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Posts posted by Wanderer555

  1. On 6/6/2018 at 1:40 PM, Sheryl said:

    Just seeing this post, and thank you very much for the information. 
    I will contact his office.

  2. On 5/29/2018 at 11:28 AM, Lumbini said:

    What other medications are you currently on as one on as one of my good friends and also a family member just received the diagnosis of Parkinson's ? Why do you think the prevalence of this disease has increased so much in last few years as is the case with so many cognitive diseases ? Thanks for your post and it's encouraging to see someone who has not changed dosage of a pain med in so long who is still getting the same benefit . Also what have you heard or experienced about Parkinson's care and treatment in Thailand as there may be many who want to leave the US if the medical cost are a challenge and they don't have health insurance.





    My apologies for the delayed reply, very busy for awhile. 

    Yes, it does appear that diseases such as Parkinson’s are increasing and I feel it is due to our modern lifestyle with chronic stress & chemical overload being major factors. 

    Currently I am taking Madopar(levodopa), Tramadol and a muscle relaxant. I also take mucuna pruriens as a levodopa supplement (natural form) as it seems to be a softer but effective medication. 

    In the past, I was taking a prescription cocktail of 6-7 different meds each day with the side effects worse than the disease. 

    Since then I have changed my lifestyle to a slower life, with exercise and clean food both playing a role in my daily quality of life. 

    I find the Parkinson’s care in Thailand to be a lower level of care than the USA, but do not let it stop me from living here, but am still searching for a good movement disorder specialist. 

    I live in Udon Thani and receive adequate care from a neurologist but am currently looking in BKK or Chiang Mai for a specialist. 

     Young Onset Parkinson’s is a bit different than traditional onset Parkinson’s so the age of your friend and family member is a factor. I wish them both the best and can say healthy living, exercise and careful management of my medications has been effective for me. 


  3. On 4/30/2018 at 8:55 AM, Lumbini said:


    See a Dr. , that's almost funny emoji37.png

    Why ? So they can prescribe more pills ? Don't mean to be disrespectful but isn't it Dr.'s and drug companies that have created the problem especially in the US and other places all over the world with the opioid and antidepressant epidemic and so many other disease management tactics with pills and quick fixes instead of getting to the roots of real health care .





    While it is true that Big Pharma has a history of pushing addictive drugs in the pursuit of profits, for many individuals the root cause of their pain cannot currently be cured. This results in the medical community attempting to improve the quality of life for these individuals the managing the symptoms.
    This includes using opiates or synthetic opiates like tramadol to help with daily life. The addictive properties of Tramadol appears to vary with the individual, with some finding it highly addictive and others easily tolerating it and finding the drug useful in relief of pain over the course of many years.

    Personally, I was diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson's Disease at age 44, and after trying medications for pain relief, many with bad side effects, my USA Specialist switched me to Tramadol.
    I have been taking 50-75 mg per day to help manage muscle pain (a major symptom of Parkinson's) for 9 years now without any major side effects while providing moderate pain relief. Concerned with its potential addictive effects, 2 times per year, I cycle off it for 5-7 days and have never had any adverse problems.


    While a serious drug, when managed properly, its use can be a big game changer in the quality of life for many patients and I would ask you consider this before making such generalized statements, as this does nothing to improve the health of those who face serious health issues.











  4. I have found the following at Globalhouse

    - Wide workbroom (32") :   (with household items)                     

    - Wheelbarrow:   (outside in front of the store)                                          
    - Western-style Flat and Round Shovels:  (garden supply area)                                       


    Still looking for Water-based enamel paint and quality garden hose (5/8" or 3/4").




  5. 5 hours ago, Thailand J said:

    Some ATM issuer, for example Charles Schwab reimburses ATM fees so it'll cost nothing. Some ATM machines ( Bank of China?) do not charge a fee. So Using ATM can be expensive or it can be free.


    To move $2500 as the way you do will generate a fee of 500B+ every month: US$10 for NY Bangkok Bank plus 200B here . You may have other reasons to do so, but it is expensive and unnecessary for others.



