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Posts posted by Wanderer555

  1. Typically on a 'Roof tile to Headwall' install, you would have a run of sheetmetal flashing that lays on top of the tiles and extends up the wall. This should be sealed on the top of the sheetmetal where it meet the wall with roof cement or another small piece of sheetmetal to protect against water pushing into the joint. The lower side over the roofing tiles is typically left open to allow any water that may get under the flashing to have an easy path to drain out.

    I would recommend doing a search for 'roof flashing' and the checkout the images on the various methods used to do what you want to accomplish.


  2. Hello Chrisiom,

    Your desire to help them learn English is admirable, though in the Kalasin area, this may prove to be very difficult. The number of competent English speakers in Kalasin province is very low, with some having a basic understanding of the spoken word but not having the ability to reply in English. What I find is that many know some of the words, but they lack the confidence to actually speak in English.

    My Fiancé, who is from Somdet, (43 km from Kalasin) has the best English skills I have yet encountered in the area, and better than most others even in Bangkok. She has advanced skills that comes from extensive self-study after she completed the regular course of studies in school and while attending a private university in Bangkok.

    Her son, who attends a private school here in Somdet and has taken one year of private English lessons, is improving but the level of education being provided is marginal at best, and we have recently discontinued the private lessons due to the low quality of the education being provided.

    My Thai is very poor, (I am learning...), so we mostly speak English with the Fiancé translating as required, and this has significantly improved his skills in a very short period of time.

    As others have said, it might be up to you to help improve the English skills of your family. When the school semester starts, I will be working with her son to improve both my Thai and his English by using his English studies as a common platform. Additionally, her brother, who is a local Mayor with a Masters degree has also asked me to help him...

    While writing this reply, I remembered that once while we were having lunch at Cafe Frozen, (by the lake), the owner's daughter served us and had good English skills. My Fiancé later told me she attended an International school, hence the quality of her English. You might check to see if she or another student might be available to tutor -- Just a thought!

    Good luck,


  3. Try Global House.
    I purchased one there a few months ago (not sure of the price), a bit wider and with shorter bristles. Made in China, sturdy and works great. At the Kalasin Global House, it was in the brooms/ mops section on the upper shelf. I had to get it myself...


  4. I cannot find the reference right now, but have read as others have stated that,

    1. If both countries are signatories to the 1949 Geneva Convention, and the home country license is in English, then not International Drivers Permit is
    required. I think the key factor here is that the 'Home' license be in English.

    2. Certificates of Residence are available on a tourist permit, I have received two certificates in the past few months while on TR visa.

    3. The Thai Drivers license (2 year) is available to those on a tourist visa, though maybe not worth it if just visiting for less than 3 months at a time.


  5. Art of any kind! The great thing about art is that you do not have to be an expert to do it, just enjoy and explore!

    Painting, drawing, sculpture etc can all be accomplished with a low budget and just a tad of creativity...

    I have been a working artist (as a job), doing sculpture, mixed-media, photography for over two decades, and have seen many take up art

    as a hobby later in life and excel in their efforts. There are now many sources of instruction on the internet, (youTube etc) with practice being

    a large factor in your success.

    If this interests you, you may even find some others in your local area that also like to do some type of art and it can make for a great social outlet.



  6. Hello,

    Later this week I will make my first Nong Khai border run, and would like to get a Laos visa at the consulate in Khon Kaen.
    I am familiar with the location of the bridge in NK, and will be driving there with my Thai GF, who will cross with me. She has a passport, speaks Thai, English and Lao. We plan to park the car at the bridge (North side?), then exit and return mid Monday morning (0900).

    I am assuming I will need the following documents:

    1. Passport w/ six months validity & a valid Thai visa to return (3rd entry on a TR Visa - enter by Feb. 3, 2016 )

    2. Passport Photo(s)

    3. Visa Fee ($1600.00 Bhat)

    4. Application form (at consulate)

    Do I need one or two passport photos?

    I also plan to complete my Laos departure & entry card prior to arriving Nong Khai.

    I understand the consulate is now on Hwy. 12, north of the center of Khon Kaen. Can someone please provide a good physical location for me, as other descriptions were not clear to me as I am not very familiar with Khon Kaen.

    As this the first NK border run, I would appreciate any other words of advice you may have.

