table as a source of pride and while showing it off to clients and personal visitors, often mentioning how their son in-law, a foreigner, did it for them.


    At the end of the day, they were very thankful, but they just show it in a different way than we do in the west...


  14. It is fair to say that there is no perfect solution to this...

    Assuming this is a real event and not troll bait, my thoughts include


    Make sure he is respectful, provides a proper Wai to the parents without the expectation it will be returned,

    wear clean neat clothes but not too fancy, and expect the GF to act completely different than in 'normal life'.


    I agree the cell phone may be a bit over the top, so maybe think about some local favorite foods with the raw beef w/ spices (forget the Thai name) being a possible winner, a bottle of Johnnie Walker Red might also help to smooth things over a bit.


    For me, the first meeting was somewhat anti-climatic and since then the FIL and I get along great, I make sure to bring him a nice bottle of red wine on occasion, (his favorite drink) and beyond that he really just wants me to treat his daughter well.


    Overall, your friend should himself, keep the expectations low, but do anticipate a conversation regarding a wedding, money and similar. :)

  15. On 11/17/2016 at 8:12 AM, alant said:

    whats a green manure crop?

    Green manure is the term used to describe crops such as Sun Hemp, that are grown for the express purpose of tilling them back into the soil to add nitrogen (it is a fertilizer) from plants that absorb a lot of nitrogen when they are growing, and to increase the amount of organic matter in the soil. The organic matter helps to in making the soil loose, increases the number or beneficial microbes in the soil and more. Many soils in Thailand are heavy, with lots of clay, do not drain well and after years of growing the same crops (rice) the soils are depleted.


    Chemical fertilizers/pesticides create kill off many the beneficial microbes, so adding green manure is a great way of improving the soil. The problem here is that in the dry season many need irrigation water and it is not available to many farmers.




  16. 23 hours ago, lungnorm said:

    So pedantic

    You are entitled to your opinion, and while I typically do not comment on spelling errors made by others in the forum, I do hold those self-identifying as a news organization, (source: Daily News) to a higher standard than the general public.

    After looking at other posts you have made on this forum, and given the quality and tone of those remarks, I find little benefit in placing value in your statement.

    Examples per lungnorm:
    "Ther is no such thing as a peaceful muslim",  "Its people like you that will be responsible for the eventual take over of the world by the barbaric muzrats.", 



  17. 9 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    1. Colombian burglars caught on overstay

    2. BANGKOK: -- Two Colombian men

    3. The Colombians were handed over

    What was your point, if any?



    The original article stated the men were 'Columbian', a misspelling of the name of the country of 'Colombia'.  It now appears that the error was corrected. 

    Your confusion over my remark is understandable, and this type of confusion is why many news organizations will include a note at top of the story to explain their correction to the headline. This is an especially important requirement in the realm of digital media, and our ability to continually update or corrected previously published material.

    While mistakes do happen and differences in grammar exist, I do feel 'journalists' should at the very least provide the correct spelling for names of countries and other well known entities.



  18. 32 minutes ago, luk AJ said:

    Indeed, so should the water not be further away iso closer?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    yes and no... :)

    It will be further away (low tide) in some areas, and higher in others, (high tide)

    The distance a tide travels shoreward is directly related to the height of the tide. Tidal forces can be amplified or diminished by local geographical features but are still dependent on the distance of the Moon to the Earth, and its relative position throughout its orbit. 

    This page from NOAA might help a bit, (http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/kits/tides/tides03_gravity.html)

    In the Fiji Islands, Nigali Passage Gau Island is a small inlet to a lagoon that on an outgoing tide, the tidal current actually starts to run towards the shore after a larger passage to the north lowers the water level in the lagoon, thus creating a siphon effect... Also makes for great viewing of the local shark population!


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