    Yes, I agree it can be a bit more expensive than other routes including Transferwise.

    The most cost-effective method seems to be to use my Charles Schwab account to transfer money from my main US Bank to my Charles Schwab free checking account, use the C. Schwab ATM card to withdraw funds at a Thai ATM, ( International ATM fees are reimbursed), and then deposit those funds into my Bangkok Bank account. 

    I use the Bangkok Bank account to pay many of my Thailand based bills such as rent etc and enjoy the convenience of doing it online.

    At the end of the day, transferring directly from my bank to Bangkok Bank cost a little more but it is quick and easy, and sometimes I prefer that over saving a few baht and messing with multiple bank transactions... but always open to exploring new methods.


  6. 3 hours ago, mat999 said:

    Thanks Wanderer. Now thats what I call scenery, beautiful photos.:smile:

    Thanks Mat,

    The Wat Phu Tok images were taken on my iPhone, with the Phu Sing being an internet photo
    (no original source), could not find my Phu Sing photos on the phone... 

    Both locations are best viewed early or late in the day.  Phu Sing is orientated towards the East so morning is best there, with Wat Phu Tok being good both early morning and early evening.

    I am now waiting for the rainy season to start to return and take some new images with a proper camera... 



    • Like 1
  7. 16 hours ago, elviajero said:

    That doesn’t make any sense. How much is supposed to be in the account?

    If using the 'Income Verification' method no funds are required to be placed in a Thai Bank account.

    Just a guess, but some IO's may ask for proof Thai bank account to verify you have the ability to transfer your foreign income to Thailand on a regular basis. I have an 'Extension of Stay based on Retirement', both the Sakon Nakhon and Udon Thani offices have never inquired about having a bank account.

    For me, the Thai bank account makes life here a bit easier. Depending on where your income originates, it is often cheaper to have a bank account here and do an electronic transfer from your home bank account. I use my Thailand Bangkok Bank account number and transfer to it directly from my US bank. 
    The transfer routes through the New York Bangkok Bank branch and directly into my account here in Thailand. Takes 3 day and costs 3 USD. 

  8. Good day,

    My Thai GF has a current USA Tourist Visa (10 year), and has previously traveled to the USA for 3 weeks from Switzerland while married to a Swiss National.
    She has traveled to other countries in Europe and Asia and has a current Thai Passport. She now lives in Thailand full-time and I would like her to join me on a trip to the
    USA later this year to visit my family, (I am a US National) and show her new areas of the country. We plan to stay 2 weeks, and she will a return ticket to Thailand upon arrival in the USA.


    Personally, I have lived in Thailand full-time for 3 years on a Retirement Visa.


    My question is should she have any issues clearing US Immigration as a tourist, and what advice can be given as to the purpose of her visit etc?

    Should she mention her relationship to me in her travel plans if questioned while clearing Immigration at the airport?

    Any direct experience or advice is greatly appreciated.

    Thank You.


  9. 9 minutes ago, tingtongtourist said:

    so excuse, but to do this must be outside source of income?

    or can send yourself the monthly amount from your other bank account back home?

    As an American, I can use any periodic income source, and the income is not required to be transferred to Thailand.
    I have verifiable income from a few sources, and usually just transfer enough for my typical monthly expenses.

    I have been told other countries have different requirements as determined by their individual agreements with the Thai government.

  10. 1 minute ago, tingtongtourist said:

    not sure buf I understand if even you are married but dont wanna lock up 400k in a bank you must do every 3 months

    Monthly income method.....

    For a Retirement Extension, I believe it is 64,000 Baht/month verified by your Embassy.
    For a Non-O Marriage visa extension, I think it is 34,000 baht/month.

    I use the Income Method as I can make more money keeping the 800,000.00 Baht in a US account than it costs me for the Income Verification letter each year.

  11. 20 hours ago, tingtongtourist said:

    I say Brits are ok if alone. If they in a group well thats a other story.

    Americans, they mostly loud all the time and a new tourist is worst.