    Thanks, Troy

  7. While we can all agree that reducing the number of plastic bags used can have a positive impact on the environment, both for wildlife and a reduction in the use of petroleum products, for many developing nations such as Thailand, the real benefit will come from the increased awareness of the environment, climate change and the ability to impact it through personal actions.

    Truly addressing Climate Change will take cultural in thinking and how we lead our daily lives. In the US, we once had horrible problems with litter being strewn everywhere, and now some 40+ years later after the 'Keep our Highways Clean' campaign and similar the situation is greatly improved.

    I support any effort to increase awareness of the environment and how it relates to our personal quality of life, and would hope that others may see the value in also supporting these efforts.



  8. The agricultural situation in Thailand, with low value crops, small family holdings and a traditional workforce, is in someways similar to the the Hawaiian islands dilemma when Big Sugar exited some 25 years ago and left the local workforce without a viable source of agricultural based income. A partial solution there was to break the larger tracks of sugar cane land into smaller holdings that were then farmed by small groups with a focus on intensive farming and higher value crops such as organic greens, and other vegetables.

    With the growing awareness & demand among the Thai's for healthy pesticide free vegetables, and the advances in technology that can help make small holdings profitable, I can envision that in time there is a solution to the problem. This would be in the form of intensively farmed small holdings that are organic and use techniques such as vertical farming and shade structures to help increase yields and produce consistently high-quality crops without the energy, water and other overhead costs associated with traditional farming thus improving the net profit for the local farmer.

    This effort would benefit from governmental assistance, but at the end of the day it will only come from a re-education of the farming community to see the value of these types of farms. This transition is similar to what the Western World has gone through in the past 50 plus years as we transitioned away from agriculture to technology.

    Easy, no, possible I say yes....



  9. Hello Andrew,

    To determine what is required to obtain a 'Thai Drivers License' will be based on what license(s) your friend currently holds and where the friend will go to apply for the license. For a foreigner there are some basic requirements that must be met such a residency certificate, copies of passport, original license and similar.

    These topics are well covered on the internet, and as some requirements and the process will change based on geographic location,

    I would suggest a basic search with a focus on what area the license will be applied for in.

    Having just completed the process myself last week, I will share my experience with the Kalasin Provincial Land Transportation Office.

    I hold a US State of Colorado Drivers license for a car only with an International Drivers Permit , additionally I am a US Passport holder in Thailand on a Tourist Visa. My goal was to receive the Thailand Car Drivers license and the Thailand Motorcycle License.

    The Thai system for licenses is a bit different than the US, as each license is considered a separate document and must be applied for separately, with two cards being issued - one for each license.

    To apply, I brought the following:

    1. Original Drivers License & International Drivers Permit

    2. Residency Certificate (Proof of Address) : Obtained at the local police station-
    3 days to complete, document was hand-delivered to my home at no charge!

    3. Passport w/visa and departure card

    4. Medical Certificate: obtained at the local clinic: 30 minutes to prepare, and cost 50 Bhat.

    5. Copies of some of the above documents such as passport photo page, visa, etc

    6. *** Translator in the form of my Thai GF: If she was not there it would of been near to
    impossible to complete the process.***

    Application Process:

    1. Drivers License: Because I hold a valid Foreign license, Thailand will issue you a Temporary License (2 yr) with no test. This required the following:

    a. Submit the application, and required documents

    b. Take eye exam and depth perception test
    c. Pay fee 205 Bhat

    d. Take picture for license

    e. Wait for license to be printed

    We arrived at 1030AM on a Monday morning and were able to complete the above within 90 mins.

    2. Motorcycle License: No US motorcycle license so the process is different, and includes training with both a written and driving test.

    a. Submit the application and required documents (Day 1 - Monday)

    b. Classroom Training - 5 hours of video based training (English Subtitles) (Day 2 - Tuesday)

    c. Written Test: Computer based in English, 50 questions (Day 3 - Wed AM)

    d. Driving Test: Basic driving skills test, 10 mins (Day 3 - Wed PM)
    e. Pay fee - 105 Bhat

    f. Take Picture

    g. Wait for license to be printed

    We arrived at 9am for written test and I was done in about 1 hour, returning in the afternoon for driving test and photo- completed in about 1.5 hours


    a. The Thai staff we very serious about ALL applicants taking the training, and passing both tests.

    b. The training and tests are given on separate days, which meant a two day minimum to apply, train and test.

    c. The training video was helpful, but would not allow one to pass the test without outside preparation.

    d. The test was in English and easy with prior preparation, ( I scored 50/50 on my first attempt, and even got a thumbs up from the proctor!)

    e. To prepare for the test see this interactive online test (http://thaidriving.info/) - It made passing the test very easy.

    f. The driving test was basic, and given my scooter was 45km away, I was able to rent a scooter on-site for 50 Bhat.

    Overall the process was ok, though as mentioned, without my Thai girlfriend who speaks good English and is a very organized and proper mid-level government worker, it would of been quite difficult at this location.

    The staff as the location were generally good, though one wanted me to have my International Drivers Permit translated as another private location - which after further discussion with my GF he changed his mind. Another staff member suggested we go to the Kalasin University for the training and test (only 400 BHAT!), we declined and proceeded to do the regular process.

    *** I understand there are new laws coming into effect next year, and that the training and testing will both be expanded. While a good development for all of Thailand, it may make the process more difficult for those without a foreign license.

    I hope this helps, Cheers!


  10. I recently opened a savings account at Bangkok Bank in Kalasin with no hassles while on a tourist visa. They did ask my GF for someone from the community to vouch for me. They suggested that her brother,( a local mayor), or other person or standing in the community be asked. Her brother could not get there in time, so she had a girlfriend that is high ranking come down and the account was opened with no issues.

    In other transactions, they have been very helpful and professional in all their efforts to assist me.

    As others have remarked each branch is different, with main branches not shopping mall branches appearing to be the best option.


  11. Savannakhet makes it very difficult to get a single entry non-o for being 50 or over. They want a letter confirming you are are retired from the embassy plus financial proof.

    Vientiane will do one without a problem but you will need the income affidavit from the embassy. You could get the affidavit and attach a copy of it to the visa application and show them the original. You could then use the original to apply for the extension.

    Thanks for the info.

    Savannakhet is much closer to where I live, so I am hoping to use them where possible. (150km vs 250km).

    I will have to give them a call, but do you think that my official 'Benefit Letter' from my retirement association (government pension office), copies of monthly bank deposits along with monthly retirement check statements would suffice as 'Financial Proof'? I have a rock solid retirement for many years now (Retired Professional Firefighter from California), so providing the paperwork will be quite easy.

    Thanks again

  12. You cannot get a multiple entry non-o visa for being 50 or over in Savannakhet. They do not do them.

    Good day,

    Does Savannakhet issue single non-O's for being over 50?

    If so, is financial proof required for the visa?

    If required, do I need to get an income affidavit from the U.S embassy or will other docs suffice for the visa? Going to the US Embassy in BKK is more of a hassle to me than traveling to Laos, and I am hoping to keep things as 'efficient' as possible... I do understand I will need the income affidavit when I do the 'extension of stay for retirement'

    I have a permanent income of over 65,000 Bhat per month, (with evidence via letter from retirement association and monthly retirement check statements). Will this work?

    If Savannakhet does not issue the single Non-O for over 50, I will then go to Vientiane. What will be the proof of income requirements there?

    Thanks for the information!


  13. Good day,

    In the next few weeks, I will be looking to obtain a Thai drivers license and have a few questions that someone may be able to assist me with. I am a U.S citizen currently on a tourist visa, (Non-O early next year) and live in Somdet. I will be going to the Kalasin DLT for the license using my currently U.S. DL.

    1. Can I get a Thai DL with a Tourist Visa?

    2. Residence Certificate: There seems to be some variance on where to go to get the Res Cert. Do I go to Sakon Nakhon Immigration (85km) or can I get a letter from the local police station? If not, do I go to the US embassy?

    3. If the Res Cert is obtained from Immigration, is there still an unofficial 500 bhat fee? If so, do I get the Cert in one day?

    Overall, not to worried about the actual process once I get to the DTL, just trying to figure out where to start and minimize the travel time and expense to get this done.

    Thanks for the assistance,


  14. After that polite talk, she has never talked/ called again. My son and me? We didn't see each other for some time. It wasn't possible and honestly it broke my heart. After some time, when the situation was more peaceful, I always found a way to reach out to him, by phone or a quick visit to his school during break time. In the little time we had, I always told him that I am here in Thailand for him when he needs me and that he always can call me.