    If they been here a while probably not so loud but they spoil themself by being  a

    big "know-all"

    dont get me start oh the king kong JI joes and ex miliatary CIA guys


    Additionally,  many are polite, thoughtful well-educated gentlemen, but it very location dependent. 

    • Like 1
  12. On 3/6/2018 at 5:58 AM, Justfine said:

    Is it the Brits or the Americans who are loud?



    It would seem that there are loud, obnoxious, and opinionated people from almost
     every country...  

    Conversely, there are some very nice, genuine people from all countries.

    • Like 2
  13. Hello,

    I recenty completed the 2-year to 5-year conversion in Udon Thani for both car and motorbike.


    They required

    1. 2 year temporary  Drivers license(s)

    2. Passport copies (2) *one for each license

    3. Original Passport

    4. Certificate of Residence (2) *one for each license


    After submitting the documents, it took maybe 15 minutes to process, then a few minutes to have my picture taken and the new cards printed.  I think it was around 200baht per license


    The Certificates of Residence (2ea) were produced by Udon Thani Immigration and took maybe 15 minutes total. Each office will have their own requirements, I recommend contacting your local Immigration office to determine what documentation you will need. There was a 500baht service fee for instant service (much cheaper than a trip to the embassy) and the staff were excellent.


    As with all submissions to a government entity have your documents in order prior to arriving and be prepared for the uexpected with addtional copies, or supporting documentation.



  14. 17 hours ago, elviajero said:

    Because 'the rules' ask for income not earnings.


    Income is universally considered to be the amount received after tax.


    Taxable earnings of 65K (gross) do not equal an income of 65K (net), which is the requirement.


    As 'the rules' don't ask for the applicant to specify whether the amount declared is gross or net, I think it's better not to state either if the actual net income is less than 65K.


    It depends on the status of the earnings. 

    I have 'earnings' that are tax-free with my 'income' matching the 'earnings',

    though my situation is unique and mot earnings are taxed at a given percentage


  15. Index Living Mall on the Eastern side of the Ring Road is a good place to start. Large selection and good discounts.
    You can also try HomePro - they have a few independent shops in the front of the store. 

    HomePro is very close to Index on the same side of the highway.


  16. 3 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

    If you going from UT to mukdahan you could visit Lam pao dam in kalasin and the little lady will likely love the water. But like a beach but it's a dam. Nice spot to spend 3 hours relaxing. Avoid the rip off restaurants open nearby and get a picnic basket prepped. 


    I agree, take the backroads (Hwy 2 > Hwy 2023 ) from Udon Thani to Somdet and along the way stop at the Lam Pao Dam, and also visit the Sirindhorn Dinosaur Museum. A Google search should give you the details for both.


    This route is actually the shortest way to drive between Udon Thani and Mukdahan. 



  17. "The White House acknowledges the disconnect between the economy's health and the public's beliefs about what the president achieved. "


    The writer is obviously providing a very narrow and biased report on the state of the US economy, and why a significant portion of the US electorate voted for Trump.


    The article completely fails to address the issues of wage stagnation, ( for many, the hourly scale is  the same or less than 30 years ago) , and many people having to work two or more part-time jobs due to ObamaCare policies.


    Additionally, the many formally good jobs such as the 'Trades' are now going to illegal aliens, (at lower wages) with the low paying service sector jobs now the most abundant (hence one reason for the improved unemployment numbers), and then add in the rising costs of housing, education, food and more, and you have a recipe for great unrest.


    Even the bright spot of 'Tech' is in trouble with many jobs being outsourced overseas or given to H1B foreign workers.


    All combined, these factors create a situation where many in the middle class are being pushed in low income brackets with increased anxiety about the future.


    Also not addressed in the article is the almost $20 trillion national debt, that has essentially doubled during the Obama administration. Think 'Time-Bomb' for the future...


    Many of the above started to occur long before Obama, but little has been done to slow the decline of the middle class and much done to further entrapment them into debt-based economy.


    This is not the same country I grew up in...

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