    After a few years, he started calling me. We see each other weekly now.

    It might be fearful to leave, but if you cant work it out together, it might be the best step. She might threaten you and what so ever, but as long as you keep contact with your son, through telephone, he will never forget his father and is always coming back to you. Maybe not in the short run, but as time passes by.


    Excellent advice! I have lived through a similar scenario, and though it took many years, my son and I now have a great relationship. He is also old enough to now understand the realties of the situation, and that my actions were the lesser of two evils, and to only protect him from greater trauma.

    My experience was in the USA and not Thailand, so yes this is problem without borders...


  15. i was in a similar situation before. worked hard, have salary, but actually never had it. Money disappeared in a couple of days for all kind of reasons. I stayed because I did love her and my son too. The problems and with that stress and negativism came in with our son in the middle of all the fights. I took my bag and actually walked out, leaving her behind and returned back home for a while.

    I only paid monthly an amount for my son, but he didn't get it and paid for his school fees. The rest of daily care I left with her.

    Truth is, the box of anger exploded, I changed my phone number, moved to another apartment and started a new life. Then she started stalking my new partner, until she was sick of listening to her dramas and told her the truth that she had to put her act together and started living today instead of always digging up the past. (in polite Thai). This did wonders. Respect for an older Thai (9 years older) by a younger Thai plus losing big face.

    After that polite talk, she has never talked/ called again. My son and me? We didn't see each other for some time. It wasn't possible and honestly it broke my heart. After some time, when the situation was more peaceful, I always found a way to reach out to him, by phone or a quick visit to his school during break time. In the little time we had, I always told him that I am here in Thailand for him when he needs me and that he always can call me.

    After a few years, he started calling me. We see each other weekly now.

    It might be fearful to leave, but if you cant work it out together, it might be the best step. She might threaten you and what so ever, but as long as you keep contact with your son, through telephone, he will never forget his father and is always coming back to you. Maybe not in the short run, but as time passes by.


  16. A how long would it take for a water boat fire truck take to reach the scene of a fire on the high sea ? Answer - hours and then too late. Complete nonsense.

    When properly deployed, a fire boat adds a tremendous amount of firefighting power to any Marine / Shipboard firefighting operation.

    A small vessel (38' LOA) such as the one described could be quite effective for combatting fires on fishing vessels, yachts,large vessels, providing exposure protection of threatened vessels by putting a water screen between the vessel on fire and others in danger. They have also been used to attack shore-based fires, pumping out flooded areas near shore and more...

    In regards to offshore fires, in the past, I have responded to shipboard fires that took up to three days to arrive on scene including one where we were airlifted out of Miami International Airport on Sept 14, 2001 (3 days after the attack on the World Trade Center). They opened the airport up for us to depart on a Soviet era cargo plane that dropped us at the Dominican Republic where we then went by small boats to the ship that was underway with an active cargo-hold fire that was being barely controlled by closing the main deck hatch.

    Off-Shore is an entirely different animal in both manpower and resources required to mitigate such disasters.

    I hope the new boat is a success and helps improve the marine safety of such a heavily travelled region.



  17. The design will determine the best technique to create the work as you have envisioned it.

    The need to make a mold is largely dependent on the design of the piece. If the work can be formed from flat stock (sheetmetal and rod etc), then it could be assembled

    using solder techniques. Though quicker, this technique limits the final design and does not allow for as much customization as the lost wax or 3D printing techniques.

    A good silversmith can doe great work with flat stock, though it may take longer than the same work done in Lost Wax.

    If the work is intricate and has an organic or flowing design it is usually best created using the lost wax process. The design is first created in wax that allows the jeweler to make many changes, carve the work and finish the wax to achieve the final design. The wax master is then used to create a mold and the final piece is cast from the mold.

    The final price will be determined by the total quantity of metal used and the labor involved to create the work.

    If the work is intricate and/ or organic in design, it may be possible to make it from flat stock though the increased time needed to achieve the final design and the loss of metal from additional forming may offset any savings. The Lost Wax process is the most common technique used as it is reliable and produces the best results. The work is typically a single piece of metal that is durable and does not have any traces left of the soldering and assembly process.

    At the end of the day, the cost of 2500 Baht could be very reasonable, with the final factor being are you happy with the result?




    Working Artist
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